
 艙口緣木 head ledge (or ledge)
 熱落差 heat drop
 加熱裝置圖,暖氣配置圖 heating plan
 放熱 heat release
 重巡洋艦 heavy cruiser
 重物起重船 heavy lift crane ship
 螺鏇齒輪 helical gear
 人字艇底板(小艇) herringbone planking
 高合金鋼 high alloy steel
 高壓 high pressure
 麻布蓋 holland cover
 鉤頭螺栓 hook bolt
 馬力 horsepower
 熱風 hot blast
 熱抽 hot drawn (or drawing)
 熱板 hot plate
 船[體]梁 hull girder
 船體剖面模數 hull section modulus
 增濕器 humidifier
 液力起重機 hydraulic crane
 液壓缸 hydraulic cylinder
 液力錨機 hydraulic windlass
 水上飛機 hydroaeroplane
 氫[氣]焊接 hydrogen welding
 手積法 hand lay up method
 測[深]錘索 hand lead line
 手鋸 hand saw
 快捷運輸船 handy carrier (h.c.)
 港口設施 harbor facilities
 銳棱⑾ hard chine
 硬化鋼,淬火鋼 hardened steel
 諧波放大器 harmonic amplifier
 艙口 hatch (or hatch way)
 艙口壓條扣 hatch batten clip
 艙口緣圍 hatch coaming
 頂浪 head sea
 熱影響區[域](焊接) heat affected zone
 熱交換器 heat exchanger
 加熱系統 heating system
 重甲板船 heavy decker
 重油 heavy oil
 高波,巨浪 heavy sea
 傾側水艙 heeling tank
 舵輪 helm wheel
 高頻率發電機,高周波產生器 high frequency generator
 高壓渦輪機 high pressure turbine
 高張力鋼,高拉力鋼 high tension steel
 高鈦系[焊條] high titanic type
 鉸煉雙殼型鑽油船 hinged catamaran type drilling ring
 鉸鏈蓋 hinged cover
 卷索鼓 hoisting drum
 艙 hold
 艙肋骨 hold frame
 空心門 hollow door
 鉤形嵌接 hook scarf
 漏斗,開底泥駁 hopper
 橫線,水平線 horizontal line
 水平推力 horizontal thrust
 軟管連線閥 hose connection valve
 醫院船 hospital ship
 調濕器 humidisitat
 界限速率,峰速(浪) hump speed
 從動裝置(操舵) hunting gear
 散步甲板 hurricane (or promenade) deck
 颶風燈 hurricane lamp
 液力離合器 hydraulic clutch
 水翼船 hydrofoil boat (or craft)
 斷續電點火 hammer spark (or make and break) ignition
 手鑽 hand bore
 人力添煤 hand firing
 手柄 hand grip
 人工添煤 hand stoking
 手扳螺絲攻 hand tap
 表面硬化 hard facing
 右滿舵 hard starboard
 諧波運動 harmonic motion
 哈維法硬化鋼 harveyed steel
 艙口角隅 hatch corner
 艙口緣圍壁 hatchway trunk
 艙口梁 hatch web
 艙口楔 hatch wedge
 錨鏈孔處艏部 hawse
 管集箱板,管頭箱板 header plate
 水頭,水位差 head of water (or water head)
 廁所(軍艦) heads
 熱容量 heat capacity
 熱能 heat energy
 絲極電流 heater current
 加熱布置,暖汽布置 heating arrangement
 預熱口[焊接],加熱孔 heating gate
 絕熱材料,保溫材料 heat insulating material
 傳熱率 heat transfer rate
 提錨 heave anchor
 重貨 heavy cargo
 重[負]荷[使]用 heavy duty
 船傾差(羅經) heeling error
 葉高比 height ratio of blading
 螺鏇齒 helical teeth
 氦 helium
 舵角指示器 helm indicator
 高高潮 hhw (= higher high water)
 高升程閥 high lift valve
 上吸口 high suction
 高壓直流發電機 high tension d.c. generator
 鉸鏈,合葉 hinge
 鉸[鏈]接合,鉸[鏈]接頭 hinged joint
 吊機引擎 hoisting engine
 起吊眼板 hoisting pad
 擋錘,頂錘 hold up hammer
 艙井 hold well
 谷,波谷,空心 hollow
 凹面翼斷面 hollow-faced blade section
 空心軸 hollow shaft
 自燃位號燈 holmes (or rescue, or self-ignition) light
 掛帽鉤 hat hook
 水平向彎曲 horizontal bend
 水平焊接,橫[向]焊接 horizontal welding
 熱油濾器 hot filter
 船殼整順 hull fairing
 ∽,船體裝置 hull fittings
 船體強度 hull strength
 增濕 humidification
 液力煞 hydraulic brake
 液壓測功計 hydraulic dynamometer
 液壓泵 hydraulic pump
 液壓鉚接 hydraulic riveting
 流體動力分量 hydrodynamic force component
 酸鹹度 hydrogen ion concentra- tion (ph)
 濕度計 hygrometer
 燒球點火 hot bulb ignition
 橫接合,橫接頭 horizontal joint
 硬補 hard patch
 艙口蓋板 hatch board
