
I: You can speak English fluently but I wonder if you can deal with bookkeeping and accounting in English.
A: No problem. The professional English course is just English for Accounting. Moreover, as you know, the Atlantic Trading Company is a Sino-Australian joint venture. When I served part-time there, I became well acquainted with accounting operated in English.
I: That sounds fine. Why did you choose to apply to our company?
A: I have a relative working as a manager in your manufacturing department. Her name is Liuling. She told me a lot about your company and I became quite interested. I believe I can have a promising career with the development of this company.
I: Do you know something about the payment we give to our employees?
A: No, can you tell me about it?
I: Of course. As for an entry-level accountant, we pay ¥1,500 a month in the first half year. We have a grading system to evaluate your work. If you have made progress, we will certainly raise your salary. For beginners with a CPA certificate, they can earn at least ¥2, 000 a month.
A: I have passed the five courses required by the Chinese CPA Association, but the certificate won抰 come to hand until next month. How about that?
I: I hope you can show me your CPA certificate before we reach a decision by the end of July.
A: Thank you, Mrs Smith. It is really a pleasure talking with you.
I: The same for me. We抣l keep in touch with you.
A: Thank you. Good-bye.
I: 請進。
A: 早上好,史密斯女士。
I: 早上好,你是孫先生吧?請坐。
A: 是的,謝謝。
I: 我從你的簡歷中知道你是北京大學會計專業的。能告訴我你都學了哪些相關課程嗎?
A: 第一學年,我們學了《會計原理》,接下來的幾年學了《成本會計》、《商業會計》、《工業會計》和《管理會計》。
I: 你學過《決策與控制會計》嗎?
A: 沒有,但我們學了一門更專業的有關決策的課程,名字叫《預測與決策》。
I: 從成績單上可以看出你每門課程都學得很好,可我們廣告上說我們需要有實際工作經驗的會計師。
A: 我忘了在個人簡歷里寫上會計經歷了。實際上,在我的第二和第三學年,我在大西洋商貿公司做過兼職會計。我每周在那裡工作三個晚上,而且做得很出色。這是他們的推薦信
I: 你英語說得很流利,但我不知道你能否用英語記帳和清算帳目。
A: 沒問題,我的專業英語就是會計英語,而且,你也知道大西洋商貿公司是一家中澳合資企業。我在那裡做兼職時,就已經熟練掌握用英語進行會計操作了。
I: 聽起來不錯,那你為什麼選擇了我們公司呢?
A: 我有個親戚在貴公司的生產部當經理,她叫劉靈。她告訴我許多有關貴公司的情況,我非常感興趣。我相信隨著公司的發展,我的事業也會大有前途的。
I: 你知道我們公司給員工的報酬情況嗎?
I: 當然,對初級會計師,前半年我們每個月支付1500元。我們有一個等級體系來評定你的工作。如果你進步了,我們肯定會增加你的薪水。有註冊會計師證書的初級者,他們每個月至少能拿到XX元。
A: 我已經通過了中國註冊會計師協會所要求的五門課程,但證書要到下個月才能拿到。那怎么辦?
I: 我希望在我們7月末作出決定之前你能把註冊會計師證書拿給我看看。
A: 謝謝你,史密斯女士。和你談話真的很高興。
I: 我也一樣。我們會和你保持聯繫的。