
  1 烹調方式 cooking method

fried... 煎... deep fried... 炸(乾炸)...
quick-fried/stir-fried... (爆)炒... braised... 燉(燒)...
stewed... 悶(燉、煨)... steamed... 蒸...
smoked... 熏... roast... 烤...
grilled... 烤... crisp... 香酥...
spicy... 麻辣... caramelized... 拔絲...
toffee... 拔絲... dices... ...丁
mashed... ...餡、泥
...in brown sauce 紅燒... ...in soy sauce 醬汁...
...in hot sauce 乾燒... ...in tomato sauce 茄汁...
...in black bean sauce 豆瓣... ...in rice wine 糟溜...
...with fish flavor 魚香... ...with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋...
...in soup 汆... ...shreds ...絲
...slices ...片 ...cubes ...塊

2 調味品 condiments

table salt 食鹽 sugar 白糖 cheese 乳酪/乾酪
vinegar 醋 butter 黃油 pepper 胡椒
soy sauce 醬油 cream 奶油 curry 咖哩
mustard 芥茉 tomato sauce 蕃茄醬 honey 蜂蜜
gravy 肉汁 jam 果醬 cube sugar 方糖
ginger 姜 garlic 大蒜 shallot 大蔥
mayonnaise 蛋黃醬 sweet soybean paste 甜麵醬

3 湯類 soup
clear soup/thin soup/consomme 清湯 pottage/thick soup 濃湯
broth 肉湯 beef soup 牛肉湯
tomato soup 西紅柿湯 cabbage soup 洋白菜湯
vegetable soup 菜湯 chicken soup 雞湯
creamed chicken soup 奶油雞湯 fish and tomato soup 紅魚湯
creamed ham soup 奶油火腿湯 beef balls soup 牛肉丸子湯
creamed prawn soup 奶油蝦湯 beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜湯
creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜湯 hot and sour soup 酸辣湯
minced chicken and corn pottage 雞茸粟米湯 curry chicken soup 咖哩雞湯

4 主食 staple food
中餐主食chinese food
rice gruel/porridge 大米粥 millet gruel 小米粥
steamed bun/steamed bread 饅頭 steamed twisted roll 花捲
meat pie 餡餅 pancake 煎餅
meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子 dumpling 餃子
wonton/dumpling soup 餛飩 noodles 麵條
sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 擔擔麵 fried noodles 炒麵
stretched noodles 拉麵 noodles with soup 湯麵
noodles with soybean paste 炸醬麵 beef noodles 牛肉麵
spring roll/egg roll 春卷 rice noodles 米線
sweet dumpling 元宵 egg fried rice 蛋炒飯
deep-fried dough sticks 油條 soybean milk 豆漿
muffin 松糕/餅 cruller 油餅

西餐主食western food
bread 麵包 toast 烤麵包/土司
rye bread 黑麥麵包 bun 小圓麵包
hamburger 漢堡包 bacon cheeseburger 臘肉乳酪漢堡包
sandwich 三明治 tuna sandwich 鮪魚三明治
hotdog 熱狗 biscuits/crackers/cookies 餅乾
pancake 烤餅/薄餅 pizza 比薩餅
meat-pie 肉餡餅
barley gruel 大麥粥 oatmeal 燕麥粥
french fries 炸薯條 pudding 布丁
macaroni 通心麵 spaghetti 意大利麵條

5 主菜 entrees
西餐主菜western entrees
beef steak 牛排 (rare) 半熟的(牛排)
roast beef 烤牛排 (medium-rare) 適中偏生的(牛排)
curry beef 咖哩牛排 (medium) 適中的(牛排)
real cutlet/veal chop 小牛排 (medium-well done) 適中偏熟的(牛排)
roast veal 烤小牛排 (well done) 熟透的(牛排)
spiced beef 五香牛排 braised beef 燜牛排
roast mutton 烤羊肉 lamb chop 羊排
porp chop 豬排 sliced ham 火腿片
roast turkey 烤火雞 roast chicken 烤油雞
curried chicken 咖哩雞 roast duck 烤鴨
smoked carp 熏鯉魚 sardine 沙丁魚
fried fish 炸魚 fried eggs 煎雞蛋
boiled eggs 煮雞蛋 poached eggs 荷包蛋
omelet/omelette 攤雞蛋/蛋卷 pickled cucumber 酸黃瓜
salad 色拉 salad dressing 色拉醬
chicken salad 雞色拉 french 法式(色拉醬)
vegebable salad 素菜色拉 italian 義大利式(色拉醬)
ham salad 火腿色拉 blue cheese 藍乳酪式(色拉醬)
russian 俄式(色拉醬)
backed potato 烤土豆 mashed potato 土豆泥

