

Lilly: Thank you so much for taking me out to dinner.

Martin: It's the least I could do. You've babysat so much for me recently.

Lilly: It was my pleasure. Your baby's such a doll.

Martin: I'm glad you two get along.

Lilly: Can I at least help you pay a little?

Martin: If you really want to, I guess you could pick up the tip.

Lilly: OK. How much should that be?

Martin: You don't tip in China?

Lilly: No, not at all, so I have no idea how much to pay.

Martin: In restaurants, fifteen percent of the bill is considered pretty standard.

Lilly: What if the service is really bad?


  1. 對話中,Martin請Lilly到一家餐館吃飯。既然今天我們說的是小費問題,tip 這裡作名詞表示“小費”,比如說,I left a tip on the table. 我把小費放在桌子上了。

  2. tip 作名詞還可以表示“有用的小建議,實用小竅門”,比如說,She told me a tip for removing stains from clothing. 她告訴了我一個除掉衣服上污點的小竅門。所以我們這節課的標題是Tips on Tips,意思就是“關於給小費的建議”。

  3. Lilly很感謝Martin請她吃飯,Martin說這沒有什麼,只是聊表心意,It's the least I could do.因為Lilly最近經常幫他照顧寶寶。babysit,表示“幫別人照看孩子,當臨時保姆”。這是一個合成詞,是由baby+sit組成的,而sit是主體動詞,所以就在它身上有了過去分詞形式的變化,變成babysat。大家以後遇到這種名詞+動詞的合成詞的時候,如果有人稱和時態的變化,都是體現在後面那個動詞上面的。

  4. Lilly說她很樂意幫Martin照看孩子,因為Martin的孩子真是太可愛了,Your baby's such a doll. someone's such a doll表示“某人真是可愛”,一般是用來形容小孩子或者小動物的,而不用來形容大人。我們還可以說Your baby is adorable. 你的寶寶真可愛。Martin也很高興Lilly和小寶寶能合得來,get along with sb表示“跟某人相處和諧”,比如說,Do you get along with your neighbors? 你跟鄰居相處還融洽嗎?

  5. 賬單送來了,Lilly也不好意思讓Martin一個人付錢,就要求至少讓她也幫忙付一點賬單。Martin說如果Lilly堅持的話,她可以來付小費,I guess you could pick up the tip. pick up 在這裡表示“支付”。

  6. 那么Lilly該付多少小費呢?她還真不清楚,因為在中國完全不必付小費。tip 在這裡作了動詞, 也表示“付小費,給小費”,舉個例子,He tipped the bell boy 2 dollars. 他給了行李員兩美元的小費。

  7. Martin告訴Lilly在餐館裡,賬單的15%被認為是標準的小費金額。Lilly又問,如果服務非常的差呢,還要給這么多嗎?