
4.6.2 來料不良導致:problems by defects

a.雖不造成停產,但將導致甲方本批產品質量降等的,甲方應拒絕本批物料,乙方應及時處理並保證所供物料符合甲方品質要求,同時不阻礙甲方生產則乙方無需賠償。if any unacceptable parts defects down party a’s final finished goods, party a should reject, party b should improve and provide qualified parts on time, not to delay party a’s production line.

b.雖不造成停產,甲方代替乙方挑選使用的,由乙方承擔挑選費用,並無償調換不良品;如乙方派相關人員到甲方配合加工車間挑選,則乙方只用合格品無償更換不良品。 if any unacceptable defects from party b, need party a to sort out on-site, party b should bear the rework labor cost, and change the unqualified parts for free; if party b assign workers to sort out defects in party a’s working shop; party b also needs to exchange the unqualified parts by using qualified parts.

4.7 因乙方產品質量問題,導致甲方用戶多批次投訴,影響甲方產品聲譽的,甲方可要求乙方承擔相應的責任(按當批次產品金額的______%支付給甲方)。if the end customer complaints caused by unqualified parts provided by party b, and down party a’s goods reputation, party a has the right to give relative compensation( referring to______% of the lot).

4.8 由乙方產品質量問題導致的甲方產品售後出現質量事故,經甲乙雙方調查確認後,乙方應承擔所供甲方的相關產品單價_______倍損失。if the serious quality issue happens caused by parts provided by party b in at end customer, after both parties confirm the issue, party b should compensate referring to ____times of products price.

4.9 甲方採用乙方產品生產出的成品,可能會接受國家、各地方質量監督部門、特殊客戶等第三方不定期的抽檢,如抽檢中發現由乙方產品未達到國家標準而引起的甲方成品的任何不合格,經甲乙雙方確認後,乙方應承擔第三方的檢驗費用和其他相關費用; 同時甲方保留因此而造成對甲方名譽損害和經濟損失對乙方進行索賠的權利。the final finished goods produced by party a may be audited or random inspected by the state, local quality bureau or special customer or the 3rd party, if found unqualified goods caused by parts provided by party b, after both parties confirm the issue, party b should bear the relative testing and inspection fee or other additional fee; at the same time, party a retain the right to claim to a reputation for damages and economic loss.

第五條 爭議的解決disputes

雙方在履行本協定過程中如發生爭議,應友好協商解決。若協商未成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地有管轄權的人民法院提起訴訟。all disputes in connection with the execution of this contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, either party can lawsuit to the local court that has jurisdiction.