
309. can you _____ me _____ two hundred copies of this article by tomorrow.
a. give .. out b. send .. in
c. write .. off  d. run .. off
[答案] d. run…off.
[注釋] run off(=produce with a printing press or duplicating machine)印刷,複印:the print shop ran off a thousand copies of the newspaper.(=the print shop printed 1000 copies of the newspaper.)
write off報廢,勾銷。參閱ⅲ.200.注釋。give out分發,發出。send in 呈報,遞交,送上: 1 have you sent in your application?(你是否已遞交了你的申請書?) 2 he sent in two oil paintings for the exhibition.(他送上兩幅油畫參展.)
310. the current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.
a. climate  b. weather  c. state  d. occasion
[答案] a. climate.
[注釋] climate 指某一地區的長期氣侯,而weather則指某一天的“天氣”。本題中的climate(=the general temper or opinion of a group of the people or period of history) 指“某一團體歷史時期的總的狀況和民意”。例如: climate of the political unrest 不穩定的政治狀況. state(=condition) 狀態;be in a state of 處於某種狀態. 例如: 1 the room was in a very dirty state. 2 she is in a state of confusion.(她處於慌亂狀態.) 由上可見,climate 最合題意.
本題譯文: 我國目前的政治氣候有利於外國的投資.

311. it was with great delight that i read in your february _____ the letter to the editor written by prof. johnson.
a. issue  b. printing  c. magazine  d. copy
[答案] a. issue.
[注釋] 根據題意,此處是指某雜誌二月份的那一期,故應選 issue。printing 印刷;印刷術。至於 copy 與 issue 的區別,copy 指書刊的“本,冊”;而 issue 是指報刊或雜誌的“期”.
本題譯文: 非常高興地拜讀了貴刊二月的一期中所登載的詹森教授致編輯的信.
312. what i'm telling you is strictly _____. do not let anyone know of it.
a. secretive  b. special  c. individual d.confidential
[答案] d. confidential.
[注釋] confidential(=spoken or written in secret) 機密的,應保密的:the information is confidential. special 專門的,專用的: a special car(專車).individual 個別的,單個的。secretive(=fond of keeping secrets) 愛保密的,守口如瓶的.
本題譯文: 我現在告訴你的事是保密的,千萬別讓人知道.
313. the author had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the _____ of medicine for full-time writing.
a. prescriptionb. procedure c. treatment  d. practice
[答案] d. practice.
[注釋] practice(醫生或律師的)業務,生意: 1 the lawer has a very good practice. 2 we call a doctor's work and the number of patients he look after his practice.(我們把醫生的工作和醫治病人的數目稱為開業狀況.)
prescription 藥方;procedure 程式,手續;treatment 治療,待遇.
本題譯文: 這位作者當過醫生,但後來放棄開業,專搞寫作.
314. julie is one of those women who always _____ the latest fashions.
a. put up with  b. come up with
c. get on with  d. keep up with
[答案] d. keep up with.
[注釋] keep up with 跟上,與……並駕齊驅;及時了解。put up with 忍受;get on with有進展;生活得……;come up with 提出.
本題譯文: 朱莉是那些總趕時髦的女子之一.
315. having made his first film earlier this year, he is _____ starting in a new one.
a. currently  b. actually c. recently  d. lately
[答案] a. currently.
[注釋] currently 目前;actually 實際上;recently 近來;lately(=recently) 近來.start in(on) 開始(做某事),常用於口語中,如: 1 fred started in wedding the garden. (弗雷得開始在花園裡除草.) 2 if we start in at once,we shall get the job finished early. (如果我們馬上開始,我們可以早點完成這項工作.)
316. my house is very _____ for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station.
a. comfortable b. suitable  c. convenient  d. available
[答案] c. convenient.
[注釋]convenient 方便的。suitable也可接for,但其詞義和本題不符,故不能選.
317. when college students _____ future employment, they often think of status, income, and prestige.
a. demand  b. assume  c. apply  d. anticipate