 錨鏈孔 hawse hole
 三股索 hawser laid rope
 帆頂耳索 head earing
 事務長 head steward
 心材 heart wood
 加熱器,暖爐 heater
 熱回收 heat recovery
 [船身]起伏 heaving
 大鑄件 heavy casting
 高碳鋼 high carbon steel
 高歪斜螺槳 high skew propeller
 高潮 high water
 高低潮 hlw (= higher low water)
 滾齒機 hobbing machine
 手提[貨艙]燈 hold lantern
 水平接頭,水平聯結器 horizontal coupling
 開槽橫焊接 horizontal groove welding
 水平⒃蛋 horizontal margin plate
 船體電流 hull current
 船體延伸型鑽油船 hull extension type drilling rig
 船體重量 hull weight
 濕度 humidity
 液壓彎曲機 hydraulic bender
 液力聯結器 hydraulic coupling (or transmitter)
 流體動力學 hydrodynamics
 氫脆化 hydrogen embrittlement
 比重計,濃度計 hydrometer
 比重測定法 hydrometry
 鋁鎂合金材料 hydronalium
 親水性 hydrophilic
 鉸[鏈]接合,鉸[鏈]接頭 hinged joint
 手提計程儀 hand log
 連線材 harpin
 艙口梁吊索 hatch beam sling
 艙蓋板承 hatch rest
 艙口活動梁 hatch web beam (or shifting beam, or hatch beam)
 錨鏈孔材 hawse timber
 頭戴式耳機 head phone
 熱含量 heat content
 高壓加熱器 high pressure heater
 保溫材料,熱絕緣體 heat insulator
 艉殼板 heel plate of shell (or hoop plate)
 螺鏇面 helicoidal surface
 麻 hemp
 赫(周/秒) hertz (hz)
 高速切刀 high speed cutter
 上吸口閥(海水閥) high suction valve
 高溫腐蝕 high temperature corrosion
 高氧化鈦系焊條 high titanic oxide type electrode
 鉸鏈門 hinged door
 甲板覆蓋物固定具 hold fast for deck composition
 聚水艙 holding tank
 甲板磨石 holy stone
 勻質貨 homogeneous cargo
 安全鉤 hook with safety tong
 斗式挖泥船 hopper dredger
 水平抓緊範圍 horizontal holding range
 捻縫鑿 horsing iron
 熱氣乾燥 hot air seasoning
 加熱折緣機 hot flanging machine
 熱軋 hot rolling
 熱水暖氣法 hot water heating
 液壓設備 hydraulic plant
 疏水性 hydrophobic
 提燈 hand lamp
 鏈孔蓋 hawse buckler
 帆頂[部],水頭,落差,揚程 head
 熱負荷 heat load
 熱處理 heat treatment
 重吊桿 heavy derrick boom
 螺鏇角 helical angle
 希臘驗船協會 hellenic register of shipping (hr)
 高氧化鐵系(焊條) high iron oxide type
 高壓加熱器 high pressure heater
 高壓軸封迫緊 high pressure seal packing
 高速 high speed
 高壓(電),高張力,高拉力 high tension
 斷續調速 hit and miss governing
 鉚釘頭頂具 hobby
 抗彎縱肋 hog frame
 蜂巢型結構 honey comb structure
 水平特性(燃氣渦輪機) horizontal character- istics
 水平斜材 horizontal diagonal (or brace)
 軟管接頭 hose coupling
 射水試驗 hose test
 加熱成型 hot forming
 氣墊船 hovercraft
 [螺槳]轂 hub (or boss)
 轂比 hub ratio
 船體幾何 hull geometry
 船體說明書,船體規範 hull specification
 颶風 hurricane
 液壓油迴路 hydraulic oil circuit
 液壓機 hydraulic press
 液壓 hydraulic pressure
 液壓櫃 hydraulic tank
 液壓試驗 hydraulic test
 流體動力螺距角 hydrodynamic pitch angle
 爐水催進器 hydrokineter
 假想流出量 hypothetical outflow
 引纜繩,撇纜繩 hauling line
 艏艉列端板 hooding end
 引鏈索 hook rope
 艉殼板 hoop plate
 橫接合,橫接頭 horizontal joint
 馬蹄型鐵 horse shoe
 燒球式引擎,半柴油引擎 hot bulb engine
 熱鑿 hot chisel
 細腰形試片 hour-glass shaped specimen
 [桅頂]公司旗 house flag
 液壓儲壓器 hydraulic accumulator
 液壓傳動器 hydraulic transmitter
 水翼 hydrofoil
 氫脆裂 hydrogen induced cracking
 漂水船 hydroskimmer
 平分線 halving line
 滾齒機 hobbing machine
 帽形通風筒 hood ventilator
 半懸舵 horn rudder
 軟管連線 hose connection
 軟管卷盤 hose reel
 軟管絞車 hose winch
 燒球點火 hot bulb ignition
 液力效率 hydraulic efficiency
 液壓機 hydraulic machine
 噴射推進器 hydraulic (or jet) propeller
 水力學 hydraulics
