
 熔渣 molten slag
 整體鑄件 monoblock casting
 單體結構船 monolithic ship
 母合金 mother metal
 放樣間 mould (or mold) loft
 活動環軸承 movable collar bearing
 多缸式 multiple cylinder
 多極點焊機 multiple electrode spot welding machine
 多段壓縮機 multi-stage compressor
 多管鍋爐 multitubular boiler
 銑床 milling machine
 機械工場 machine shop
 組合桅 made (or built) mast
 主排出閥 main discharge valve
 主發電機 main generator
 主卷揚索 main hauling line
 主停止閥 main stop valve
 補給給水 make up feed
 管理信息系統 management information systems (mis)
 操縱箱 maneuvering box (or controlling box)
 爐額 mantel piece
 海洋大氣 marine atmosphere
 中桅 middle mast
 桅頂燈 mast head lamp
 桅箍 mast hoop (or ring)
 支桅加強板 mast partner
 計量櫃 measuring tank
 機械效率 mechanical efficiency
 機械加煤器 mechanical stoker
 管清除機 mechanic tube cleaner
 藥箱,藥櫃 medicine chest
 中碳鋼 medium carbon steel
 金屬惰氣電弧焊 metal arc inert gas welding (mig)
 金屬迫緊 metallic packing
 雲母 mica
 微波 microwave
 水雷補重櫃(潛艇) mine compensating tank
 礦物油 mineral oil
 混壓渦輪機 mixed pressure turbine
 混合冷凝器 mixing condenser
 剛性模數 modulus of rigidity
 每公分俯仰差力矩 moment to change trim on cm (mtc)
 動量理論 momentum theory
 活動扳手 monkey spanner
 繫船樁 mooring bitt
 穆爾森噸位 moorsom tonnage
 平均修復時間 mttr (= mean time to repair)
 清泥攪拌器(鑽油台) mud agitator
 泥耙 mud rake
 多歧排氣 multiple exhaust
 多葉擴散器,多葉升壓器 multi-vane diffuser
 金屬迫緊 metallic packing
 桅色漆(土黃色) mast color paint
 馬赫角 mach angle
 造模機,塑造機 molding machine
 麥氏壓載艙 macintyre tank
 郵船 mail steamer
 主匯流排 main bus
 陽轉子 male rotor
 集氣歧管箱 manifold box
 馬可尼天線 marconi antenna
 裕度 margine (or allowance)
 安全邊界 margin of safety
 海洋牧場 marine ranching
 母鍾 master clock
 桅燈 mast lamp
 桅滑車 mast sheave
 席,腳擦,氈 mat
 航海員,駕駛員,船員 mate
 物料表 material list
 材料試驗 material test
 平均之平均 mean of means
 平均速[率] mean speed
 機械清潔 mechanical cleaning
 水銀溫度計 mercury thermometer
 網目,網眼,篩孔,嚙合 mesh
 回收索 messenger return line
 定傾中心曲線圖 metacentric diagram
 浸液硬焊 metal dip brazing
 金屬塗層 metallic coating
 滑線電橋 meter bridge (or slide wire bridge)
 中桅 middle mast
 最小天線高度 minimum antenna height
 客貨輪 mixed boat
 模組甲板 modular deck
 防潮,防濕 moisture proof
 蒸汽線圖 mollier diagram (or chart)
 每吋俯仰差力矩 moment to change trim on inch (mti)
 動量厚度 momentum thickness
 監視器,探測器 monitor
 錨船 mooring lighter
 [繫船]導索管 mooring pipe
 莫氏信號 morse signal
 木滑車,榫眼滑車 mortice (or mortise) block
 內燃機船 motor ship (or vessel)
 模吃水,型吃水 mould draft
 平均潮位 msl (= mean sea level)
 多層焊接 multi-layer welding
 多窄波束聲納 multi-narrow beam sonar
 多面接頭 multi-plane joint
 孟滋合金(鋅銅合金) multi-metal
 機力鉚接 machine riveting
 機罩 machinery casing
 輪機規範 machinery specification
 麥氏[二]重底 macintyre double bottom
 電磁離合器 magnetic clutch
 電磁接觸器 magnetic contactor
 電磁聯結器 magnetic coupling
 磁通,磁流 magnetic flux
 主噴射閥 main injection valve
 維護說明書 maintenance instruction
 主[防火]垂直區域 main vertical zone
 陽模 male mold
 人機作業系統 man-machine system