中餐主菜chinese dishes
bean curb 豆腐 beansprouts 豆芽
steamed chicken 清蒸雞 braised chicken 燜雞
beijing roast duck 北京烤鴨 preserved eggs 松花蛋
braised pork 紅燒扣肉 red-cooked pork 紅燒肉
sweet-sour pork 糖醋肉 broiled beef slices 烤牛肉片
chop suey 炒雜碎 stir-fried liver 炒豬肝
sweet-and-sour fish 糖醋魚 meat balls 肉丸子
fried prawns 炸大蝦 steamed turtle 燉甲魚

6 甜點 dessert
cake 蛋糕 cream cake 奶油蛋糕
ice-cream 冰淇淋 pie 餡餅
vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋 shortcake 鬆餅
chocolate ice-cream 朱古力冰淇淋 tart 果餡餅
strawberry ice-cream 草霉冰淇淋 apple pie 蘋果餡餅
ice sucker 冰棍 jello 冰糕
pastry 點心 yam 甜薯
sweet potato 番薯 raisin 葡萄乾

7 酒水 drinks
軟飲料非酒精飲料 soft drinks/beverages
coffee 咖啡 black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡/清咖啡
decaffeinated coffee 無咖啡因的咖啡 white coffee 牛奶咖啡
coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡 instant coffee 速溶咖啡
plain coffee 純咖啡 milk 牛奶
tea 茶 green tea 綠茶
black tea 紅茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶
tea bags 袋泡茶 yogurt 優酪乳
cocacola/coke/cocoa 可口可樂 7-up 七喜
pepsi cola 百事可樂 diet pepsi 無糖百事可樂
sprite 雪碧 fruit juice 水果汁
lemonade 檸檬汁 orangeade 桔子汁
mineral water 礦泉水 soda water 汽水
fresh orange juice 鮮桔子汁 fruit punch 水果混合飲料
beer 啤酒 light beer 淡啤酒
draught beer 扎啤
開胃酒 aperitive/apertif
wine 低度酒/葡萄酒 white wine 白葡萄酒
red wine/port 紅葡萄酒/紅酒 sherry 雪利酒
champagne 香檳酒 cocktail 雞尾酒
non-alcoholic cocktail 無酒精雞尾酒 martini 馬丁尼雞尾酒
punch 潘趣酒 vermouth 苦艾酒酒/苦艾酒
rose liquor 玫瑰酒 cider 蘋果酒
烈性酒 liquor/spirit
whisky 威士忌 brandy 白蘭地
scotch 蘇格蘭威士忌 vodka 伏特

小菜 appetizer

白切豬腿 sliced boiled pork diaphragm $3.95
白切腮幇肉 sliced boiled pork cheek meat $3.95
台南白切大腸 tainan sliced boiled chitterling $3.95
台南白切魷魚 tainan sliced boiled squid $3.95
白切豬心 sliced boiled pig heart $3.95
台南白切鵝肉 tainan chopped goose meat $6.95
鹵豬腳 simmered pig feet $3.50
滷牛肚 simmered beef tripe $2.50
滷牛腱 simmered beef shank $2.95
台南鹵豬耳 tainan simmered pig ears $1.50
台南滷豆乾 tainan simmered bean curd $1.50
台南鹵海帶 tainan simmered seaweed $1.50
台南滷蛋 tainan simmered egg $1.00
涼拌小黃瓜 "house special" cucumber $1.75
脆荀 chili bamboo shoots $1.75
白切生腸 slices boiled pork uteri $3.95
白切口頭肉 slices boiled pork tongue $3.95