 流線形舵 hydrofoil rudder (or streamline rudder)
 氫氣收集器(焊接) hydrogen collecting apparatus
 水中測音器 hydrophone
 水平舵,水上滑行艇 hydroplane
 深度計 hydroscope
 靜水曲線圖 hydroststic curve
 引纜繩,撇纜繩 heaving line
 橫線,水平線 horizontal line
 鉤 hook
 箍[環周向]應力 hoop stress
 臥式對置[汽缸]引擎 horizontal opposed engine
 橫[向]嵌接 horizontal scarf
 喇叭形揚聲器 horn type loudspeaker
 馬力限制器 horsepower limiter
 船體結構 hull construction
 船體代號 hull number
 船體結構 hull structure
 電動液壓操舵裝置 hydro-electric steering gear
 水翼船 hydrofoil craft
 靜水[壓力]試驗 hydrostatic test
 豎肘板 ( 木船 ) hanging knee
 下索 hauling down line
 水平遮沒信號 horizontal blanking signal
 水平中心控制(雷達) horizontal centering control
 臥式引擎 horizontal engine
 喇叭,號角 horn
 船身,船殼,船體 hull
 消防栓,水龍頭 hydrant
 液壓千斤頂 hydraulic jack
 水力彈性學 hydroelasticity
 半載,半負荷 half load
 根肘材 ( 木船 ) heel knee
 測[深]錘索 hand lead line
 橫⒃蛋 horizontal margin plate
 艙口梯 hold ladder
 硬度數 hardness number
 捻縫鑿 horsing iron
 掛燈 hanging lamp
 測[深]錘 hand lead
 毛床墊 hair mattress
 艏纜 head line
 重油 heavy oil
 空心柱 hollow pillar
 重油機 heavy oil engine
 比重計,濃度計 hydrometer
 艙口 hatch opening
 硬補 hard patch
 舷窗半遮蔽板 half port
 艙柱 hold pillar
 液壓設備 hydraulic plant
 船身代號 hull number
 軟管卷盤 hose reel
 錨鏈筒 hawse pipe
 暖氣圖,加熱裝置圖 heating plan
 橫舵 horizontal rudder
 半寬線圖 half breadth plan
 馬力 horse power
 高壓 high pressure
 液壓 hydraulic pressure
 液壓泵 hydraulic pump
 手搖泵 hand (or manual) pump
 帽架 hat rack
 三股索 hawser laid rope
 手絞刀 hand reamer
 鉤形嵌接 hook scarph
 熱氣乾燥 hot air seasoning
 欄桿,扶手 hand rail
 人工鉚接 hand riveting
 軟管掛架 hose rack
 液壓撞錘 hydraulic ram
 正面阻力 head resistance
 獸皮繩 hide rope
 弓鋸 hack saw
 手鋸 hand saw
 醫院船 hospital ship
 懸舵 hanging rudder
 頂浪 head sea
 麻繩 hemp rope
 半懸舵 horn rudder
 液壓鉚機 hydraulic riveter
 高浪 heavy sea
 硬焊 hard soldering
 硬化鋼,淬火鋼 hardened steel
 空心軸 hollow shaft
 高碳鋼 high carbon steel
 半轉速(港內) half speed
 港內轉速,港內船速 harbour speed
 活動艙口瀾柱 hatch stanchion
 艙縱肋 hold stringer
 液壓操舵裝置 hydraulic steering gear
 電動液壓操舵裝置 hydro-electric steering gear
 受熱面 heating surface
 船體規範 hull specification
 高壓蒸汽 high pressure steam
 高張力鋼,高拉力鋼 high tension steel
 手桿 hand spike (or capstan bar)
 高壓櫃 high pressure tank
 液壓櫃 hydraulic tank
 艙柱 hold stanchion
 船體強度 hull strength
 高速鋼,風鋼 high speed steel
 人工操舵裝置 hand steering gear
 橫向防撓材 horizontal stiffener
 輸出閥 head valve (or delivery valve)
 艙口蓋布 hatch tarpaulin
 錘擊試驗 hammering test
 液壓試驗 hydraulic test
 重甲板船 heavy deck vessel
 射水試驗 hose test
 水平推力 horizontal thrust
 聚水櫃 holding tank
 馬蹄式推力[軸]承 horse shoe type thrust bearing
 手[老虎]鉗 hand vice
 液力錨機 hydraulic windlass
 液力觸發器 hydraulic trigger
 手輪 hand wheel
 帽形通風筒 hood ventilator
 熱拉管 hot drawn tube
 艙口楔 hatch wedge
 熱井 hot well
 美國熱交換學會 hei (= heat exchange institute, u.s.a.)
 軟管連線閥 hose connection valve
 液力絞機 hydraulic winch
 船體重量 hull weight
 絞接閥 hinged valve
 高速船 high speed vessel
 橫向焊接 horizontal welding
 希臘驗船協會 hr (= hellenic register of shipping)
 艙口活動梁 hatch web (or shifting ) beam
 美國吊車製造商協會 hma (= hoist manufacturers association, u.s.a.)
 美國液壓學會 hi (= hydraulic institute, u.s.a.)