
• 1. it must be pointed out that it is one of our basic state policies to control population growth while raising the quality of the population. 一定要指出的是國家基本政策之一是在提高人口質量的同時控制人口增長。

• 2. it must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work. 一定要記住的是成功的秘密是努力的工作。

• 3. it can be seen from this that there is no difficulty in the world we cannot overcome.從這裡可看出,世上沒有克服不了的困難。

• 5. as is known to us, knowledge is power.眾所周知,知識就是力量。

• 6. it is a common saying that where there is a will ,there is a way.俗話說,有志者,事竟成。

• 7. it is hard to imagine how edison managed to work twenty hours each day.很難想像愛迪生每天是怎樣工作20小時的。

• 8. it‘s hard to say whether the plan is practical.這個計畫是否實際很難說。

• 9. there is no doubt that you will be helped by others if you have any difficulties.毫無疑問,你有困難時,會得到別人的幫助。

• 10. to tell the truth , many mistakes we made could have been avoided.老實說我們所犯的許多錯誤本來都能夠避免的。

• 11. as we know, it was not until recently that the problem was solved.正如我們指的的一樣,直到最近,這個問題才被解決。

• 13. all this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims.這顯示了沒有事情能夠阻擋我們實現目標。

• 14. as far as we know, it took him more than a year to write the book.到目前為止我們所知道的是,他用了XX年的時間來寫這本書。

• 15. it has been proved that his theory is right.已經證明,他的理論是對的。

• 17. to be frank, whether you like it or not, you have no other choice.老實說,不論你喜不喜歡,你別無選擇。

• 19. we will be successful as long as we insist on working hard.只要我們堅持努力工作,我們會成功的。

• 21. it is true that we must make our greater efforts; otherwise we cannot catch up with the developed countries.是真的,我們要作出更大的努力,不然/否則,我們不能趕上已開發國家。

• 22. i take it for granted that they will support this idea.我認為他們會支持這個提議是理所當然的。

• 24. in a certain sense, a successful scientist is a person who is never satisfied with what he has achieved.在某種情況下,一個成功的科學家就是一個絕不滿足於自己已取得的成就的人。

• 25. there is no denying the fact that the new management method has greatly increased the production. 不可否認的事實是,新的管理方法已經極大提高了產量。

• 26. upon / on hearing the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn‘t say a word. 一聽到這個出乎意料的訊息,他驚訝到說不出話來。

• 27, as the saying goes, nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.俗話說,世上無難事,只怕有心人。

• 28. noting can prevent us from realizing the four modernizations.沒有事情可以阻止我們實現四個現代化。

• 29. now in china, more and more families can afford to buy high-grade goods, such as washing machines, tv sets, video-recorders.在今時今日的中國,越來越多的家庭有能力買高檔次的貨物,例如洗衣機、電視機和錄像機。

• 30. no matter how difficult english may be, you should do your best to learn it.不管英語有多么難,你都應該盡你最大的努力來學它。

• 1. the number of visitors has increased year by year. as a result of  reform and open policy, the number of them has been increasing greatly each year.遊客的數量逐年遞增,由於改革開發政策,遊客的數量已經每年大幅增加。

• 2. you will forget your tiredness and build up your health.你會忘記疲勞,建造健康。

• 3. but sometimes  traveling  is not an enjoyable thing, for example, the weather can be changeable. you may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold while travelling. 但有時候,旅遊不一定是一件令人享受的事,舉個例子,天氣多變。你有可能在旅程中被雨淋或著涼感冒。

• 4. the worst thing is that you may have your money stolen and you may have an injury. all these are terrible things which can happen to a tourist.最糟糕的事情事你的錢可能被偷或者你也能發生意外。所有這些事情都是有可能發生在你身上的。

• 5. you must be careful everywhere and try to avoid accidents.你必須要處處小心,儘量去避免意外。

• 6.our factories will try our best to meet the requirements of consumers.我們的工廠們會盡最大努力來滿足顧客們的要求。

• 7.last sunday, our class organized some volunteer’s activities, in which all of us took an active part.上個星期天,我們班組織一些志願活動,我們所有人都參加了。

• 8.these volunteer’s activities can help us to gain some social experience and make good sense of our personal values as well. 這些義務活動能幫我們獲取一些社會經驗同時也能幫我們意識到自身的價值。

