
 最接近點距離 distance at closest point of approach (dcpa)
 航程指示器 distance indicator
 間隔件 distance piece
 浬程表 distance table
 蒸餾油 distillates
 蒸餾水 distilled water
 蒸餾器 distiller
 蒸餾冷凝器 distilling condenser
 蒸餾設備 distilling plant
 蒸餾水櫃 distilling tank
 畸變,扭曲 )失真 distorsion
 海難 distress
 遇難信號 distress signal
 分布電容 distributed capacity
 配電板,配電盤 distributing (or distribution) board
 分配集管箱 distributing header
 分配閥 distributing valve
 分布,配材 distribution
 配電盤 distribution board
 分配箱,配電箱,分電箱 distribution box (or cabinet)
 分配岐管 distribution manifold
 分配閥 distribution valve
 分配器,配電器 distributor
 擾動 disturbance
 潛水員,潛水員 diver
 漸擴噴嘴 divergent nozzle
 發散波 divergent wave
 雙流渦輪機 divided (or double) flow turbine
 分規,兩腳規 dividers
 潛水器具 diving apparatus
 潛水鐘 diving bell
 潛水衣 diving dress
 橫舵 diving rudder (or plate)
 潛水支援船 diving support vessel (dsv)
 潛水[員]工作船 diving tender
 潛航俯仰(潛艇) diving trim
 潛水閥(潛艇) diving valve
 隔板 division (or partition) plate
 隔壁 division wall
 直接數值控制 dnc (= direct numerical control)
 塢,碼頭 dock
 乾塢 dry dock
 塢費 dockage
 碼頭工 docker
 塢底 dock floor
 塢門 dock gate (or caisson)
 塢房 dock house
 進塢,泊岸 docking
 艉望台 docking bridge
 駐塢龍骨 docking keel
 駐塢圖 docking plan
 入塢檢驗 docking survey
 進塢V docking telegraph
 塢工,碼頭工 dock laborer (or mah)
 碼頭勞工法 dock laborer's act
 船塢下水 dock launching
 塢工 dock man
 [船]塢長 dock master
 塢底側支柱 dock shore
 塢檻 dock sill
 船廠[初步]試 dock (or builder) trial
 [造]船廠 dockyard
 防風幕,防浪板 dodger
 壓具,鉤釘 dog
 強[力]背[材] dog (or strong) back
 囓合離合器 dog clutch
 止滑木 dog shore (or dagger)
 支條 dog stay
 風標 dog vane
 鉚釘頭頂具 dolly
 鉚釘頭模棒 dolly bar
 垂桿(帆船) dolphin striker
 圓蓋,汽包 dome
 圓頂天窗 dome skylight
 副鍋爐 donkey boiler
 副機,輔機 donkey (or auxiliary) engine
 副泵 donkey pump
 門墊 door mat
 門坎 door sill
 門口 door way
 都卜勒測程儀 doppler log
 都卜勒聲納 doppler sonar
 雙動,復動 double acting
 雙動引擎 double acting engine
 雙動泵 double acting pump
 雙角材 double angle bar
 雙座艇 double banked boat
 雙臂連桿 double bar link
 雙座閥,雙層閥 double beat (or seat) valve
 雙層鋪 double berth
 雙鋪房艙 double berth cabin
 雙斜槽,k形槽 double bevel groove
 雙輪滑車 double block
 [二]重底 double bottom
 [二]重底艙 double bottom tank
 雙斷開關 double-break switch
 雙層艙壁 double bulkhead
 雙層床 double bunk
 雙搭板 double butt strap
 雙向搭板接合 double butt strap joint
 復[式]卡[鉗] double calipers
 復示功圖 double card
 雙腔調速管(電) double cavity klystron
 雙曲率 double curvature
 雙缸引擎 double cylinder engine
 雙層甲板 double deck
 雙面V double dial telegraph
 雙效蒸發器,雙效淡水機 double effect evaporator
 雙頭鍋爐 double ended boiler
 兩頭船 double ender
 雙頭沖 double end punch
 雙刃剪機 double end shear
 雙膨脹蒸汽機 double expansion steam engine
 雙流渦輪機 double (or divided) flow turbine
 拼制肋骨(木船) double frame
 雙面槽 double groove
 雙槽焊 double groove weld
 人字齒輪 double helical (or herring-bone) gear
 雙管設備 double-hose rigs
 雙層船殼 double hull
