2008聯考必背英語辭彙講座 E

1、excuse, forgive, pardon


excuse:“原諒”,指有意放過人們在社會,習俗方面的具體行為。如錯誤,疏忽或失職,不予以指責和懲罰。常用詞組:excuse for原諒;excuse from/to do免除。如:

please excuse me for using your telephone without asking permission. i thought you wouldn't mind.請原諒,我沒有得到你的允許就用了你的電話,我想你不會介意吧!
the meeting lasted so long that mr. laurence had to excuse himself to keep an appointment.會開了好久,因此勞倫斯為了趕另一個約會,不得不請求先行離去。


she was so kind as to forgive her intimate friend who had betrayed her when she was in a great difficulty.她如此善良,竟能原諒在她處境最艱難時背叛她的摯友。
he forgave injuries so readily that he might be said to invite them.他如此爽快地寬恕了那些傷害,簡直可以說,他是在招惹傷害。


it became necessary to fly our lives, but we couldn't expect to be pardoned.我們有必要逃命,但我們不能指望得到寬恕。
please pardon my asking, but isn't my text book on your desk?對不起,請問,我的課本是在你的桌子上嗎?

2、easy, easily

we often talk about reducing our costs, but it is easier said than done.我們經常談論降低成本,但說來容易做來難。
take it easy!別緊張!
easy come, easy go.來得容易去得快。
go easy here!走慢一點!

easily是在表示“容易地,舒適地”等意義的easy的基礎上通過加後綴構成的副詞。在表示“不費力地,毫無困難地”等意義時,相當於with ease。它還有“舒適地,流暢地,順利地,很可能”等意義。如:he won the match easily.他輕而易舉地贏得了比賽。the machine is running easily.機器運轉得很好。he may easily be late today.今天他很可能遲到。 

3、each, every


1). each可作形容詞及代詞,而every只能作形容詞,但它可與-one,-body,-thing等構成合成代詞。each 用在代詞或複數名詞前要用介詞of連線,如each of them, each of the boys; 而every則不能直接跟of 連線,如不可說every of them,而要說every one of them或each of them。

2). each通常用指兩個人或物,而every則指三個或三個以上的人或物,不能指兩者。如each end of the  bridge和each side of the road中的each均不能用every代替。

3). each指一個整體中的每一個,強調個體;而every著重於全體的總和,強調整體。試比較: each has a different book. (強調各有不同。) here every child at the age of six can go to school. (側重整體,無一例外。)

4).every另可表示“每隔”,後接基數詞加複數名詞,或接序數詞加單數名詞,如:every four weeks,  every three months等,此種結構中的every不能用each代替。

4、economic, economical

they are faced with many economic problems.他們面臨許多經濟問題。
the country is in a bad economic state, so we must reduce profits.國家經濟狀況不佳,所以我們應減少利潤。

economical則指與“節約”同義的“經濟”,相當於not wasteful。既可指人也可指物,既可作表語也可作定語。如:
this is an economical stove.這是一種經濟煤爐。
she is an economical housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.她是一個節儉的家庭主婦,她全家的花銷不大。

5、each other, one another

這兩個代詞詞組都作“互相”解,較多地在句子中充當賓語。each other一般只用於兩個人或事物之間,one another則用於超過兩個人或事物的場合。試比較:wagner and strauss often exchanged gifts with each other. (指兩者。)the members in our group learned from one another. (指超過兩者。)

又如:they sat down opposite to each other.他們相對而坐。they were not suited to each other.他們倆不合適。we have known one another since we were children.我們在小的時候就相互認識了。這兩個詞組的差別目前已不是很嚴格,有時可互相替換。

6、effective, efficient

her efforts to improve the school have been very effective.他為改善學校而做出的努力是卓有成效的。
this machine is an effective remedy for acid indigestion.這是一種治療胃酸過多的良藥。he has become an effective assistant.他已成為一名得力的助手。

efficient主要指某人辦事效率高,不浪費時間和精力等,也可指機械設備“有效率的”。如:a good leader should be both competent and efficient.一名好領導應該精明能幹,辦事效率高。our efficient new machines are much cheaper to run.我們所買的高效機器運轉消耗要小得多。