• 9. group three helped to raise money in the street for the “hope project”, so that more children in poor areas can afford their schooling.第三組幫忙到街上集款給“希望工程”,以至於有更多的貧困地區的孩子們能讀得起書。

• 10. compared with the traditional cards, electronic cards are more interesting and lively.與傳統的卡片相比,電子卡更有趣和生動。

• 11. in guangming middle school, every sunday afternoon from 2:30 p.m.to 4:30 p.m., there is an english corner. 在光明中學,每周日下午從2.30到4.30,有一個英語角。

• 12. apart from students from guangming middle school, the attendants include students from other middle schools or colleges, even doctors and engineers.除了光明中學的學生之外,參加的人還有其他中學的學生或大學的學生,甚至還有醫生和工程師們。

• 13.all the teachers and the students are expected to be present at the art festival. there is sure to be a lot of fun. do come and join us.所有的老師和學生都要出席學校的藝術節。到時肯定很好玩。請務必到場加入我們。

• 14.although li hua was the last one to cross the finishing line, he won the “courage cup” with honor. i was deeply touched by li hua’s great determination. 雖然李華是最後一個衝線的人,但他贏得了勇氣杯。我被李華的堅強意志深深地感動了。



be getting on well with one’s study某人的學習越來越好

take several courses at school在學校學若干門課程

have english (chinese, physics…) every (other )day work hard at …

put one’s heart into…專心於;致力於

be interested in …

be fond of

like chemistry best

be good at …; be poor at …; do well in …; be weak in …

make progress in …; fail in …’ be tired of …’

pass the examination; give sb. a passing grade;

major in history 主修歷史

he has the best record in school. 他的成績最棒。

get a doctor’s degree 獲得博士學位

be more interesting to sb.

learn about; succeed in…; be active in class (work);

take an active part in …; learn… by heart;

work out a (maths) problem; improve oneself in …;

get 90 marks for (english); get an “a” in the exam;

have a good command of…

lay a good foundation in (language study)


爂et on well with sb; like to be with students;

燽e gentle with us; be kind to sb;

燽e a strict teacher; be strict with one’s pupils;

燽e strict in work

爓e think of him (her) as …; help sb with sth;

爌raise sb for sth …; blame sb for sth..

爂ive advice on …; question sb on …

燽e satisfied with …

燾orrect the students’ homework carefully and prepare for the next day; give sb a lot of work;

try to teach sb good study habits; make one’s lessons lively and interesting; teach sb. sth.;

teach sb to do sth.

devote all one’s time to work;

admire (sb.for) his devotion to the cause of education



spend one’s time in many different ways;

enjoy doing things by oneself; go swimming;

go for an outing; have an outing at (the seashore);

see the sights of beijing; play the piano (violin);

play chess (basketball); have a swim;

have dances on weekends; have a picnic over the weekend;

go to the cinema; have a party; hold a sports meeting;

do some reading; help sb do sth; enjoy a family trip;

get everything ready for;

ride one’s bike with sb.to(the park);

there are a lot of activities at (the beach).

we enjoy a change from our busy life in the city.

she would like to bring sth. to the picnic.

it was a very relaxing sunday.

there are good programmes on tv on weekends.


take a message for sb; send a message to sb;

hear from sb; talk about/of sth; tell sb to do sth;

get information about…;

express one’s idea (feelings) in english用英語表達一個人的思想(感情);

write sb a letter saying…給某人寫信說... , apologize to sb for…

thank you for …; make a speech t at the meeting;

explain sth to s; look upon sb as …; think sb to be …;

take sb’s side


牐爓ould like to do; allow sb to do;

牐爇eep sb from doing (prevent sb. from doing);

牐燾all on sb to do; be afraid to do (be afraid of …);

牐爁ee like doing; insist on doing; drive sb. off;

牐爏peak highly of sb; speak ill of sb; think highly of sb;

牐爁orce sb to do; offer to do; refuse to do; agree to do;

牐爎egret doing;

牐爌refer to do a rather than do b; had better do;

牐爓ould rather (not) do.


have the habit of doing…; have no trouble doing;

牐爉ake up one’s mind to do;

牐爌repare sb for …; give up doing…; do sth as usual;

牐燿o what he wants us to do; set about doing;

牐爐ry one’s best to do…=go all out to do;

牐爂et into trouble; help sb out; do one’s bit for new china;

牐爓ait for sb to do; find a way to do; make friends with sb;

牐爏how (tell) sb. how to do…; take (send) sb to …;

牐爄’m trying to find…;

牐爄’m afraid we are out of …;

牐爌ass the time doing; feel a little excited about doing…;

牐燾an’t help doing…; do some good deeds to people;

牐燽e prepared for more hard work;

牐爏ome are doing a, others are doing b, and still others are doing c.