 複式噴射器 double injector
 雙面丁形槽 double-j groove
 雙丁槽焊 double-j groove weld
 雙螺帽 double nut
 雙通淨油系統 double pass purifying system
 雙邊辦公桌 double pedestal desk
 雙排柱 double pillar
 雙重管滷水冷卻器 double pipe brine cooler
 雙管冷凝器 double pipe condenser
 復板舵 double plate rudder
 雙極開關 double-pole switch
 雙口滑閥 double ported slide valve
 雙油頭 double probe
 雙滑車起貨機,雙索絞 double purchase winch
 加力板,加強板,二重板 doubler
 兩段減速齒輪 double reduction gear
 雙行鉚[釘]接[合] double riveted joint
 雙行鉚接 double riveting
 雙行鉚接 double rivet joint
 雙排缸迴轉引擎 double rotary engine
 雙座停止閥 double seat stop valve
 雙座閥 double seat (or beat) valve
 雙面剪 double shear
 雙蔽葉輪 double shrouded impeller
 雙邊[頻]帶傳送 double side-band transmission (dsb)
 兩側吸入葉輪 double sided impeller
 雙面搭板接合 double strapped joint
 雙吸[式]泵 double suction pump
 雙轉環鉤 double swivel hook
 雙重拉伸試驗 double tension test
 雙螺紋 double thread
 雙紋螺釘 double threaded screw
 雙拐曲柄軸 double throw crankshaft
 雙投開關 double throw switch
 雙u形槽 double-u groove
 雙v形槽,x形槽 double-v groove
 雙面焊接接合 double welded joint
 雙線式 double wire system
 加力板,加強板,二重板 doubling plate (or doubler)
 和面器 dough mixer
 鳩尾 dovetail
 鳩尾接合 dovetail joint
 鳩尾榫眼 dovetail mortise
 鳩尾[形]板 dovetail plate
 鳩尾榫舌 dovetail tongue
 深海作業艇 dowb (= deep ocean work boat)
 定位銷,合釘,雙尖釘 dowel
 銷合 doweling
 定位銷,合釘 dowel pin
 降水管(鍋爐) down cast (or comer)
 進排氣通風筒 down cast and up-take ventilator
 降流管集箱,降流管頭箱 down cast header
 降水管,降流管 downcast pipe (or downcomer)
 進氣通風筒 down cast ventilator
 降水管(鍋爐) down-comer tube
 下坡度與上坡度 down-grade and up-grade
 下向焊[接] down hand welding
 下拉索 downhaul
 下坡焊[接] down hill direction welding
 下行衝程 down stroke
 飛輪泵 downton pump
 下向通風器 downward ventilator
 下溜 down wash
 俯焊,平焊 down welding
 吃水,送風 )繪圖 draft (or draught)
 吃水計,通風壓力計 draft gauge
 通風落差 draft head (or height)
 繪圖 drafting
 通風損失 draft loss
 吃水標 draft mark
 吃水標尺 draft scale
 繪圖員 draftsman
 送風道 draft trunk
 曳力,拖曳 )下模箱 drag
 拖錨 drag anchor
 制動鏈(下水) drag chain
 曳力係數 drag coefficient
 曳升力比 drag-lift ratio
 拉桿 drag link (or suspension rod)
 氣割尾焰 drag of gas cutting
 拖吸式挖泥船 drag suction dredger
 排泄 drain
 排泄裝置 drainage
 排泄櫃 drain cistern
 排泄鏇塞 drain cock
 排泄孔 drain hole
 ⑺排泄 draining bilge
 排泄管 drain pipe
 排泄塞 drain plug
 污水泵 drain pump
 污水分離器 drain separator
 排泄阱 drain steam (or water) trap
 溫差排泄阱 differential drain trap
 排泄櫃 drain tank
 排泄阱 drain trap
 排泄閥 drain valve
 排泄井 drain well
 吃水,送風 )繪圖 draught (or draft)
 吃水調整 draught adjusting
 艉吃水 draught aft
 鼓風機 draught blower
 艏吃水 draught forward
 風壓計,吃水計 draught gauge
 吃水標 draught mark
 吃水標檢查 draught mark inspection
 汲水桶 draw bucket
 手拉壓力歷程圖 draw card
 圖,繪圖 drawing
 設計圖 design drawing
 細部圖,分圖 detail drawing
 拉制管 drawn (or solid drawn) tube
 老虎鉗 draw vise (or vice)
 鑽頭吊纜,絞機(鑽油台) draw works
 挖泥泵 dredge pump
 挖泥船 dredger
 廚台 dresser (or dressing table)