小吃 snacks

彰化肉圓 tainan steamed meat ball $2.50
台南碗粿 tainan glutinous rice with mean in bowl $2.50
台南刈包 taiwanese hamburger $2.50
台南燒肉粽 tainan glutinous rice wrapped with bamboo leaves $2.50
台南筒仔糕 tainan rice cake cooked in barrel $2.50
台南炸豆腐 tainan deep fried to-fu $2.75
台南雞卷 tainan deep fried ground pork onion roll $2.75
台南臭豆腐 tainan deep fried stinky tofu $3.25
台南豬血糕 tainan rice cake steamed with pork blood $3.50
台南糯米大腸 tainan sweet rice stuffed in pork chitterling $3.75
台南甜不辣 tainan fried tempura $3.75
台南黑輪 tainan tempura combination $3.75
台南蚵仔煎 tainan oyster pan cake $4.25
台南蝦仁煎 tainan shrimp pan cake $4.50
鹽酥雞 "house special" fried spicy chicken breast $4.75
台南招牌肉餅 tainan house special "tainan" meat cake $4.50
美味秋刀魚 bake pine markele $3.25
台南煎蘿蔔糕 tainan pan fried daikon cake $3.25
香煎白帶魚 fried belt fish $3.50
炸花枝丸 fried octopus ball $3.75
炸大腸 deep fried chitterling $4.50
炸雞腿 deep fried chicken drumstick $3.25
炸排骨 deep fried pork chop $3.25

湯 soup

台南貢丸湯 tainan meat ball soup $1.95
台南魚丸湯 tainan fish ball soup $1.95
四色丸湯 combination ball soup $2.50
扁食湯 wonton sop $2.95
台南肉羹湯 tainan pork potage soup $3.25
台南魷魚羹湯 tainan squid potage soup $3.75
台南四神湯 tainan four flavor herb soup $3.25
下水湯 chicken gizzard and liver soup $3.25
蘿蔔排骨湯 daikon & sparerib soup $3.50
芋頭排骨湯 fried taro and sparerib soup $3.75
竹筍排骨湯 bamboo shoots and sparerib soup $3.75
金針排骨湯 lily flower and sparerib soup $3.75
苦瓜排骨湯 bitter mellon and sparerib soup $3.75
台南當歸鴨湯 tainan "don que" duck soup $4.50
/ 面線 /vermicelli $5.50
台南麻油土雞湯 tainan sesame oil, wine chicken soup $4.95
/ 面線 /vermicelli $5.95
台南酸菜肚片湯 tainan preserved vegetable with pig stomach soup $3.75
台南大腸豬血湯 tainan preserved vegetable, pork blood and chitterling soup $3.75
台南紅燒牛肉湯 tainan "house special" beef soup $3.75
腰花清湯 pork kidney soup $4.50
全酒豬肝湯 pork liver with wine soup $4.50
/ 面線 /vermicelli $5.50
全酒腰花湯 pork kidney with wine soup $5.25
/ 面線 /vermicelli $6.25
全酒雞腰湯 cooked testicle soup $6.00
/ 面線 /vermicelli $7.00
菠菜豬肝湯 pork liver w/ spinach soup $3.75
客家鹹湯圓 dumpling soup $3.95
全酒腰花豬肝湯 pork kidney and liver w/ wine soup $5.75
/ 面線 / vermicelli $6.75

熱炒 pan fried

炒時菜 sautéed seasonal vegetable $4.25
炒腰花 sautéed pork kidney with sesame oil $6.95
炒豬肝 sautéed pork liver with sesame oil $6.50
炒雞腰 sautéed cock testicle with sesame oil $6.50
炒豬血 sautéed pork blood $6.00
劍筍炒肉絲 sautéed pork with bamboo shoot $6.25
台南酸菜炒大腸 tainan preserved vegetable with chitterling $6.50
酸菜炒豬肚 preserved vegetable with pork stomach $6.50
生炒花枝 sautéed octopus $6.95
筍乾扣肉 bamboo shoot with roast pork $6.50
香酥魷香 house special fried squid $6.95
九層塔炒魚肚 sautéed fish belly with basil $7.95
台式五更腸旺 chitterling in pot taiwanese style $7.95
台南椒鹽蝦 tainan shrimp with pepper and salt $7.95
台南三杯雞 tainan "house special" chicken in pot $7.95
台南三杯小卷 tainan "house special" squid in pot $7.95
台南沙茶牛肉/羊肉 tainan sautéed beef or lamb w/ bbq sauce $7.95
孜然牛/羊肉 preserved vegetable beef or lamb with cumin sauce $7.95
扁魚白菜鹵 preserved vegetable dr fish and napa in pot $5.95
九層塔炒螺肉 sautéed periwinkle with basil $7.95
蔭豉蚵 sautéed oyster with special sauce $7.95
炒粽合 (腰花、豬肝) sautéed pork kidney and liver with sesame oil $7.95
美味雙珍 sautéed chicken gizzard and liver $7.95
蚵仔酥 deep fried oyster $6.95