7、感觀活動與思維活動 牐爈ook around for …; look up (down) at …; catch sight of …; 牐爐ake a look at …; hear sb do (doing); take notice of …; 牐爐ake view of …; have a good understanding of …; 牐燾onsider sb (sth) to be …; come to know…; 牐爎ealize that …; know that +從句

8、情感與欲望 牐燽e pleased with …; be delighted in doing…; 牐爐ake a pleasure in doing; be worried about; 牐爁eel surprised at … 牐燽e sorry for …; be angry with sb for sth; 牐燽e angry about …(為某事生氣); 牐爈ook forward to doing…; wish to do; expect to do; 牐爈ong for (long to do); be sick for one’s home; 牐爃ave a strong desire to do …;

9、健康狀況及治療 牐燽e in good shape; be in good (poor )health; 牐爁eel weak (well, terrible, sick); have got a high (slight ) fever; 牐爃ave a slight (bad) cold; take one’s temperature; 牐爃ave got a pain in …; be good (bad) for one’s health(eyes); 牐爄t’s nothing serious. stay in bed until…; save one’s life

10、其它 牐爄t (take)sb. some time to do…; it is said that …; 牐燽e fit for; be short of; be well dressed; 牐爉iss the lecture (train); change…into…; 牐爓aste time doing; spend time doing; be busy doing; 牐爃ave no choice but to do; i can’t help it. be in need of…; 牐燽e mistaken about …; fall behind…; catch up with; 牐爋n behalf of; instead of; be welcome to do…; 牐爎unning, biking and swimming are popular in summer. 牐爏kiing and skating are my favorite winter sports.

11、信件開頭常用語 you letter came to me this morning. i have received your letter of july the 20th. 牐爄’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next monday. 牐爄’m writing to ask if you can come next week. 牐爃ow time flies! it’s three months since i saw you last. 牐爐hank you for your letter. 牐爄n reply to your letter about (the exhibition this year)…; 牐爈et me tell you that…

12、信件結尾常用語 牐爌lease remember me to your whole family. 牐爂ive my best regards (wishes) to your mother. 牐燽est wishes. with love. wish you a pleasant journey. 牐爓ish you success. wish you the best of health. (luck) 牐爈ooking forward to your next visit to china. 牐爈ooking forward to the pleasure of meeting you. 牐爀xpecting to hear from you as soon as possible.

13、問路和應答 go down this street turn night/left at the first crossing it’s about…meters from here you can’t miss it in front of behind at/a the corner(不用in) pass two blocks


⑴a large number of visitors come here

⑵there are lots of visitors coming here every day

⑶many people visit here every day

⑷a lot of people pay a visit here every day

多使用過渡性詞語使句子連貫表列舉:for example、for instance、that is to say表補充:besides、in addition、moreover表對比:on the one hand…on the other hand in spite of表原因:because of、thanks to、due to、owing to表結果:therefore、thus、as a result、so表結論:to conclude、in a word、in brief、to sum up錶轉折:however、nevertheless、yet



(1)environmental/water/air/noise pollution  (2)resources exhaustion

(3)wildlife extinction (4)endangered species

(5)natural habitat  (6)reserve areas

(7)sand/dust storm (8)clear-cutting/deforestation

(9)over fishing  (10)overgrazing

(11)soil erosion (12)water and soil conservation

(13)desertification (14)natural disaster

(15)flood threat (16)fire hazard

(17)storm/tempest (18)blizzard

(19)drought  (20)famine

(21)disruption of ecological balance(the balance of ecosystem)

(22)eruption of volcanoes (23)earthquake

(24)avalanche (25)landslide

(26)hurricane (27)shortage of water resources

(28)shortage of fresh water  (29)harmful chemicals

(30)poisonous/toxic gases (31)carbon monoxide

(32)urban smog (33)industrial waste

(34)hazardous nuclear waste (35)radioactive pollutants

(36)waste gas sent off from automobiles  (37)car emission standard

(38)non-biodegradable material  (39)throw-away lunchbox

(40)recyclable product (41)renewable resources

(42)conserve natural resources (43)plastic bags

(44)greenhouse effect  (45)global warming

(46)acid rain (47)energy crisis

(48)oil leakage  (49)environment awareness

(50)pest rampancy (51)rescue and relief work

(52)garbage disposal 


(1)pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.

