2008聯考必背英語辭彙講座 D

1、damage, harm, hurt, injure, spoil

乍看這幾個詞,覺得意思都差不多。它們都有“損害,傷害,破壞”的意思。其實,它們之間還是有不同的。damage: “毀壞,損壞”,主要指造成價值,效用,完整性方面的損壞。例如:

mr. smith, i wonder if we could arrange a talk about the damaged cargo sometime.史密斯先生,我們能不能安排個時間商談破損貨物的問題。
the water they had thrown over everything to put out the fire damaged the books.為了滅火,他們把水往一切東西上潑,把書也損壞了。

harm: “損害,傷害”,詞義具體,強調帶來損失,病痛或痛苦。though he knows clearly that smoking harms his health, he simply cannot give it up.雖然他很清楚吸菸對身體有害,但他就是戒不了。

hurt: “疼痛,傷害”,尤其指感情或身體遭受創傷。nothing hurts more than a bad tooth, so he had to go to the dentist to have it pulled out.沒有比牙齒壞了更疼痛的了,所以他不得不找牙醫拔掉那顆壞牙。my little boy fell off a ladder and hurt himself.我的兒子從樓梯上摔了下來,把自己摔傷了。

injure: “傷害,損害”,一般常指不公正地對待或冤屈某人,即有意識地侵害別人的權利或毀壞別人的健康、成就等,也可以指外表、健康、安逸等遭受破壞。the gas polluted the surroundings and injured the health of workers and residents of the area.這種氣體污染環境,損害工人和該地區居民的健康。

spoil: 有強烈的“毀壞,毀滅”之意。指不僅造成價值,精力,興致的“損傷”,還意味著可能造成某種毀滅或徹底破壞,也有“寵壞”的意思。

john joined the party and spoiled the pleasure of everyone by his impolite behavior.約翰參加了這個晚會,他的不禮貌行為破壞了大家的興致。
quarreling completely spoiled the dinner, which broke up in discord.爭吵完全破壞了了宴會的氣氛,結果宴會不歡而散。
i do hate to spoil your fun, but i've got something urgent to tell you.我真不願掃了你的興,但我有緊急的事必須告訴你。

2、dare not , don't dare

dare是“敢”的意思,它既可作情態動詞,也可作實義動詞。dare not中的dare是情態動詞,後接動詞原形。dare作為情態動詞,其過去式為dared。 如:
i dare not think of it.我不敢想這事。
he dared not go near the woods in the daytime.白天,他不敢到灌木叢附近去。

作為情態動詞的dare除用於否定句外,還可用於疑問句和條件句,但不能用於肯定句。 如可以說 dare you say so before your parents?和jump now if you dare,但不可以說i dare touch it.

don't dare中的dare是實義動詞,後面要接動詞不定式。如:i did not dare to move.我不敢動。he had never dared to ask her to go anywhere with him.他從來不敢要求她跟他去任何地方。

作為實義動詞的dare與其它實義動詞一樣,可以用於肯定句,疑問句和條件句等。如:she dared to go there alone.她敢一個人去那裡。do you dare to come here?你敢一個人來這兒嗎?

dare與普通實義動詞的不同之處在於:在否定句和疑問句中,dare後的不定式往往可以省去 to。如:he didn't dare (to) say that to my face. 他不敢當面對我說這些。do you dare (to) climb that high mountain? 你敢爬那座高山嗎?

3、dangerous, in danger

dangerous是形容詞,意為“危險的”, 指一切能或者可能引起危險的人或事物等,有對某人或某事物構成威脅的意味。例如:he is a dangerous person.他是一個危險的人物。it is dangerous to smoke.吸菸是危險的。

in danger是一個介詞短語,意為“處於危險中”,在句中作表語,其後還可以跟of短語。在使用中,danger可由形容詞great, real等修飾。其反義語是out of danger。如:

the sick man's life had been in danger, but now he was out of danger.病人的生命曾處於危險之中,現在已脫離危險。
he is in great danger of losing all his money if he continues to buy useless objects.如果他繼續買這些無用的東西,他就有失去所有錢財的危險。

4、date, day

這兩個詞都表示“日,天”的意思,但它們之間是有區別的。date通常指具體的日期,一般以單數形式出現。它包括某年、某月、某日。因此,在回答 what's the date? 或what's the date today?的問句時,應該把年、月、日全部說出。what's the date today? 今天幾號?it's june 4,1992. 今天是1992年6月4日。

day主要用來泛指日子,a day是“一天”的意思。days是“一些日子”的意思。在問“星期幾”時,應該用它。如:what day is today? 今天星期幾?it's friday. 今天星期五。

5、deadly, deathly

deadly和deathly都可作形容詞,表示“死一般地”,指死的表象。如:the deadly/deathly silence filled the meeting-room.會議室里一片沉默,沒有一點聲音。兩者都可以充當形容詞及副詞,表示“非常,極度”,強調極端性。如:i have deadly/deathly fear of snakes.我非常害怕蛇。the man is deadly/deathly ill. 這人病得很重。

deadly另可表示:“致命的,勢不兩立的”,指導致死亡與毀滅的事物,表示死亡的可能性。 如deadly poison(致命的毒藥),deadly illness(致命的疾病),deadly weapon(致命的武器)。 又如:fog is one of the sailor's deadliest enemies.霧是海員一個最大的敵人。the sad news was a deadly blow to the poor old lady.這條訊息對這個可憐的老太太是致命一擊。