飯 rice/ fried rice

台南知高飯 tainan "g ko" pork with rice $3.50
台南肉燥飯 tainan ground pork & mushroom with rice $2.95
台南雞腿飯 tainan chicken drumstick with rice $3.95
台南排骨飯 tainan fried pork-chop with rice $3.95
肉絲蛋炒飯 pork and egg fried rice $4.25
火腿蛋炒飯 ham and egg fried rice $4.25
香腸蛋炒飯 "house special" sausage and egg fried rice $4.50
蛋包飯 omelet rice $4.50
台南什錦燴飯 tainan chief combination rice with gravy $4.50
台南蝦仁蛋炒飯 tainan shrimp and egg fried rice $4.50
海鮮粥 seafood congee $4.25
什錦炒飯 chief combination fried rice $4.50
乾麵/炒麵/米粉 dry noodle/chow mein/rice noodle
台南切仔乾麵/米粉 tainan "check-r" dry noodle/rice noodle $2.95
台南肉燥乾麵/米粉 tainan ground pork with mushroom dry noodle/rice noodle $2.95
台南切仔乾粿條/米苔目 tainan "check-r" dry wide rice noodle/rice noodle $3.50
台南招牌涼麵 tainan ground pork and mushroom wide rice $3.50
台南炸醬麵 tainan noodle with spicy bean sauce $3.50
台南肉絲炒麵/米粉 tainan pork chow mein / rice noodle $3.75
台南什錦炒麵/米粉 tainan chief combination chow mein /rice noodle $4.25
台南沙茶炒麵 tainan "sha-cha" chow mein $4.50
台南鱔魚面 tainan sautéed eel noodle $5.95
台南大腸米粉湯 tainan rice noodle with chitterling $3.50
台南大腸面線 tainan stew vermicelli with chitterling $3.50
台南蚵仔面線 tainan stew vermicelli with oyster $3.95
台南切仔面/切仔米粉 tainan "check-r" noodle / rice noodle $2.95
台南擔仔麵/擔仔米粉 tainan "peddler" noodle / rice noodle $3.50
台南切仔粿條/切仔米苔目 tainan "check-r" wide rice noodle / rice stick noodle $3.50
台南擔仔麵/擔仔米苔目 tainan "peddler" wide rice noodle / rice stick noodle $3.95
台南貢丸冬粉 tainan meat ball with transparent vermicelli $3.25
台南扁食湯麵/米粉 tainan wonton noodle / rice noodle $3.50
台南肉羹麵/米粉/飯 tainan pork potage noodle / rice noodle / rice $3.95
鴨肉冬粉/米粉 duck meat with transparent vermicelli / rice noodle $4.25
魷魚羹面/米粉/飯 squid potage noodle / rice noodle / rice $4.50
豬肝煮麵/米粉 pork liver with noodle / rice noodle $4.25
台南榨菜肉絲麵 tainan preserved vegetable & meat with noodle/rice noodle $4.25
豬腳面/面線 pork feet noodle / vermicelli $4.25
台南什錦煮麵/米粉 tainan chief combination noodle / rice noodle $4.50
台南鍋燒烏龍麵 tainan udon noodle in pot $4.50
芋頭排骨冬粉 fried taro & sparerib with transparent vermicelli $4.50
肉絲煮麵 pork noodle / rice noodle $4.25
炒年糕 sautéed rice cake with pork $4.50

素食 vegetarian

素麵/米粉/飯 vegetarian fried noodle / rice noodle/ rice $4.50
素湯麵/米粉 vegetarian noodle / rice noodle $4.50

冷飲 drinks

台南泡沫紅茶 tainan ice tea $2.00
台南泡沫奶茶 tainan ice milk tea $2.00
台南冰咖啡 tainan ice coffee $2.00
台南鴛鴦奶茶 tainan ice coffee and milk tea $2.00
台南波霸奶茶 tainan ice tea with tapioca $2.75
台南波霸咖啡 tainan ice milk coffee with tapioca $2.75
台南波霸鴛鴦 tainan ice coffee with milk tea with tapioca $2.75
汽水 soda $1.00
啤酒 beer $2.50