(2)villagers are as a rule healthier than people who live in towns. one reason for this is that country air is fresher than the air in smoky cities.

(3)most of the noise in the city comes from traffic, factories and construction sites.

(4)there is an increasingly loud voice from the public calling for firm action against pollution.

(5)scientists have warned that unless effective solutions are worked out, the problem of pollution will eventually get out of hand.

(6)many factories discharge enormous harmful chemicals into air and rivers every day.

(7)to kill insects, farmers use a large amount of insecticides so as to have a bumper harvest. as a result, they pollute the air, water and land.

(8)the gas from car engines is very poisonous. it is a main source of air pollution in cities.

(9)deforestation result in the increase of global temperature and unpleasant change of climate.

(10)the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generation.

(11)beijing now has become one of the most polluted cities in the world. among the 10 cities with the worst air pollution in the world last year, beijing was the third most polluted city.

(12)if the city had not plagued by poor quality air, the annual death rate in beijing would have been 4 percent lower in past three years, according to the research done jointly by beijing medical university and harvard university.

(13)beijing consumes 2.8 million tons of coal each year, of which 75 percent are low-grade coal.

(14)to make room for those buildings, trees are being cut down, grass plots occupied. cities look like nothing but grey concrete woods.

(15)modern cities should be expanding with a certain percentage for green-plant areas.

(16)we must begin now to protect our only earth.

(17)almost everything we use daily comes from the land directly or indirectly.

(18)but the limited land is decreasing at a surprising speed.

(19)the nature has given us so much, but looks at what we have done in return for its generosity.

(20)the ozone layer is our natural shield in the sky, but this shield is in great danger due to human activities. to protect the ozone layer is to protect us.

(21)depleting the ozone layer allows more uv-b to reach the earth, which means more skin cancers, more eye cataracts(白內障),weakened immune systems, and reduced plant yield.

(22)the nature has been irritated, which results in the shortage of valuable resources, air pollution, countless acres of lands becoming deserts, etc.

(23)fortunately, many countries have got to know the seriousness of the problem and take active measures to preserve the environment.

(24)we sincerely hope that all the people in the world will take part in the campaign and join hands to protect the nature.

(25)besides, trees and lawns in our cities will in the long run help improve the local climate.

(26)the government should also spend more money on the preservation of current lawns and cultivation of new lawns.

(27)chinese government has taken strict measures to stop careless and indiscriminate felling of trees.

(28)therefore, governments are playing the most important role in environmental protection today.

(29)the government should let people full realize the importance of environmental protection through education.

(30)cars should be equipped with special devices to reduce auto emission.

(31)farmers can utilize modern biological techniques instead of chemical fertilizers to grow crops.

(32)desert can be turned into cultivated land by a certain kind of shrub.

(33)recycling of paper, steel and plastics is important for helping protect our environment.

(34)the city was beautified on a tremendous scale.

(35)energy crisis will threaten our existence because of the people’s extravagance and the rapid growth of he population.

(36)it is imperative that we investigate and develop new sources of energy immediately.

(37)with the expansion of industrialization, requirement for energy all over the world is on the rise.

(38)we have a great need for energy because of the rapid growth of our economy.

(39)these rich energy resources are being used up rapidly.

(40)to avoid energy crisis in the future, we should take some actions.

(41)the overuse of energy has influenced ecological balance.

(42)the development of modern life is placing and ever increasing demand for electricity.

(43)if there were no energy, our world would be in a state of confusion.

(44)protecting endangered species helps protect a healthy environment. endangered species are nature’s early warning system for pollution and environmental degradation that may someday affect human health.(瀕危物種是大自然的關於污染和環境惡化的早期警戒系統,污染和環境惡化有朝一日會影響人類的健康。)

(45)protecting endangered species saves a part of nature for our children and grandchildren to enjoy.