7、elder, older

1).elder為“年長的”,只指人,用來比較年齡長幼,尤指兄弟姐妹的長幼關係。它只能用在名詞前作定語,不能用於than引導的比較狀語從句。older為“年紀較大的,較老的,較舊的”,可指人也可指物,可作定語也可作表語,能用在than引導的 比較狀語從句中。
which is the elder of the two sisters?兩姐妹中,誰是姐姐?
the older of the two sisters led me into the sitting-room.兩姐妹中的姐姐把我領進了客廳。

2). eldest和oldest的區別也是如此:前者表示年齡的長幼關係,後者表示年齡及時間或年代上的長久。 如: she has three children, and her eldest has just started school. 她有三個孩子,最大的剛開始讀書。 it is the oldest building in our college. 這是我們學院最舊的樓。 

8、exhausted, tired, tiresome

the athletes were too much exhausted to wake easily when once asleep.運動員們疲憊不堪,一旦入睡便很難醒來。
the enemy troops being exhausted and demoralized, our troops won a series of victories.敵軍疲憊不堪,士氣低落,我軍連戰皆捷。

tired:“累的,疲倦的”,普通用詞,泛指由於工作緊張或其他原因導致的疲乏,在英語中,也可表示“厭倦,不耐煩。常用於下列短語:be tired of (doing) sth. 厭倦做某事。
i'm sure you must be tired after cycling all that distance.騎了那么遠路,我想你肯定累壞了。
when i first got to wisconsin, i was tired of eating such kind of food as hamburger every day.初到威斯康星時,我對每天都吃漢堡類食品而感到厭倦。

tiresome:“令人厭倦的,討厭的”,描寫毫無趣味,易讓人生厭的人或事物,也指單調重複的工作使人感到疲勞。the difficulty of grasping abstract statements made my learning very tiresome.難以理解的抽象表述使我對學習感到厭煩。the lecture lasted three hours and it was really tiresome.講座持續了三個小時,的確令人勞累。 

9、electric, electrical

1 ). electric為“電的,用電的,帶電的”,指任何電動的或發電的裝置,被修飾的物體本身可帶電。如:  electric light, electric stove, electric piano, electric motor, electric bell。又如: please connect the two electric wires.請將這兩根電線接起來。 with this electric blanket, the grandpa won't feel cold in winter.有了電熱毯,到了冬天爺 爺就不覺得冷了。

2). electrical為“電的,與電有關的,電氣科學的”,指與電有關的事物,被修飾的詞本身並不能帶電。  如:electrical engineer, electrical energy, electrical engineering。又如: all the electrical work was done by my younger brother.所有的電工活都由弟弟來乾。 he buried himself in an electrical book.他埋頭讀一本電學方面的書。 

10、especial, special

在表示事物不尋常,過分或特殊時,這兩個詞可以互換使用,只是special較especial普遍。不過,我們通常用special表示一種特別的目的。如:she paid special (especial) attention to clothes.她特別講究穿著。that's my father's special chair in his office.那是我父親辦公室的專用椅子。these are special shoes made for john.這是專門為約翰做的鞋子。 

11、energy, strength, power


he has so much energy that he can work as hard as three men. (energy指精力)the successful carrying out of the work is due to his youth and energy. (energy指活力)the energy of the sun has been widely used now. (energy指能量)
all the passengers pushed the bus with all their strength, but it refused to move. (strength指力氣)
as the saying goes, "unity is strength", let us work hard together to overcome the difficulties. (strength指強度。)

power為“力,力量,能力,權力”。 它是力的總稱,指各種力,如電力,動力或某事物的能力。它也可指人所具有的力量,能力,權力及勢力等。當指人所具有的力氣時,它與strength同義。如:
a football player needs power/strength to run with the ball. (power指體力。)
i'll do everything in my power to help that old lady. (power指能力。)
electricity gives us power and makes machines work. (power指電力。) 

12、everyone, every one

everyone亦作everybody,只指人。它可譯作“每個人,人人,大家”。在句子中,只作主語和賓語,其後一般不跟of短語。如:he spoke so slowly that everyone could understand him.他說得很慢,每個人都能聽懂。i know everyone in the college.我認識學院的每一個人。

every one不僅可以指人,還可指物,即“每個(人或物),所有的”,其後可跟of短語。如:i don't know every one of them.這些人我並不是個個都認識。i have five pictures. every one of them is very beautiful.我有五張照片,每一張都很漂亮。 