冷菜 cold appetizers

紹興醉雞 wine chicken
poached chicken, marinated in shaoxing wine sauce 6.75
嵩山素雞 vegetarian chicken
tofu skin wraps served with ginger and scallions sauce 6.75
江南熏魚 shanghai smoked fish
fried fish slices glazed with sweet ginger sauce 6.75
鎮江餚肉 savory pork aspic 6.75
五香牛肉 five spice beef 6.75
涼拌蜇皮 jelly fish tossed with scallion oil 6.75
鹽水鴨 poached chilled duck with pepper corn 6.75
生菜雞沙拉 shanghai style chicken salad 6.75
沙葛核桃沙拉 jicama salad with candied walnuts and red cabbage 6.75

熱 菜 hot appetizers

小籠包 shanghai juicy steamed buns (8) thin skinned, pork filled with ginger ( allow12 minutes) 4.50
生煎鍋貼 pot stickers (8) 4.50
素鍋貼 vegetable pot stickers (8) 4.50
春卷 spring rolls (4) 4.00
糖烤子魚 honey glazed phoenix tail fish 6.75
麻辣豆魚 spicy vegetarian fish fried tofu skin rolls served with spicy garlic sauce 6.25
紅油炒手 spicy won tons (10) 4.50
湯 及 砂 鍋 soup & clay pot soup
醃篤鮮湯 shanghai pot-au-feu rich flavorful broth, simmered for hours with pork ribs, ham, tofu skin knots and winter bamboo shoots 7.50
三鮮鍋巴湯 seafood sizzling rice soup 7.00
黃魚羹 shanghai king fish chowder 7.00
火腿冬瓜湯 winter melon and ham soup 7.00
酸辣湯 hot and sour soup 5.00
餛吞湯 won ton soup 5.00
雞茸玉米羹 chicken and cream corn chowder 6.00
西湖牛肉羹 west lake chowder minced beef, crabmeat, egg drop and chinese parsley 6.00
雞絲魚翅羹 chicken shark‘s fin soup (for two) 15.00
蟹肉魚翅羹 crabmeat shar‘s fin soup (for two) 16.00
獅子頭砂鍋 lion‘s head clay pot pork meatballs in rich broth with chinese cabbage and cellophane noodles 9.00/13.00
醃篤鮮砂鍋 shanghai pot-au-feu rich flavorful broth, simmered for hours with pork ribs, ham, tofu skin knots and winter bamboo shoots in clay pot 13.00/18.00
什錦砂鍋 seafood & meat clay pot 8.50/12.00
白菜豆腐砂鍋 cabbage clay pot 7.00/10.00
酸白菜川丸子砂鍋 sour cabbage & poached meat balls clay pot 8.50/12.00

海 鮮 seafood

乾燒蝦 / 干貝 hot braised prawns or scallops rich flavorful broth, simmered for hours with pork ribs, ham, tofu skin knots and winter bamboo shoots 9.00
紹溜蝦 prawns in shaoxing wine prawns sauteed with tree ear mushrooms and tossed in shaoxing wine sauce 9.00
乾烹蝦 garlic fried prawns prawns lightly fried, tossed with chili flakes, garlic and scallions 9.00
宮保蝦 / 干貝 kung pao prawns or scallops prawns or scallops stir-fried with bamboo shoots, peanuts and chili peppers 9.00
清炒蝦仁 baby shrimps sauteed baby shrimps, lightly stir-fried, topped with shredded scallions 12.00
豆苗蝦仁 baby shrimps with pea greens 12.00
魚香蝦 / 干貝 prawns or scallops in garlic sauce foil baked prawns or scallops in rich spicy garlic sauce with tree ear mushrooms and baby corn 9.00
豆豉蝦 / 干貝 prawns or scallops in black bean sauce prawns or scallops stir-fried in black bean sauce with onions and sweet bell peppers 9.00
鐵板蝦 iron platter prawns prawns stir-fried with baby corn, broccoli, straw mushrooms, and served on hot iron platter with julienne onions 9.50
檬辣蝦 garlic lemon prawns prawns lightly fried, tossed in lemon sauce with garlic and chili flakes 9.00
宮保鮮尤 kung pao calamari fresh calamari stir-fried with bamboo shoots, peanuts and dry chili peppers 8.50
酸白菜辣尤魚 spicy calamari with sour chinese cabbage 8.50
蝦子烏參 sea cucumbers with shrimp roe fine quality sea cucumbers braised with shrimp roe in luscious brown sauce 11.00
紅燒烏參 sea cucumbers with pork 11.00
五更海鮮 seafood fire pot prawns, scallops, calamari, fish fillets and clams stir-fried with pickled mustard greens and soft tofu in chili garlic sauce, serve in fire pot 11.00
鮮菇鱔糊 eel with shiitake mushrooms in heated garlic oil 11.00
韭黃鱔糊 eel with yellow garlic chives with heated garlic oil 11.00
生炒魚片 fish fillet with vegetables 8.00
醋溜魚片 sweet and sour fish fillets 8.00
豉汁炒蜆 clams with black bean sauce 8.50
九層塔炒蜆 clams with fresh basil 9.00
豆酥雪魚 poached sable fish with garlic crisp 17.00
豆瓣全魚 spicy fish in doe bon sauce with garlic seasonal
松鼠全魚 crispy sweet and sour fish seasonal
湖南脆皮全魚 hunan crispy fish fresh whole fish deep fried until crispy, topped with spicy sweet garlic sauce seasonal
清蒸全魚 steamed fish seasonal
鯰魚兩吃 two-dish cat fish live catfish prepared in two different dishes of your choice (ask your waiter for suggestions) seasonal
各式螃蟹 live crab choice of styles: shanghai bean sauce; spicy garlic fried; steamed; ginger and scallion sauce; creamy foo yung sauce or black bean sauce seasonal
各式龍蝦 live lobster choice of styles: ginger and scallion sauce; shaoxing wine sauce; or braised in light stock seasonal