(46)protecting endangered species helps protect sustainable economies and a good quality of life. endangered species of fish, wildlife and plants are of ecological, educational, historical, recreational and scientific value to the nations and their people.

(47)all of the living creatures, including humans, are part of a complex, delicately balanced network called the biosphere.

(48)no creature exists in isolation. the removal of a single species can set off a chain reaction affecting many others.

(49)it is estimated that about 12,000 tibetan antelopes are killed each year. if this trend continues, this species will be extinct in two decades.

(50)a healthy environment for wildlife contributes to healthy environment for people, today and tomorrow.



(1)population explosion/baby boom  (2)population census

(3)birth/death rate  (4)family planning

(5)suicide bombing (6)dropout students

(7)eliminate illiteracy  (8)help those in distress and aid those in peril 

(9)poverty-stricken areas  (10)remote and mountain areas

(11)shake off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity

(12)brain drain (13)corruption phenomenon

(14)offer and take bribes (15)embezzle pubic funds

(16)counterfeit certificates  (17)counterfeit currency/id card

(18)credit card fraud  (19)fake commodities

(20)vending machine  (21)generation gap

(22)couch potato (23)keep a concubine/mistress

(24)casino/gambling  (25)go on a diet

(26)well-balanced meals

(27)enjoy banquets using public funds  (28)bad construction projects

(29)suspend/discontinue a project

(30)welfare-oriented public housing distribution system

(31)high-rise apartment building

(32)down payment (by monthly installments)

(33)juvenile delinquency (34)laid-off workers


(36)on-the-job training/professional training

(37)reemployment project  (38)u.n. security council

(39)government-funded personnel studying abroad

(40)racial/sex discrimination  (41)traffic jam/road congestion

(42)drunk driving (43)violation of traffic regulations

(44)hit-and-run accident  (45)rush/peak hour

(46)security personnel (47)spokesman for news release

(48)press conference (49)globalization

(50)intellectual property right  (51)infringement on the patent right

(52)bid for the olympic games  (53)sports lottery

(54)live broadcast (55)frozen food

(56)preservation of cultural relics

(57)change from temporary to regular worker

(58)body-building exercises (59)bungee jumping

(60)permanent residence certificate  (61)euthanasia

(62)drug addition  (63)aids disease

(64)campus violence (65)child abuse



(1)more and more people come to realize the importance of regular physical exercise.

(2)we must struggle against our own laziness and stay with our training, rain or shine.(風雨無阻)

(3)maintaining our health is very important. no one should trifle with his health.

(4)physical exercise increases the appetite and favors digestion. it increases the circulation of the blood. physical exercise can develop one’s self-confidence, judgment, and a strong will.

(5)early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. (benjamin franklin)

(6)a sound mind is in a sound body.

(7)taking part in sports and games will keep us fit and healthy.

(8)proper sports activities help us strengthen our physical body and build our sense of competition and cooperation.

(9)research shows that getting plenty of exercise makes heart beat faster and lung work harder, thus strengthening the heart and reducing the chance of heart attack, and helping to lower blood pressure.

(10)for those who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of sport is especially useful.

(11)once a habit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to shake it off.

(12)it is easier to fall into bad habits than to get into good ones.

(13)many successful men declare that they own much of their prosperity to the formation of certain good habits in early life, such as punctuality, early rising, honesty, and thoroughness.

(14)the eating habits of chinese people have changed dramatically in the past decade.

(15)people begin to eat less grain, but more fruit and vegetables. fresh fruit and vegetables are rich in carbohydrate(碳水化合物), vitamins and minerals.

(16)people now pay much attention to nutrition, so they choose to eat meat and drink milk.

(17)fish and chicken contain more protein and less fat.

(18)the issue of re-employment is of vital importance to the country’s reform, development and stability.

(19)some statistics indicate that trained workers are three times as likely to be re-employed as those who haven’t participated in any training programs.

(20)a re-employment-oriented training network should be formed immediately to cover as many laid-off workers as possible to enhance their abilities to face challenges.

(21)its no shame to earn bread with one’s own hands no matter what kind of work he does, but it’s a disgrace to idle along with folded arms and wait until financial aid arrives.

(22)china is undergoing a period of transition from a socialist planned economy to a socialist market economy.

(23)the government is supposed to issue more beneficial policies to help the lay-offs out of difficulty.