 套筒伸縮接頭 dresser coupling (or dresser type expansion joint)
 連槽廚台 dresser with sink
 船飾 dressing
 船飾索 dressing line
 調理台 dressing table
 乾燥劑,乾燥器 drier (or dryer)
 沖銷,對孔銷,漂流,漂移,航差 drift
 流程,漂流 driftage
 流錨 drift anchor
 偏流角,偏航角 drift angle
 流網漁船 drifter
 擴管試驗,頂裂試驗 drifting test
 流網 drift net
 鑽頭,鑽床,鑽,操演 drill
 鑽頭夾頭 drill chuck
 鑽頭(鑽油台) drill collar
 鑽床 driller
 鑽鑿 drilling
 鑽探負荷 drilling load
 鑽床 drilling machine
 鑽油台 drilling rig
 鑽孔試驗 drilling test
 鑽井用水(鑽油台) drilling water
 鑽管(鑽油台) drill pipe
 直立鑽床 drill press (or upright drill)
 鑽油船,訓練船 drill ship
 鑽頭桿試驗 drill stem test (dst)
 鑽管組(鑽油台) drill string
 鑽孔試驗 drill test
 飲用水 drinking water
 滴蓋 drip cover
 滴注潤滑 drip-feed lubrication
 承油盤 drip pan
 防滴 drip-proof
 滴盤 drip tray (or pan)
 從動軸 driven shaft
 從動輪 driven wheel
 螺絲起子,驅動機 )後桅斜桁帆 )艉縱帆 driver
 [三桅以上船]最後桅 driver mast
 海錨 driving (or floating, or sea) anchor
 驅動缸 driving cylinder
 推進面(螺槳) driving face
 打入配合 driving fit
 主動軸 driving shaft
 推進面(螺槳) driving (or acting) surface
 驅動組 driving unit
 主動輪 driving wheel
 下垂特性 drooping characteristics
 落下(下水) drop
 落錘鍛[造] drop forging
 落錘 drop hammer
 活動防浪板 drop keel
 落沖 drop stamp
 落板列 drop (or goring) strake
 墜落試驗 drop test
 落重試驗 drop weight test
 鼓輪,圓筒,桶 drum
 鼓[筒]頭(渦輪機),絞盤頭 drum head
 鼓形輪子 drum rotor
 鼓級(渦輪機) drum stage
 乾燃室鍋爐 dry back boiler
 乾電池[組] dry battery
 散裝乾貨 dry bulk
 乾貨 dry cargo
 乾電池 dry cell
 乾燃室鍋爐 dry combustion boiler
 乾燃室 dry combustion chamber
 乾羅經 dry compass
 乾貨櫃 dry container
 乾蝕 dry corrosion
 乾[船]塢 dry dock
 進塢泛水裝置(彈藥庫) dry dock flood
 乾燥劑,乾燥器 dryer
 乾摩擦 dry friction
 乾度 dryness
 乾度因子,乾度率 dryness factor (or fraction)
 乾粉滅火器 dry powder fire extinguisher
 乾存法(鍋爐) dry process
 乾糧 dry provision
 乾糧庫 dry provision store
 乾朽(木材) dry rot
 乾蒸汽 dry steam
 d形接環 d shackle
 d形滑閥 d-slide valve
 強度減少率 dsr (= damaged strength rating)
 東德驗船協會 dsrk (= ddr-schiffs- revision und klassifikation)
 潛水救助艇 dsrv (= deep submergence rescue vehicle)
 鑽頭桿試驗 dst (= drill stem test)
 潛水支援船 dsv (= diving support vessel)
 深海潛水艇 dsv (= deep submergence vehicle)
 複式空氣泵 dual air pump
 雙船級 dual class
 雙燃循環 dual combustion cycle
 雙循環 dual cycle
 雙面風管 dual duct
 雙燃料 dual fuel
 雙燃料引擎 dual-fuel engine
 雙塞點火 dual ignition
 雙泵 dual pump
 兩用貨輪 dual purpose ship
 雙串列聯結式減速齒輪 dual tandem articulated ( or locked train) type reduction gear
 雙電壓直流系統 dual voltage dc system
 輕帆布 duck
 細帆布 duck canvas
 帆布蓋 duck cover
 杜克勒性鋼 ducol steel
 溝,槽,道,導風管,風道 )導管 duct
 導罩螺槳 ducted propeller
 延性材料 ductile material
 延性鋼 ductile steel
 啞羅經 dumb card (or pelorus)
 餐用升降機 dumb waiter
 仿真天線 dummy antenna (or phantom antenna)
 仿真線圈 dummy coil
 假煙囪 dummy funnel (or stack)
 均壓漲圈 dummy ring
 墊材 dunnage
 墊材 dunnage board (or wood)
 墊 dunnage mat
 複式噴霧器 duplex atomizer
 複式噴嘴 duplex nozzle
 雙重供電 duplicate supply