家禽 fowl

宮保雞丁 kung pao chicken diced chicken stir-fried with peanuts, bamboo shoots and chili pepper 6.50
檸檬雞 lemon chicken deep-fried chicken breast topped with lemon sauce 7.50
豆豉雞丁 black bean sauce chicken 6.50
杏仁/腰果雞丁 almond or cashew chicken 6.50
鐵板雞丁 iron platter chicken diced chicken stir-fried with baby corn, broccoli, straw mushrooms and served on hot iron platter with julienne onions 7.50
陳皮雞 spicy orange chicken chicken cooked over high heat, tossed in spicy tangy sauce with orange peel, garlic and chili peppers 7.50
麻辣雞片 spicy pepper chicken chicken breast fillet stir-fried with bamboo shoot tips, green & red bell peppers in spicy szechwan pepper sauce 7.50
炒雞蝦片 spicy hunan chicken and shrimps 8.75
姜蔥雞片 chicken & ginger with straw mushrooms 7.50
鮮菇雞絲 shredded chicken with fresh black mushrooms 8.50
小煎雞米 sauteed minced chicken minced chicken breasts, marinated and stir-fried lightly with scallions & chili flakes 8.00
五香脆皮雞 aromatic chicken (half or whole) fresh chicken, poached in five spice broth, lightly fried and served with shrimp chips 7.50/14.00
香酥鴨 shanghai pepper duck (half or whole) fresh duck steamed with szechwan peppers, ginger and scallions until tender, lightly fried and served with plum sauce and steamed bread 10.00/19.00
北京鴨 peking duck 24.00
京蔥扒鴨 braised duck with roasted scallions (half or whole) 11.00/20.00
 豬 肉 pork

紅燒獅子頭 lion‘s head meat balls pork meatballs lightly fried then steamed with ginger and scallions and served over a bed of baby greens with reduced meat juice 8.50
木須肉 moo shu pork (4 pan cakes) 7.00
蔥烤排骨 tender pork ribs with roasted scallions meaty pork ribs braised until very tender in pork stock with roasted scallion. 8.50
無錫排骨 shanghai spareribs meaty pork ribs braised in luscious brown sauce until tender, served over a bed of spinach 8.50
雪菜百葉肉絲 pickled greens with pork shredded pork and tofu skin stir-fried with pickled greens, a delightful shanghai specialty 7.00
豆乾肉絲 pork and pressed bean curds shredded pork and pressed tofu, stir-fried with chili and scallions 7.00
韭黃豆乾肉絲 pork and pressed bean curds with garlic chives shredded pork and pressed tofu, stir-fried with garlic chives 8.50
五更腸旺 pork intestines fire pot pork intestines with salted mustard greens, soft tofu in chili and garlic sauce 8.00
梅菜扣肉 steamed pork belly with preserved greens 7.00
糖醋排骨 sweet and sour pork ribs 8.50
湖南臘肉 hunan smoked pork with leeks 8.00