(24)everyone desires and pursues happiness. but happiness means different things to different people.

(25)i’ll be happy if i can realize my value in my future career and make some contribution to the development of our country. (26)happiness also means being on good term with my colleagues and friends.

(27)the only ones who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve the people.

(28)happiness lies first of all in health.

(29)happiness is always abounded from hard work.

(30)happiness consists in contentment.

(31)every generation has its own view of life and value system, which results from its living circumstances.

(32)as long as different generations can understand each other and avoid foisting their own views and values on others, there will be fewer conflicts and more harmony between the generations.

(33)the old assume that they know best, but it is only a matter of experience.

(34)the young know how to enjoy work and leisure and not to be inhibited.(約束)

(35)children often complain that their parents cannot understand them, while parents feel sorry that their children seldom show them proper respect and obedience.

(36)children should respect their parents and be aware that what their parents do is for their good.

(37)as reformation goes deeper in china, civil servants no longer have “iron rice bowls” as they used to have in many places.

(38)whatever we do, we should do in our power.(盡力而為)

(39)to make a wise choice of occupations, two important things should be taken into consid-eration. one is the interest, the other, the demand of the people and society.

(40)it is definitely true that behind every daily activity lies a motive. as a matter of fact, we can achieve nothing without a realistic goal.

(41)everybody should have a goal in his life, because aimless life wastes our energy and time.

(42)whatever goal you might have, the primarily important thing you should have in life is health.

(43)it is universally true that everyone needs good health. with our society becoming more competitive, it is important to stay healthy.

(44)for one thing, people with good health can do work with full energy and their excellence in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. for another, an unhealthy person is seldom able to show interest in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to achieve success.

(45)generally speaking, those who have good motives do their duties well. for example, parents work hard from early morning till late at night because they want to support their families. students study diligently either to rank top in their class or to be prepared for their future success.

(46)on the other hand, people do things evil because they have evil goals. for instance, the motive for getting money without hard work makes a pickpocket steal a purse. to fulfill his evil desire, a robber grab others’ belongings, and a murderer can kill an innocent person. these wicked motives are the kind that people need to get rid of because they hurt others.

(47)it is often easier to have ideals than to carry them out.

(48)effort and persistence are necessary for the realization of ideals.

(49)once the goal is determined, we must create opportunities to reach it. work hard and be patient after your goal is set. try your best to make your life happen in the way you wish to see it. it is those who set the right goal and stick to it long enough will finally achieve it.

(50)living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. when ideals are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.(雖生猶死)



良好的開端等於成功的一半.在寫作文時,通常以最簡單也最常用的方式---開門見山法。也就是說, 直截了當地提出你對這個問題的看法或要求,點出文章的中心思想。


a. just as every coin has two sides, cars have both advantages and disadvantages.

b. compared to/ in comparison with letters, e-mails are more convenient.

c. when it comes to computers, some people think they have brought us a lot of convenience. however,...

d. opinions are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the countryside.

e. as is known to all/ as we all know, computers have played an important role/part in our daily life.

f. why do you go to university? different people have different points of view.

2. 書信:

a. i am writing to you to apply for admission to your university as a visiting scholar.

b. i read an advertisement in today’s china daily and i apply for the job...

c. thank you for your letter of may 5.

d. how happy i am to receive your letter of january 9.

e. how nice to hear from you again.

3. 口頭通知或介紹情況:

a. ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention, please. i have an announcement to make.

b. attention, please. i have something important to tell you.

c. mr. green, welcome to our school. to begin with, let me introduce mr. wang to you.

4. 演講稿

a. ladies and gentlemen, i feel very much honored to have a chance here to make a speech on the subject -- a balance diet and health.

b. good morning everyone! allow me, first of all, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome and cordial greeting to our distinguished guest.


as well as, not only…but (also), including,

a. not only do computers play an important part in science and technology, but also play an informative role in our daily life.

b. all of us, including the teachers / the teachers included, will attend the lecture.

c. he speaks french as well as english.=he speaks english, and french  as well.=he speaks not only english but also french.

d. e-mail, as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.


on one hand ,on the other hand,  on the contrary/contrary to ..., though, for one thing ;for another, nevertheless

a. i know the internet can only be used at home or in the office, but on the other hand, it is becoming more and more popular for much information as well as clear and vivid pictures.

b. it is hard work; i enjoy it though.

c. contrary to what i had originally thought, the trip turned out to be fun.