 杜拉鋁 duralumin
 時[間]歷[程](電訊) duration
 有限吹風時間波 duration-limited sea (or waves)
 防塵艙壁 dust bulkhead
 屑煤,碎煤 dust (or slack) coal
 軟木屑 dust cork (or cork dust)
 防塵 dust proof
 防塵型 dust proof type
 載重噸位 dwt (= dead weight tonnage)
 動態平衡 dynamical balancing
 動態特性 dynamic characteristic
 動態矩陣 dynamic matrix
 動力混合器 dynamic mixer
 動態規劃 dynamic programming
 動力學 dynamics
 發電機引擎 dynamo engine
 測功計,拖力計 dynamometer
 電動發電機 dynamotor
 乾空氣泵 dry air pump
 出水高度 drying height
 乾燥室 drying room
 迴轉乾燥筒 drying tumbler
 管阻損失 duct loss
 假煙囪 dummy funnel stack
 均壓活塞 dummy piston
 收發雙工器,雙向鑰(電訊) duplexer
 設計水位 dwl (= design water level )
 動態負荷 dynamical load
 動穩度 dynamical stability
 動力制動,動力煞 dynamic braking
 動態定位系統 dynamic positioning system
 動穩度曲線 dynamic stability curve
 電機艙,發電間 dynamo room
 柴油機電力推進 diesel electric propulsion
 延性 ductility
 粗布袋,帆布袋 duffel (or duffle) bag
 縱壓試驗 dump test
 複式燃燒器 duplex burner
 雙芯電纜 duplex cable
 複式噴射器 duplex injector
 雙缸泵 duplex pump
 橡膠硬度計 durometer
 輕便硬度計 duroscope
 防塵環 dust collar
 塵密 dust tight
 染料滲透檢查 dye penetrant inspection
 染料滲透試驗 dye penetrant test
 動態阻尼器 dynamic damper
 動落差 dynamic head
 滑行下水 dynamic launching
 動彈性係數 dynamic modulus of elasticity
 動態強度 dynamic strength
 動態試驗 dynamic test
 發電機 dynamo
 圖示效率 diagram efficiency
 箱形龍骨 duct keel
 導筒螺槳 duct propeller
 壓入螺栓 dump bolt
 復件 duplicate
 動推力 dynamical thrust
 動平衡試驗 dynamic balance test
 動態負荷效應 dynamic loading effect
 動[態]壓力 dynamic pressure
 動態應力 dynamic (or dynamical) stress
 斜置引擎 diagonal engine
 柴油機,柴油引擎 diesel engine
 直接驅動引擎 direct drive engine
 雙動引擎 double acting engine
 雙缸引擎 double cylinder engine
 雙膨脹蒸汽機 double expansion steam engine
 碟形端板 dished end plate
 直聯引擎 direct acting engine
 副機 donkey engine
 雙效蒸發器,雙效淡水機 double effect evaporator
 雙排缸迴轉引擎 double rotary engine
 [三眼]滑孔盤 dead eye
 發電機引擎 dynamo engine
 功圖因子 diagram factor
 乾度因子,乾度率 dryness factor
 甲板裝具 deck fittings
 打入配合 driving fit
 落錘鍛 drop forging
 差速裝置 differential gear
 分離裝置 disengaging gear
 人字齒輪 double helical (or herring-bone) gear
 假煙囪 dummy funnel
 擋板裝置,阻尼裝置 damper gear
 雙轉環鉤 double swivel hook
 變形星規,變形測量器 deformation gauge
 落錘 drop hammer
 模鍛法,模鍛件 die forging
 風壓計,吃水計 draught gauge
 動落差 dynamic head
 深肋骨 deep frame
 柴油發電機 diesel generator
 甲板縱梁 deck girder
 降流管集箱,降流管頭箱 down cast header
 鳩尾接合 dovetail joint
 設計水線 design load water line
 拉桿 drag link
 雙層船殼 double hull
 駐塢龍骨 docking keel
 桌燈 desk lamp
 傳達[螺槳]馬力 delivered horsepower (dhp)
 甲板負荷 deck load
 艙面記事簿 deck log book
 深海測深錘 deep sea lead
 雙行鉚接 double rivet joint
 船飾索 dressing line
 基準線 datum line
 箱形龍骨 duct keel
 甲板線 deck line
 雙臂連桿 double bar link
 艙面機械,甲板機械 deck machinery
 折射透鏡 dioptric lens
 淨載重,靜負荷,呆負荷 dead load
 漸擴噴嘴 divergent nozzle
 艙面乘客 deck passenger
 菱形襯墊 diamond liner
 鑽床 drilling machine