6、deal in, deal with

deal in主要“做……買賣,經營(to buy and sell, trade in)"的意思,後接事物名詞,表示經營,買賣的內容。如:this shop deals in textile good.這家商店經營紡織品。this import and export corporation deals in general merchandise, paper, building material, electrical appliances, light, etc.這家進出口公司經營日用百貨,紙張,建築材料,電器用品和燈具等。

deal with的主要意思有:
1)“與……做生意(do business, esp. trade with...), 後接集體名詞或人物名詞,表示做生意的對方;
3)關於,論及(be about, be concerned with)"等。如:
i've dealt with this store for 20 years.我與這家商店做了20年的生意。
children are tiring to deal with.帶小孩最令人討厭。
deal with a man as he deals with you.以其人之道還治其人之身。
this article deals with an important subject.這篇文章談論到一個重要的問題。

7、demand, request, require

she demanded that we give him an immediate answer.她要求我立即給他回復。
all of us demand of him whether he had heard from her recently.我們大家都問他最近是否收到她的來信。

require為“請求,懇求”,語氣較和緩,指非常禮貌地正式請求。它可接名詞及不定式的複合結構,也可以後接用賓語從句,但賓語從句中要用虛擬語氣。當以被要求的人作賓語時,要加介詞of。如:we'll do all that is required of us.我們會把要求做的全部都做完。

與demand和request的用法不同,require另可接動名詞作賓語,其主動形式表示被動意義。它也可接不定式作賓語,但仍要用被動形式來表示被動意義。如:the car requires repairing/to be repaired.這輛車需要修理。

8、display, exhibit, expose


if a child displays negative behavior by hitting someone, adults must try to persuade him to use reasoning to solve future conflicts.假如孩子有打人的不良習慣,成年人必須規勸他用講道理的方式來解決今後發生的爭執。
she is so fascinated by the beautiful dress displayed in the shop window that she cannot help looking at it admirably whenever she passes there.她對櫥窗里展示的那套漂亮衣服非常痴迷,每次經過,她都忍不住羨慕地看看它。

exhibit:“展出,表現出”,往往指出於某個特殊目的而公開地推出某些事物。although the supervisor said he needn't be responsible for the result, john still exhibited signs of stress.儘管督查員說約翰不必為此事負責,他還是顯現出承受壓力的跡象。


it's too bad that children are exposed to films and reports about crime and violence.讓孩子耳濡目染電影與新聞報導中的暴力與犯罪行為是很糟糕的。
it was my duty to leave no stone unturned to discover and expose the awful truth.我的責任就是想方設法發現這可怕的真相併公之於眾。

9、die from, die of

這兩個動詞詞組都表示“因……而死”。die from和die of都可表示因疾病,飢餓,寒冷,年邁,疲勞過度等造成的死亡。如:
die from/of illness/hunger/cold/old age/overwork/poison。再如:
it is reported that as many as 1 out of 10 heavy cigarette smokers will eventually die from/of lung cancer.據報導,有十分之一菸癮很重的人會死於肺癌。
in a severe winter, wild animals can die from/of lack of food.在嚴冬,野生動物可能會因食物不足而死。

die from另可表示由外因而造成的死亡,象事故,損傷,環境條件,自然災害等。如:
die from a traffic accident/a wound/carelessness/an electric shock/an earthquake。再如:
the young driver died from the wounds he received in the road accident.這個年輕的司機因交通事故致傷而死。
the 3-year-old child died from her fall out of the high window.這個三歲的小孩從高樓的窗戶摔下來而死。

die of另可表示因內在感情而造成的死亡,像失戀,失望,羞愧,大喜大悲等。如:
die of love/disappointment/shame/joy/grief/a broken heart。再如:
grandma zhou died of grief soon after her husband's death.周奶奶在她丈夫死後不久因悲傷過度也去世了。
they drowned themselves in the sea and died of love.他們跳海殉情了。

10、deep, deeply

deep用作副詞時,易和deeply混淆。這兩個副詞在修飾具體動作時,一般可以換用。如:we shall probe deep (or: deeply) into the matter.我們要深入地探索這件事。

deep通常用來形容靜止狀態,多用來修飾作狀語的介詞短語,帶有far into之意。如:they danced deep into the night.他們跳舞跳到深夜。he stood there thinking, his hands deep in his pockets.他站在那兒思索,兩手深深地插在口袋裡。

deeply常常用來修飾形容詞或過去分詞,作程度狀語。如:we were all deeply disturbed when we heard the news.我們聽到那訊息都感到極為不安。i'm deeply grateful for the advice you gave me.我非常感激你給我的勸告。

11、different, various

different為“不同的,有差異的”,是普通用語,常指在性質上及在其他方面不同,它強調本質的差異,著重獨特性與單獨性。它常用於be different from結構,以表示對比的差異。如:
people in different countries play the same game in different ways.同樣的運動,不同國家的人用不同的方式進行。
things today are greatly different from what they used to be.今天的情況與過去大不相同。

various為“不同的,各種各樣的”,強調同一範疇內的品種或數量的不同,而不強調相互間本質的差別。如:i did that for various reasons.由於種種原因我才這樣做的。you may solve the problem in various ways.你可用各種方式來解決這個問題。

different也可用來指品種數量的不同,而不強調本質上的差別,此時可與various換用。如:i came across different/various people .我碰見過各種各樣的人。there's different/various kinds of flowers in his garden.他的花園裡,花的品種繁多。

12、discover, invent

a new coal-mine has been discovered in this district.這地區發現了一個新的煤礦。
the police discovered an iron box hidden under the floor.警方發現地下藏著一個鐵盒子。we discovered the lady to be quite careful in her work.我們覺得這個女士對她的工作非常仔細。

invent意為“發明”, 指通過思考,實驗和研究等發明了新的有用的物品。此外,它還有“虛構,編造”的意思。bell invented the telephone.貝爾發明了電話。