四. 遞進用語:

even, besides, what’s more, as for,  so…that…, worse still, moreover, furthermore; but for, in addition, to make matters worse

a. the house is too small for a family of four, and furthermore/besides/what’s more/moreover /in addition/worse still , it is in a bad location.

五. 例證用語:

in one’s opinion,  that is to say,  for example, for instance, as a matter of fact, in fact, namely

a. as a matter of fact, advertisement plays an informative role in our daily life.

b. there is one more topic to discuss, namely/that is ( to say ), the question of education.

六. 時序用語:

first/firstly, meanwhile, before long, ever since, while, at the same time, in the meantime, shortly after, nowadays,

a. they will be here soon. meanwhile, let’s have coffee.

b. firstly, let me deal with the most important difficulty.

七. 強調用語:

especially, indeed, at least, at the most, what in the world/on earth.. , not at all ,

a. noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.

b what in the world/on earth are you doing?

八. 因果用語:

thanks to, because, as a result, because of/as a result of , without, with the help of..., owe ...to...

a. the company has a successful year, thanks mainly to the improvement in export sales.

b. as a result, many of us succeeded in passing the college entrance examinations.

九. 總結用語:

in short; briefly/ in brief ; generally speaking, in a word, as you know, as is known to all

a. generally speaking, sending an e-mail is more convenient than sending letters.

b. in short, measures must be taken to prevent the environment being polluted.



1. 關於……人們有不同的觀點。一些人認為……

there are different opinions among people as to……some people suggest that


2. 俗話說(常言道)……,它是我們前輩的經歷,但是,即使在今天,它在許多場合仍然適用。

there is an old saying……it's the experience of our forefathers,however,it

is correct in many cases even today.

3. 現在,……,它們給我們的日常生活帶來了許多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更為糟糕的是……。

today, …… which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. first, ……

second,……what makes things worse is that…….

4. 現在,……很普遍,許多人喜歡……,因為……,另外(而且)……。

nowadays,it is common to ……. many people like …… because ……


5. 任何事物都是有兩面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

everything has two sides and …… is not an exception,it has both advantages

and disadvantages.

6. 關於……人們的觀點各不相同,一些人認為(說)……,在他們看來,……

people’s opinions about …… vary from person to person. some people say

that ……to them,……

7. 人類正面臨著一個嚴重的問題……,這個問題變得越來越嚴重。

man is now facing a big problem …… which is becoming more and more serious.

8. ……已成為人的關注的熱門話題,特別是在年青人當中,將引發激烈的辯論。

……has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

9. ……在我們的日常生活中起著越來越重要的作用,它給我們帶來了許多好處,但同時也引發一些嚴重的問題。

……has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it

has  brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10. 根據圖表/數字/統計數字/表格中的百分比/圖表/條形圖/成形圖可以看出……。很顯然……,但是為什麼呢?

according to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it

can be seen that……while. obviously,……but why?


1. 相反,有一些人贊成……,他們相信……,而且,他們認為……。

on the contrary,there are some people in favor of……t the same time,they


2. 但是,我認為這不是解決……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

but i don't think it is a very good way to solve …….for example,……worst

of all,…….

3. ……對我們國家的發展和建設是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

……is necessary and important to our country's development and construction. first,……what's

more, ……most important of all,……

4. 有幾個可供我們採納的方法。首先,我們可以……。

there are several measures for us to adopt. first, we can……

5. 面臨……,我們應該採取一系列行之有效的方法來……。一方面……,另一方面,

confronted with……we should take a series of effective measures to…….

for one thing,for another,

6. 早就應該拿出行動了。比如說……,另外……。所有這些方法肯定會……。

it is high time that something was done about it. for example. ……in addition.……all

these measures will certainly…….

7. 為什麼……?第一個原因是……;第二個原因是……;第三個原因是……。總的來說,……的主要原因是由於……

why…… the first reason is that ……the second reason is ……the

third is…….for all this, the main cause of ……use to …….

8. 然而,正如任何事物都有好壞兩個方面一樣,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

however, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ……also has

its own disadvantages, such as ……

9. 儘管如此,我相信……更有利。

nonetheless, i believe that ……is more advantageous.