 艏垂桿(帆船) martingale (or dolphin striker)
 標準規 master gauge
 自動平衡平滑閥 match-box type (or self balance) flat slide valve
 最大載重,最大負荷 maximum load
 平均塑變深度增率 mean depth of deformation rate
 平均直徑 mean diameter
 機械損失 mechanical loss
 熔點 melting point
 最大熵法 mem (= maximum entropy method)
 水銀換向開關 mercury reversing switch
 定傾[中心]高度 metacentric height (gm)
 金屬接觸 metallic contact
 中間蒸餾油,白油 middle distillates
 舯部甲板室 midship house
 見習生,見習官 midship man
 布雷艇 mine boat (or mine layer)
 最小噴射量 minimum regular delivery
 模型 model
 彈性係數,彈性模數 modulus of elasticity
 抗濕絕緣材料 moisture resistant insulating material
 短[低]艏艛 monkey forecastle
 機動艇,汽艇,馬達艇 motor boat
 電動汽笛 motor siren
 型板,樣板,模板 mould (or template)
 模排水量,型排水量 mould displacement
 模排水量,型排水量 moulded displacement
 轉動葉片 moving vane
 軟鋼 ms (= mild steel)
 多[重]效[用]蒸發器 multiple effect evaporator
 複式電阻焊 multiple resistance welding
 多螺槳船,多軸船 multiple screw ship
 機械畫 machine drawing
 機械加工,機械充制 machine finish
 組成滑車 made (or built) block
 磁通試驗 magnaflux test
 磁粉探傷檢查 magnetic particle testing (mt)
 主連桿 main connecting rod
 主機 main engine
 主機座,主機台 main engine bed (or seat)
 主排氣管 main exhaust
 主電源 main power supply
 主操舵裝置 main steering gear
 維護手冊 maintenance manual
 手動泵 manual pump (or hand pump)
 輪機員,輪機工程師 marine engineer
 海洋研究船 marine research ship
 桅罩 mast coat
 主閥 master valve
 最高電壓 maximum voltage
 額定最大連續出力 mcr (= maximum continuous rating)
 平均空蝕深度,平均熔透深度,平均貫穿深度 mean depth of penetration
 平均吃水 mean draft
 平均吃水 mean draught
 平均值 mean value
 標柱浬距 measured mile
 薄膜壁 membrane wall
 商船 merchant ship
 水銀燈 mercury-vapor lamp
 餐桌 mess table
 定傾半徑 metacentric radius (bm)
 金屬接觸(鉚接) metal touch
 米契爾止推軸承 michell thrust bearing
 顯微組織 micro-structure
 製造廠 mill
 鋼料出廠證書 mill sheet
 混合閥 mixing valve
 模型工程 model engineering
 濕蒸汽 moist steam
 模寬,型寬 molded (or moulded) breadth
 系泊試 mooring (or dock, or basin) trial
 掃除用具 mop
 連續常用最大出力 msco (= maximum service continuous output)
 多頻道 multi channel
 多焰氣炬 multi-flame torch
 多級膨脹機 multiple expansion engine
 層積焊法 multiple layer process
 平均螺距 mean pitch
 主饋線 main feeder
 主力艦隊 main fleet
 強制性歲檢 mandatory annual survey
 操縱[用]空氣 maneuvering air
 擋浪板 manger board (or plate, or break water)
 船用衛生設施 marine sanitation device (msd)
 麻田散鐵 martensite
 桅箍 mast band
 桅左右支索 mast shroud (or rigging)
 桅前後支索 mast stay
 材料能力下降係數 material capability reduction factor
 氈合 mat in
 矩陣影響係數 matrix influence coefficient
 最大葉厚線 maximum thickness line
 平均故障間隔 mean time between failures (mtbf)
 商船 merchant vessel
 水銀試驗 mercury test
 傳動鏈 messenger chain
 微振圖示計 micro-vibrograph
 雷錨 mine anchor
 錐形閥 miter (or conical) valve
 混合燃燒 mixed firing
 活動起重機 mobile crane
 力矩 moment
 硬殼[結構] monocoque
 系泊布置 mooring arrangement
 馬達發電機 motor generator
 滑動接觸 moving contact
 泥漿池 mud pit (or wet mud tank)
 多盤管給水加熱器 multi-coil feed heater