牛 / 羊 beef & lamb

蔥爆牛/羊肉 scallion beef or lamb 7.50/8.50
姜蔥牛/羊肉 ginger beef or lamb 7.50/8.50
蒙古牛/羊肉 mongolian beef or lamb 7.50/8.50
陳皮牛肉 spicy orange beef beef cooked over high heat, tossed in spicy tangy sauce with orange peel, garlic and chili pepper 9.00
鐵板牛/羊肉 iron platter beef or lamb sliced beef or lamb stir-fried with baby corn, straw mushrooms and served on heated iron platter with fresh julienne onions 8.50/9.50
麻辣牛/羊肉 spicy pepper beef or lamb sliced beef or lamb stir-fried with bamboo shoot tips, green and red bell peppers and tossed in spicy szechwan pepper sauce 7.50/8.50
蚝油牛/羊肉 oyster sauce beef or lamb 7.50/8.50
爆炒雙片 hunan beef and chicken sliced beef and chicken breast, seared over high flame with fresh vegetables in a special hunan sauce 8.00
九層塔牛/羊肉 spicy beef or lamb with fresh basil juicy beef or lamb slices stir-fried with fresh basil, garlic and chili pepper 8.00/9.00
蔬菜 vegetables & vegetarian
冬菇豆腐 braised bean curds with black mushrooms 7.00
麻婆豆腐 spicy bean curds soft bean curds sauteed with minced pork, chili, garlic and scallion 6.00
素什錦 stir-fried mixed vegetables fresh broccoli, snow peas, carrots and mushrooms & seasonal vegetables 6.50
中式素什錦 shanghai stewed vegetables mixture of tofu products stewed together with potatoes, black mushrooms, carrots, bamboo shoots and snow peas 7.50
冬菇菜心 baby greens with black mushrooms 7.00
菠菜百葉 stir-fried spinach and tofu skin 6.50
雪菜百葉毛豆 shanghai vegetarian blend a delicate mixture of pickled greens, tofu skin and fresh soy beans 7.00
乾煸四季豆 dry sauteed string beans dry fried string beans tossed with minced pork, dried shrimps, preserved vegetables and scallions 6.50
魚香茄子 spicy eggplant eggplant stir-fried with minced pork, garlic and chili sauce 6.00
九層塔茄子 eggplant with fresh basil 7.00
蒜香茄子 caramel eggplant eggplant lightly fried, tossed in caramelized plum sauce with garlic 6.50
九層塔素腰花 vegetarian gluten kidneys with fresh basil 8.50
清炒豆苗 stir-fried pea greens 6.50
魚香鮮菇豆苗 spicy shiitake mushrooms with pea greens 8.50

面 / 飯 rice & noodles

上海粗炒麵 shanghai chow mein 4.50
川椒炸醬麵 szechwan pepper meat sauce noodles 4.50
炒年糕 shanghai rice cakes glutinous rice cakes sauteed with chinese cabbage and shredded pork 4.50
揚州炒飯 yang zhou fried rice combination of shrimp, chicken and minced ham 5.00
肉炒麵/飯 pork fried rice or chow mein 4.50
牛炒麵/飯 beef fried rice or chow mein 4.50
雞炒麵/飯 chicken fried rice or chow mein 4.50
蝦炒麵/飯 shrimp fried rice or chow mein 5.00
什錦兩面黃 seafood and meat with pan fried noodles 7.00
蝦仁兩面黃 shrimps and vegetables with pan fried noodles 7.00
金銀絲卷 silver thread bread (steamed or fried) each 1.75
白米飯 steamed white rice (per person) .80
糙米飯 steamed brown rice (per person) 1.00

甜 點 desserts

紅棗芋泥 sweet dates with mashed taro root 3.00
八寶甜飯 eight precious sweet rice 3.00/6.00
酒釀湯圓 sesame dumplings in rice wine soup (allow 15 minutes) 3.00
酒釀桂花小圓子 osmanthus flowers with rice dumpling soup 3.00
豆沙鍋餅 red bean paste pancakes 4.50
核桃糊 walnut dew 3.00
馬打滾 sesame dumplings with grated peanuts (allow 15 minutes) 3.00
  杏仁燉蛋 almond custard 1.50