
中英對應版明信片寄語:wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the cloud is flowing, the song is free, love is the heart, love is crazy, it is eternity, you are unforgettable.初遇你的心情是溫馨的,和你交友的時候是真心的,與你在一起的時候是開心的,認識你這個朋友是無怨無悔的。met your mood is warm, you and your friends are true, and you together is happy, you know this friend is going.風雨的街頭,招牌能掛多久,愛過的老歌,你能記得幾首,別忘了有像我這樣的一位朋友!永遠祝福你!rain street, signs can hang long, loved the music, you can remember the first few, don‘t forget to have a friend like me! bless you forever!恭喜發財財運到,財神對你哈哈笑,自摸槓點隨你挑,抓到手裡都是寶,收錢收到手酸掉,牌友氣得哇哇叫。may you be happy and prosperous! wealth, wealth of you laugh, masturbation bar with you, hands is a treasure, money received hand acid, poker gas loudly.花是牡丹最美,人為朋友最親,交友不交金和銀,只交朋友一顆心。水流千里歸大海,人走千里友誼在,大樹之間根連根,朋友之間心連心。peony flower is the most beautiful, the most pro - human friends, friends do not cross gold and silver, only one heart and make friends. the flow of thousands of miles into the sea, one thousand miles away in tree roots of friendship, between, between friends heart to heart.家是避風的港灣,朋友是鼓風的海岸。家遮擋了苦雨風霜,朋友送來艷陽里一瓣心香。無家透心涼,有友透心亮。home is the harbor of refuge, a friend is blowing the coast. a block on the wind and frost, a friend sent sincere wish the sun. no home cool, have friends very bright.見到你很開心,星空里萬顆星,有一顆是我心,想我時看星星,失眠時數星星,許願時等流星,好朋友天天要開心。good seeing you, sky rws star, one is my heart, want me to look at the stars, when the number of stars such as insomnia, when a meteor, good friend be happy every day.茫茫人海,你是我惟一不能放棄的牽掛,也是我最無法釋懷的無奈,無論你走到天涯海角,我都會祝福你!the vast sea of humanity, you are my only worry is not to give up, i can‘t let go of the helpless, whether you go to the remotest corners of the globe, i will bless you!沒有你的日子裡,我會更加去珍惜;沒有錢的日子裡,你要保重你自己;沒有愛的日子裡,請你和我在一起!the days without you, i will be more to cherish; no money of the day, you have to take care of yourself; no love life, you and i together!弄不清思緒萬千,望不穿心湖微瀾,看不透咫尺牽絆,數不盡月夜更換,,舍不去情深緣淺,放不下無盡掛牽。unclear thinking, do not look through the lake ripples, cannot see through close ties, countless moonlight replacement, not to love margin of shallow, not endless thoughts.文藝明信片寄語:1. 走自己的路,把一切拋在腦後!2. 花落了會開,而人的生命只有一次,我們得學會在苦中作樂,學會快樂地生活。3. 是啊,誰能輕易地忘懷過去?可我們必須學會忘記一些事兒。哭過也好,笑過也好,成敗都已成過眼雲煙,新的一年還需要付出的努力。4. 斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。5. 初涉淺夏,尋覓一份寂然。6. 你若不堅強,誰替你勇敢。7. 送走朝陽,還有夕照。8. 洞穿世事,人已走遠。9. 一首簡單的小情歌,唱盡了我們的小情緒。10. 於過往歲月里,見過朝陽初升。11. 我們都是彼此的禮物。12. 愛所有人,信任少數人,不負任何人。13. 累了,學會停歇,迷了,換個角度,冷了,就給自己一個擁抱。14. 遇見,就是幸福。即使沒有人為你鼓掌,也要優雅的謝幕,感謝自己的認真付出。15. 與其沉淪而死,不若踏浪而歌。16. 夜闌人靜時,輕啟心扉。17. 流年,總喜歡穿心而過;遇見,似一場花開。18. 暮然回首,蒼老的是歲月,永不老去的是初見的明媚與溫暖。19. 記憶從來不曾遠去,惟獨自己彼時的容顏,還依然清楚。20. 生命本是一場漂泊的漫旅,遇見了誰都是一個美麗的意外21. 聚珠穆朗瑪之陽光,攏天涯海角之清風,竭岡底斯山之祝福,吸比爾蓋茨之財氣,作為禮物送給您,恭祝春節快樂心想事成萬事如意!22. 山脈能阻隔天高地遠,卻阻隔不住深深思念;經緯可以拉開距離,卻擋不住真摯的情感;歲月可以流逝華年,朋友再遠也會親密無間。春節來臨送去我的祝福片片!23. 得即高歌失即休,多愁多恨亦悠悠,今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁來明日愁。24. 那被歲月覆蓋的花開,一切白駒過隙成為空白。25. 這個世界上最不開心的,是那些懂得太多和想得太多的人。26. 取次花叢懶回顧,半緣修道半緣君。27. 肯陪你的人很多,會一直陪你到最後的很少。28. 自君之出矣,明鏡暗不治。思君如流水,何有窮已時。29. 你改變不了昨天,但如果你過於憂慮明天,將會毀了今天。30. 有一種隱忍其實是蘊藏著的一種力量,有一種靜默其實是驚天的告白。