
第六條 雜項miscellaneous

6.1 甲乙雙方如有對本協定的補充和說明,雙方應另行協商。the agreement will be renewed or supplemental if both parties mutually agreed in written.

6.2 本協定為《採購協定》的附屬檔案之一,自甲乙雙方法定代表人或授權代表簽字並加蓋法人公章之日起生效,有效期至雙方協商簽訂新協定或停止合作時止。本協定壹式二份,具有同等的法律效力,甲乙雙方各持一份。in witness whereof, this agreement is duly executed at above effective date by duly authorized representatives of both parties, remains valid until the two parties negotiate a new agreement or cease cooperation. the agreement has 2 original copies held by both parties, and has same legal validity.

公司名 公司名

company name stamp company name stamp

_______________________ ______________________

法定代表人 法定代表人

legal representative legal representative

__________________________ ______________________

日期 日期

date date

________________________ ____________________