


1. 如果動詞為不及物動詞或被動語態,尋找句中該動詞的主語,根據主謂的意義搭配關係確定答案。

2. 如果動詞為主動語態的及物動詞,則主要應尋找句中該動詞的賓語,根據動賓的語義搭配關係,一般也能非常有效地確定正確答案。

3. 對於通過“主-謂”,“動-賓”關係的判斷尚無法確定答案的,如是及物動詞,可同時根據其主語及賓語的特點來進行判斷。

4. 如是不及物動詞,則可同時根據其主語及狀語修飾語來進行判斷。

5. 除了動詞與主、賓及狀語的搭配之外,六級考題中還有相當一部分動詞辭彙題可通過空檔後與動詞搭配的介詞來確定。

6. 還有一類動詞題,如考生對某些動詞的句型搭配(verb pattern)比較熟悉的話,則也可以非常容易地根據其常用句型搭配來選取答案。


例1.mike just discovered that his passport had_____three months ago.

a. abolished b. expired c. ended d. constrained


例2.although there are occasional outbreaks of gunfire, we can report that the rebellion has in the main been_____.

a. canceled b. destroyed c. suppressed d. restrained

本題找到了主語“the rebellion”(起義、暴動),即可知答案為c(被鎮壓)。

例3.since the two countries couldn’t_____their differences,they decided to stop their negotiations.

a. rectify b. oblige c. reconcile d. obscure

本例中,由賓語their differences(分歧),即可知答案為 c. reconcile (調和、調解)。

例4.when people are asked what kind of housing they need or want, the question_____a variety of answers.

a. defies b. magnifies c. mediates d. evokes

本題中,僅根據賓語a variety of answers或主語the question,則無法確定該選哪個動詞,但三者結合起來考慮,答案 d. evokes 便顯而易見。

例5.on turning the corner, we saw the road_____steeply.

a. departing b. depressing c. decreasing d. descending

例中,由主語road,再加上後續副詞steeply即可明確答案為 d. descending.

例6.all individuals are required to_____to the laws made by their governments.

a. obey b. conform c. comply d. observe


例7.his argument does not suggest that mankind can_____to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.

a. resort b. grant c. afford d. entitle

題中四個動詞的常用句型分別是:resort to (doing) sth.; grant(同意給予)sb. sth.或grant(承認) sb. that 從句;afford (to do) sth.和entitle sb.to (do) sth.由此可知答案必然為c。

例8.he would it that his son took a livelier interest in politics.

a. see into b. see through c. see about d. see to

根據題乾空缺後的it that…,考生立刻就能想到有關動詞see 有see (to it) that這一句型搭配,故答案為d。



1. 根據前面的動詞來確定需選的名詞。

2. 如果選擇項的名詞在句中處於主語的位置,則可根據後面的謂語動詞來判斷正確答案。

3. 如果空檔處的名詞前有定語修飾,則常可僅根據該修飾搭配關係確定正確答案。

4. 有時,也可根據所選名詞的後續修飾搭配關係來確定正確答案,這類後續修飾成分包括一般的介詞短語或定語從句等。

5. 有時,後續的介詞是與名詞的固定搭配。這時確定哪個是正確答案就更為容易。

6. 還有的時候,名詞的後續修飾成份是某些名詞特有的動詞不定式短語或同位語從句。

7. 有些名詞題涉及與該名詞有關的成語,是某一固定成語的一部分,考生只要熟悉該成語,選取答案非常簡單。

例1.i think that i committed a_____in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.

a. blunder b. revenge c. reproach d. scandal

本題的四個選項中,只有 a. blunder能與動詞commit搭配。又如下例中與動詞make搭配的只有 d. distinction。

例2.we should make a clear____between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.

a. separation b. discrimination c. deviation d. distinction

例3.the west is traditionally the land of the pioneers and the cowboys where____could be easily made in cattle or land.

a. fortunes b. property c. opportunities d. treasure

本例中,正確答案為 a. fortunes與作謂語的could be made構成搭配,意為“發大財,賺大錢”。

例4.stop shouting. i can’t hear the football____.

a. judgement b. interpretation c. commentary d. explanation

本題中,根據football即可選 c. commentary,意為“足球比賽的解說”。

例5.in the spring export commodities fair the____of fine china attracted much attention of customers from all over the world.

a. succession b. array c. string d. procession

題中,根據of fine china(瓷器),當選 b. array為正確答案,表示“一大批排放整齊的精製瓷器”;而 a. succession表示“一個緊跟著一個的一列”;c. string表示“一串”;d. procession則表示“隊伍的一列”。

例6.some fish have a greater____for acid water than others.

a. tolerance b. resistance c. dependence d. persistence

題中四個名詞分別有各自特定的介詞搭配:tolerance for、resistance to、dependence on和persistence in,由此即可知答案為a。

例7.it is very strange but i had an____that the plane would crash.

a. inspiration b. intuition c. imagination d. incentive


例8.they tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour, but still could make____of them.

a. impression b. comprehension c. meaning d. sense

題中make sense of 是一成語,意為“弄懂、理解”,雖然b. comprehension和c. meaning的有“理解”、“意思”等義,但都不與make搭配,不能選。



1. 如果空缺處形容詞位於名詞前作定語,則可根據該名詞來確定需選的形容詞。

2. 如果空缺處形容詞充當句子表語,則它所修飾的名詞即為句子的主語,當根據作主語的名詞來確定正確答案。

3. 有時,形容詞題也可根據其後面的介詞搭配或特殊句型來確定正確答案。

例1.some criminals were printing____dollar bills until they were arrested.

a. decent b. fake c. patent d. suspicious

這裡,用以修飾dollar bills 的只有b. fake(假的、偽造的)。

例2.some children display an____curiosity about every new thing they encounter.

a. incredible b. infectious c. incompatible d. inaccessible


例3.his body temperature has been____for 3 days,the highest point reaching 40.5℃.


本題中主語“body temperature(體溫)”,只有“正常——normal”與“不正常——abnormal”之分,故正確答案非常明顯,為c。

例4.some studies confirmed that this kind of eye disease was____in tropical countries.


本題中,與空缺處相對的主語是this kind of eye disease,可知答案只能是b.prevalent(流行的),而不可能是“預期的(a)”、“挑釁/逗的(c)”或“永恆的(d)”。

例5.although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more____to light than are human eyes.


本例中,根據to light即可知答案為c.sensitive(對光敏感的)。





例1.some people either____avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutral about them.



例2.these areas rely on____agriculture almost,having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.


本題中,四個副詞“分別地”、“異乎尋常地”、“不可思議地”和“惟一地”之中,只有d修飾rely on比較合適。

例3.although the national government has introduces some new laws on this subject, it is the state governments that are____responsible for pollution control.


同樣,本題中應當是“由政府主要負責污染的控制”,即答案為b。 a.“精確地”、c.“漸進地”和d.“初步地”均不能修飾“負責”。



1.the terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plane in athens,set to____when it arrived in new york.

a.go offb.get offc.come offd.carry off

本題選項為短詞動詞,在句法功能上為不及物動詞,根據其邏輯主語a bomb,可知答案為 a.go off(爆炸)。

2.attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were____.

a.in no wayb.on the contraryc.at a lossd.of no avail

本例中四個選項為介詞短語,根據句法功能作表語,相當於形容詞,根據其對應的主語“attempts”可知答案為d.of no avail(徒勞的)。



例1.the younger person’s attraction to stereos cannot be explained only liarity with technology.

a.in quest ofb.by means ofc.in terms ofd.by virtue of