 甲板[開]口 deck opening
 門墊 door mat
 甲板布置圖 deck plan
 駐塢圖 docking plan
 甲板漆 deck paint
 甲板管 deck pipe
 排泄管 drain pipe
 柴油機推進 diesel propulsion
 輸出管 delivery pipe
 柴油機電力推 diesel electric
 艙面泵 deck pump
 柴油,輕柴油 diesel oil
 排出管 discharge pipe
 蒸餾設備 distilling plant
 雙動泵 double acting pump
 排泄塞 drain plug
 乾糧 dry provision
 雙級減速齒輪 double reduction gear
 差動替續器 differential relay
 電機艙,發電間 dynamo room
 副泵 donkey pump
 均壓漲圈 dummy ring
 差動螺鏇 differential screw
 從動軸 driven shaft
 雙刃剪機 double end shear
 飛輪泵 downton pump
 雙缸泵 duplex pump
 直接逆轉裝置 direct reversing gear
 排水量標尺 displacement scale
 橫舵 diving rudder (or plate)
 主動軸 driving shaft
 圓頂天窗 dome skylight
 最低速[率] dead slow speed
 復板舵 double plate rudder
 止滑木 dog shore
 雙行鉚接 double riveting
 雙面剪 double shear
 假煙囪 dummy funnel stack
 載重船 dead weight vessel
 探險船 discovery ship
 甲板上支柱 deck stanchion
 餐廳 dining saloon
 支條 dog stay
 載重標尺 dead weight scale
 倉庫船,母艦 depot ship
 排水型船 displacement ship
 設計船速 designed speed
 斜牽條 diagonal stay
 推進面(螺槳) driving surface
 竊板 drop strake
 吊架承座 davit socket
 最低轉速(港內) dead slow speed
 塢檻 dock sill
 損害檢驗 demage survey
 乾蒸汽 dry steam
 制鏈器(錨) deck stopper
 分立船艛 detached super- structure
 甲板滑車組 deck tackle
 雙面V double dial telegraph
 遇難信號 distress signal
 下行衝程 down stroke
 深艙 deep tank
 二重底艙 double bottom tank
 過熱回降蒸汽 desuperheated steam
 清潔壓艙水專用艙 dedicated clean ballast tank
 鼓級 drum stage
 甲板緣[厚]板 deck stringer (or stringer plate)
 潛水員工作船 diving tender
 鑽孔試驗 drill test
 破損穩度 damage stability
 雙斷開關 double-break switch
 驅逐艦之勤務艦 destroyer tender
 動穩度 dynamical stability
 墜落試驗 drop test
 蒸餾水櫃 distilling tank
 雙螺紋 double thread
 差動閥 differential valve
 船 drilling rig
 排泄櫃 drain tank
 拉制管 drawn tube
 降水管 down-comer tube
 自差表(磁羅經) deviation table
 日用櫃 daily tank
 動試驗 dynamic test
 重碼式試驗機 dead weight testing machine
 艙面櫃 deck tank
 信管 detonating tube
 指揮塔 direct tower
 雙流渦輪機 divided (or double) flow turbine
 輸出閥 delivery valve
 雙索絞車 double purchase winch
 動推力 dynamical thrust
 排水噸位 displacement tonnage
 排泄井 drain well
 排出閥 discharge valve
 風標 dog vane
 盤輪 disc wheel
 東德驗船協會 dsrk (= ddr-schiffs-revision und klassifikation)
 載重噸位 dead weight tonnage
 分配閥 distribution valve
 發散波 divergent wave
 雙座停止閥 double seat stop valve
 進氣通風筒 down cast ventilator
 洗皿機 dish washing machine
 雙座閥 double seat valve
 減幅波,阻尼波 damped wave
 減壓閥 decompression valve
 圓盤閥 disc valve
 德國國家工業標準 din (= deutsche industrie normen, germany)
 潛水閥(潛艇) diving valve
 消磁船 degaussing vessel
 載重[量] dead weight
 主動輪 driving wheel
 墨西哥國家標準 dgn (= direction general de normas, mexico)
 英國技術發展委員會 dtd (= directorate of technical development, u.k.)
 從動輪 driven wheel
 丹麥國家標準 ds (= dansk standard, denmark)
 美國金鋼石鑽製造商協會 dcdma (= diamond core drill manufacturers association, u.s.a.)