 多柴油機推進 multi-diesel propulsion
 多板離合器 multi-plate clutch
 多用途船 multi-purpose ship
 蕈形閥 mushroom valve
 召集站 muster station
 操縱台 maneuvering platform
 人孔 manhole
 載人潛水艇,載人潛水器 manned submersible
 舷梯扶手繩 manrope rove
 手冊 manual
 船舶,海運,船用 marine
 船用鍋爐 marine boiler
 大量生產 mass production
 主鏇塞 master cock
 甲板桅孔 mast hole
 通道墊 matting runner
 最大寬度 maximum breadth
 連續常用最大出力 maximum service continu- ous output (msco)
 最大工作半徑 maximum working radius
 平均潮位 mean tide level (mtl)
 中速引擎 medium speed engine
 高阻計,絕緣測定器 megger
 金屬接合 metallic joint
 公尺燭光 meter candle
 標柱 mile post
 水硬化器 mineralizer
 混合循環 mixed cycle
 可動式鑽油台 mobile drilling unit (or rig, or platform)
 放樣間 mold loft
 縮尺放樣 mold loft on reduced scale
 單[胴]體船 mono-hull
 榫眼機 mortising machine
 架,座,裝置 mounting
 多用途貨船 mpc (= multi-purpose cargo ship)
 多種燃料引擎 multi-fuel engine
 多軸鑽床 multiple drill
 複式沖床 multiple punch (or multiple punching machine)
 床墊 mattress
 mau型螺葉斷面 mau type blade section
 最大熵法 maximum entropy method (mem)
 連續最大出力 mco (= maximum continuous output)
 平均有效壓力 mean effective pressure
 丈量容積 measurement capacity
 中級配合 medium fit
 市售條材 merchant (or market) bar
 改裝巡洋艦 merchant cruiser
 水銀鍋爐 mercury boiler
 吊索 messenger wire
 金屬弧切割 metal arc cutting
 甲醇注入裝置 methanol dosing system
 氯化甲烷 methyl-chloride
 公制馬力 metric horsepower (or pferdstaerke)
 分厘卡尺 micrometer caliper
 銑刀 milling cutter
 每秒百萬指令 million instructions per second (mips)
 軋鋼鱗片 mill oxide (or scale)
 最小噴射量 minimum injection limit ( or regular delivery, or discharge injection)
 混合燃燒鍋爐 mixed firing (or fuel burning) boiler
 模型試驗,船模試驗 model experiment
 疾風(七級風) moderate gale
 模排水量,型排水量 molded displacement
 動量矩 moment of momentum
 系泊船 mooring
 系留錨,碇泊錨 mooring anchor
 馬達風扇 motor fan
 模深,型深 mould depth
 型寬,模寬 moulded breadth
 模線 mould (or mold) line
 磁氣探傷檢查 mt (= magnetic particle testing)
 消聲器 muffler (or silencer)
 多段離心風扇 multiple centrifugal fan
 多層安全玻璃 multiple safety glass
 多壓渦輪機 multi-pressure turbine
 多級式,多段式 multi-stage (or multiple stage)
 平均修復時間 mean time to repair (mttr)
 指示推力 measured (or indicated) thrust
 呎碼貨 measurement cargo
 機械式減速齒輪 mechanical reduction gear
 機械式扳機 mechanical trigger
 膜式艙櫃 membrane tank
 金屬救生艇 metallic lifeboat
 公噸(公斤) metric ton
 微公尺 micron
 舯機艙船 midship engine ship (or engine midship)
 舯[部]肋骨 midship frame
 舯剖面積 midship section area
 水雷軌架 mine tracks
 飛彈發射器 missile launcher
 後桅 mizzen mast
 單元化(電算) modularity
 模尺寸,型尺寸 molded dimension
 面積矩 moment of area
 慣性矩 moment of inertia
 活動板鉗 monkey wrench
 系泊浮筒 mooring buoy
 繫船柱 mooring post
 繫船接環 mooring shackle
 母船 mother ship
 電動閥 motor operated valve
 模,鑄模 mould (or mold)
 緣飾,造模翻砂,塑模 moulding (or molding)
 塔底接管孔(鑽油台) mouse hole
 最初故障平均時間 mtff (= mean time to first failure)
 泥箱,清泥器(鍋爐) mud box
 擴效器,乘算器 multiplier
 夾層安全玻璃 multi safety glass
