
[答案] d. worthless.
[注釋] worthless 無價值的, 無用的。priceless 無價的, 貴重的, 無法估價的:a priceless treasure 無價之寶。invaluable 無法估價的, 非常寶貴的。unworthy 不值得的, 不配的; 無價值的。
82. the final _____ of the play will take place on monday.
a. action  b. performance  c. view d. sight
[答案] b. performance.
[注釋] performance (話劇的) 一場演出。
83. it was a long time before the cut on my hand _____ completely.
a. healed  b. cured  c. improved  d. recovered
[答案] a. healed.
[注釋] heal 1) 使痊癒, 治癒:the salve will help to heal the wound. (這種藥膏能治癒你的傷。) 2) 痊癒 (多指外傷) :the cut on my leg has healed. (我腿上的傷口以痊癒。) 可見, 本題是heal的第二種用法。cure治療, 治好; the drug cured my fever. (這種藥使我退燒了。) this medicine should cure you of your cold. (這種藥定會治好你的感冒。) recover也可以表示“痊癒”, 意為“恢復正常”。例如:1) i think she will recover. (我認為她會痊癒的。) 2) he almost fell ill, but quickly recovered. (他差點病到, 但很快就痊癒了。) 也可以用recovered做表語表示“痊癒, 恢復正常:are you completely recovered from your illness? (你的病是不是完全好了?)
[注意] recover vi. 用作“痊癒”時, 句子主語通常是人。improve 改善, 此詞無“治療”或“痊癒”之意。
84. to get my travelers' checks i had to have the bank _____ a special check for the total amount.
  a. make up b. make out c. make for d. make up for
[答案] b. make out.
[注釋] make out 辨別, 詳見iii.123.注釋.
85. she said she was glad the difficulty had been _____.
a. cleared away  b. cleared up
c. broken away d. broken down
[答案] b. cleared up.
[注釋] clear up 解釋, 澄清; 解決:1) i had some doubts, but now they are cleared up. (以前我有許多疑點, 但現在都解決了。) 2) the book has cleared up many difficulties for me. (這本書解決了我不少困難。) clear away 清除。詳見iii.32.break away 和 break down 詳見ⅲ.6,7,11.注釋.
86. i used to be able to play well but i'm _____ now.
a. out of date  b. out of touch
c. out of practice d. out of place
[答案] c. out of practice.
[注釋] out of practice荒廢, 久不練習; out of date 過時, 老式; out of touch失去聯繫; out of place詳見 iii, 70注釋。
87. as soon as the children were _____, their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom.
a. woke  b. waken  c. wake  d. awake