10. 完全同意……這種觀點(陳述),主要理由如下:

i fully agree with the statement that ……because…….


1. 至於我,在某種程度上我同意後面的觀點,我認為……

as far as i am concerned, i agree with the latter opinion to some extent. i

think that ……

2. 總而言之,整個社會應該密切關注……這個問題。只有這樣,我們才能在將來……。

in a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ……only in this way can ……in the future.

3. 但是,……和……都有它們各自的優勢(好處)。例如,……,而……。然而,把這兩者相比較,我更傾向於(喜歡)……

but ……and……have heir own advantages. for example, …… while……

comparing this with that, however, i prefer to……

4. 就我個人而言,我相信……,因此,我堅信美好的未來正等著我們。因為……

personally, i believe that…… consequently, i’m confident that a bright

future is awaiting us because……

5. 隨著社會的發展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每個人都願為社會貢獻自己的一份力量,這個社會將要變得越來越好。

with the development of society, ……so it's urgent and necessary to ……if every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better

and better.

6. 至於我(對我來說,就我而言),我認為……更合理。只有這樣,我們才能……

for my part, i think it reasonable to…… only in this way can you……

7. 對我來說,我認為有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最後……但同樣重要的是……

in my opinion, i think it necessary to……the reasons are as follows. first

……second …… last but not least,……

8. 在總體上很難說……是好還是壞,因為它在很大程度上取決於……的形勢。然而,就我個人而言,我發現……。

it is difficult to say whether ……is good or not in general as it depends

very much on the situation of…….however, from a personal point of view


9. 綜上所述,我們可以清楚地得出結論……

from what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion


10. 如果我們不採取有效的方法,就可能控制不了這種趨勢,就會出現一些意想不到的不良後果,所以,我們應該做的是……

if we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable

result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is



when it comes to ..., some think ...

there is a public debate today that ...

a is a commen way of ..., but is it a wise one?

recentaly the problem has been brought into focus.


now there is a growing awareness that...

it is time we explore the truth of ...

nowhere in history has the issue been more visible.


... but that is only part of the history.

another equally important aspect is ...

a is but one of the many effects. another is ...

besides, other reasons are...


suppose that...

just imagine what would be like if...

it is reasonable to expect...

it is not surprising that...


for example(instance),...

... such as a,b,c and so on (so forth)

a good case in point is...

a particular example for this is...


one of the greatest early writers said ...

"knowledge is power", such is the remard of ...

"......". that is how sb comment ( criticize/ praise...).

"......". how often we hear such words like there.


(先說故事主體),this story is not rare.

..., such delimma we often meet in daily life.

..., the story still has a realistic significance.


there are many reasons for ...

why .... , for one thing,...

the answer to this problem involves many factors.

any discussion about this problem would inevitably involves ...

the first reason can be obiviously seen.

most people would agree that...

some people may neglect that in fact ...

others suggest that...

part of the explanation is ...


the advantages for a for outweigh the disadvantages of...

although a enjoys a distinct advantage ...

indeed , a carries much weight than b when sth is concerned.

a maybe ... , but it suffers from the disadvantage that...


to understand the truth of ..., it is also important to see...

a study of ... will make this point clear


certainly, b has its own advantages, such as...

i do not deny that a has its own merits.


from what has been discussed above, we may safely draw

the conclusion that ...

in summary, it is wiser ...

in short...



be/get/become used to 習慣於 be given to 喜歡;癖好 be related to  與…有關係

be addicted to 沉溺於;對…上癮  be opposed to  反對 devote oneself to獻身於;專心於

be devoted to 致力於;忠誠於  be admitted to 被…錄取;準進入 be reduced to 淪為

reduce…to…使…淪為 be attached to附屬於;喜歡;依戀 be adjusted to  適應

be known to  為…所知  be married to  和…結婚  be sentenced to被判處

be connected to  和…連在一起 be exposed to  暴露於;遭受 be compared to 被比喻成

compare… to…把…比作…  be/become/ get accustomed to//accustomed to  慣於;有…習慣

be engaged to 與…訂婚  get down to 著手做  lead to 導致

object to反對;不喜歡;不贊成  put one’s mind to全神貫注於 give rise to 引起

look forward to  盼望 pay attention to  注意 stick to  堅持

attend to 專心;注意;照料; see to  負責;注意 contribute to對…作貢獻;有助於