 模吃水,型吃水 molded draught (or draft)
 熔[化]池(焊接) molten pool
 蒙納合金(鎳銅合金) monel metal
 單軌吊車 mono rail hoist
 繫船索 mooring rope
 [穆爾斯]信號燈 morse signal lamp
 榫眼 mortice (or mortise)
 馬達艇 motor launch
 模深,型深 moulded (or molded) depth
 型尺寸 moulded dimension
 角材俯視寬(木船) moulding
 平均故障間隔 mtbf (= mean time between failures)
 套筒聯結器,筒形聯結器 muff (or box) coupling
 多芯電纜 multi-core cable
 多功能支持船 multi-function support vessel
 多效冷凍器 multiple effect refrigerator
 複式沖床 multiple punch (or multiple punching machine)
 複式沖床 multiple punching machine
 多級式,多段式 multiple stage
 蕈頭鉚釘 mushroom head rivet
 放樣木條 mold loft batten
 力偶矩 moment of couple
 力矩 moment of force
 系泊力 mooring force
 魚雷快艇 motor torpedo boat (mtb)
 海事安全委員會 msc (= maritime safety committee)
 泥槽(鑽油台) mud ditch
 泥孔,出泥孔(鍋爐) mud hole
 多管穿線板 multi cable transit
 蕈形錨 mushroom anchor
 輥軋號數 mill number
 桅孔 mast opening
 [繫船]導索管 mooring pipe
 扶手索 man rope
 平均壓力 mean pressure
 磁極 magnetic pole
 菌頭鉚釘 mushroom head rivet
 莫氏信號 morse signal
 主桅支索 main rigging
 軋鋼鱗片 mill scale
 操縱用蓄氣器 maneuvering reservoir
 內燃機船 motor ship (or vessel)
 馬達汽笛 motor siren
 桅傾度 mast rake
 馬尼拉繩,馬尼拉纜 manila rope
 多用途船 multi-purpose ship
 操縱軸 maneuvering shaft
 商船 merchant ship
 剛性模數,剛性係數 modulus of rigidity
 主帆 main sail
 繫船接環 mooring shackle
 機械工場 machine shop
 中碳鋼 medium carbon steel
 軟鋼 mild steel
 多級式 multiple stage
 輪機規範 machinery specification
 錳鋼 manganese steel
 濕蒸汽 moist steam
 桅跟座 mast step
 顯微組織 micro-structure
 磁力過濾器 magnetic strainer
 強制性歲檢 mandatory annual survey
 主開關 main switch
 水雷補重櫃 mine compensating tank
 多斷開關 multi-break switch
 索針 marline spike
 混合蒸汽 mixed steam
 郵船 mail steamer
 水銀溫度計 mercury thermometer
 模型試驗 model test
 繫船轉環 mooring swivel
 水銀試驗 mercury test
 機具 machine tool
 公噸(公斤) metric ton
 主壓載艙 main ballast tank
 丈量噸位 measurement tonnage
 蕈形閥 mushroom valve
 蕈形通風筒 mushroom ventilator
 餐桌 mess table
 舯艙 midship tank
 錐形閥 miter valve
 船用渦輪機 marine turbine
 商船 merchant vessel
 水銀換向開關 mercury reversing switch
 轉動葉片 moving vane
 主排出閥 main discharge valve
 主閥 master valve
 機械通風 mechanical ventilation
 多桿材料試驗機 multiple lever testing machine
 主停止閥 main stop valve
 木齒輪 mortice wheel
 水銀渦輪機 mercury turbine
 主給水閥 main feed valve
 主噴射閥 main injection valve
 集合閥,集用閥 miter group valve
 瑞典金屬材料標準協會 mnc (= metallnormcentralen-sis, sweden)
 操縱閥 maneuvering valve
 機器重量 machinery weight
 活動扳鉗 monkey wrench
 美國軍方標準 ms (= military standards, u.s.a.)
 平均跡流 mean wake
 美國金屬粉工業聯盟 mpif (= metal powder industries federation, u.s.a.)
 美國閥類工業標準化製造商學會 mss (= manufacturers standardization society of the valve and fitting industry, u.s.a.)
 機械老虎鉗 machine vice
 桅楔 mast wedge
 斜方輪 mitre wheel
 挪威電機材料標準協會 memco (= norges elektriske materiell kontroll, norway)
 美國軍方規範及標準 mil (= military specifications and standards, u.s.a.)