13、engaged in, engaged to

1).engaged in表示“從事,忙於”,用在連繫動詞be後作表語,指一種狀態,介詞in後接表示工作、活動的名詞或動名詞。如: sister liu is engaged in making clothes for an orphan.劉大姐正忙於替一位孤兒做衣服。

2).engaged to表示“與……訂婚”,用於連繫動詞be, get等後作表語,用be時表示狀態,用get時表示動作,介詞to後接一個人的名詞或代詞,如: when travelling in europe he got engaged to an italian girl.他在歐洲旅行時與一位義大利女孩訂婚了。 shelley is engaged to scott.雪利與斯高特訂婚了。

14、except, except for, excepting

all except comrade wang are present.除了王同志全體都到了。
i looked everywhere except there.除了那裡以外,我到處都看了。
i went nowhere except to the factory.除了去工廠外,我哪兒都沒去。
his books seem to be everywhere except where they ought to be.他的書似乎放得都不是地方。

except for是一短語介詞,常常用來引述一個相反的原因或細節,因而部分地修正了句中的主要意義。如:
this machine is of a new type except for a few short-comings here and there.這台機器是新型的,除了某些地方有些缺點。
your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.你的作文除了少許拼寫錯誤外,寫得很好。

excepting是分詞介詞,一般用於句首或not, without, always等後面,其後多接名詞或代詞。如:
there is nobody in the room excepting john.除了約翰外,房子裡沒有其他人。
everybody must study, not excepting those who have a better grasp of marxism.每個人都必須學習,對馬克思主義懂得較多的人也不例外。
excepting sundays the stores are open daily.除星期日以外,這些商店每天都開門。 

15、english, the english

1). english指英國人的國語“英語”,如learn english, speak english。 the english指某種特別的英語,如the english of shakespeare (莎士比亞的英語),the english  of the sixteenth century (16世紀的英語)。 又如: what's the english for the chinese?(相當於the english word。) the book is translated from the english. (相當於the english original。)

2).the english還可作“英國人”解,指總稱,被看作為複數名詞。如: the english drink more tea than any other nation.英國人比其他民族更愛喝茶。 the english have a wonderful sense of humor.英國人非常有幽默感。 

16、exhibit, exhibition

exhibit在用作名詞時,往往與exhibition混淆。其實它們的詞義是不同的。exhibit表示一件或一宗“展覽品,陳列品”,構成exhibition(展覽會)的一部分,有時可以指小型的“展覽會”。如:don't touch the exhibits!勿摸展品!we visited an exhibit of oil painting yesterday.我們昨天參觀了油畫展覽。

in beijing they went to the art exhibition. 在北京,他們去參加了美術展覽會。the country holds an economic and trade exhibition every year.這個國家每年舉行一次經貿展覽會。they placed artistic handcrafts on exhibition last month.他們上個月展出了手工藝品。
an exhibition match of ping pong will take place next week.下星期將舉行一次桌球表演賽。 

17、enter, enter into


1).enter可作及物動詞,一般指進入一個具體地點或事物,如場所,建築物等。它也可指“參加”,含有到裡面去工作或學習等意思,如參加戰爭,軍隊,入學,入院等:enter the room / town / shop /  party / army / war / university / hospital。

2).enter into常用於抽象或借喻的說法中,如進入生活,談話,討論,解釋及參加某項活動等:enter  into public life/conversation/discussion/explanation/politics。enter into也可用於特彆強調深入某具體場所或某物的場合。如:we entered into a woody mountain.我們置身於一個樹木繁多的山林中。some poison has entered into his body.一些毒素已侵入他的體內。 

18、even, even though, though


1).even是副詞,作“甚至”解,用來強調語氣。它在句中的位置應靠近所強調的詞或短語,否則會引起歧 義。體會以下各句意思: she would not even enter my room.她甚至不進我的房間。 even she would not enter my room.甚至連她也不進我的房間。 she would not enter even my room.她甚至連我的房間也不進來。

2).even though (= even if)和though都為連詞,前者為“即使,縱使”,表示退一步構想,引導一個條件狀語從句,含有不肯定的意味;後者為“雖然”,引導一個讓步狀語從句,表示的是一種事實。

參見下列兩個例句,前一句表示一種構想與假設,後一句表示“他確實知道”的事實。 he will not tell us the secret, even though/even if he knows it.即使他知道這個秘密,他也不肯說出來。 he will not tell us the secret though he knows it.雖然他知道這個秘密,但卻不肯說出來。