
 濁氣 foul air
 煙道氣分析 flue gas analysis
 收錨 fish anchor
 滅火設備 fire extinguishing appliance
 煙囪面積 funnel area
 煙囪底座裝甲 funnel base armour
 乾舷勘劃 freeboard assignment
 遊動強[力]背[材] floating strong back
 全平衡舵 full balanced rudder
 面材 face bar
 爐篦,爐條 fire bar or grate bar
 校磁鐵棒 flinder's bar
 裝配船渠 fitting out basin
 終結焊珠 finish bead
 撓性軸承 flexible bearing
 浮動軸承 floating frame bearing
 霧鍾 fog bell
 表面彎曲 face bend
 自由彎曲 free bend
 型材彎曲機 frame bender
 固定葉片 fixed blade (or vane)
 琴式滑車 fiddle block
 四輪滑車 fourfold block
 渡船 ferry boat (or ferry)
 消防艇 fire boat
 漁船 fishing boat
 漁業巡護船 fishing patrol boat
 火管鍋爐 fire tube boiler
 平頭槽螺栓 flat head grooved bolt
 地腳螺栓,基座螺栓 foundation bolt
 平底 flat bottom
 卷邊腋板,凸緣腋板 flanged bracket
 腳煞 foot brake
 摩阻煞 friction brake
 望台 flying bridge
 銼刷 file brush (or card)
 消防桶 fire bucket
 防火艙壁 fire proof bulkhead
 抗火艙壁 fire resisting bulkhead
 波形艙壁 fluted bulkhead
 前尖艙壁 fore peak bulkhead
 風扇罩 fan casing
 爐艙風道圍壁 fiddley casing
 煙囪外殼 funnel casing
 摺椅 folding chair
 旗箱 flag chest
 墊木,填材 filling chock
 磨阻離合器 friction clutch
 排灰鏇塞 fireman's cock
 磁場線圈 field coil
 前柱 front column
 液體羅經 fluid (or wet) compass
 填料 filling compound
 燃料消耗量 fuel consumption
 燃油消耗量 fuel oil consumption
 預冷器 fore cooler (or precooler)
 凸緣聯結器,凸緣接頭 flange coupling
 撓性聯結器 flexible coupling
 摩阻聯結器 friction coupling
 起重工作船 floating crane
 順曲線 fair curve
 可浸長度曲線 flooding curve
 曲線板 french curve
 四衝程循環 four-stroke cycle (or four cycle)
 收錨柱,吊架 fish davit
 平甲板 flush deck
 艏艛甲板 forecastle deck
 乾舷甲板 freeboard deck
 火警探測器 fire detector
 功圖因子 factor of diagram (or diagram factor)
 滿載排水量 full load displacement
 浮塢 floating dock
 機械通風 forced draught
 船形計算吃水 form (or geometrical) draught
 滿載吃水 full load draught
 自然送風 funnel (or natural) draught
 磨阻鼓 friction drum
 殿緣,後緣(螺槳) following (or trailing ) edge
 四衡程引擎 four cycle (or stroke) engine
 蒸發因子 factor of evaporation
 鼓風機引擎 fan engine
 建造,製造,製作,安裝,組合 fabricate
 組合體,組合船段 fabricate block
 組合船 fabricated ship
 建造費 fabrication cost
 製造工廠 fabrication shop
 面材 face bar
 表面彎曲試片 face-bend specimen
 面罩 face mask
 壓力面螺距 face pitch
 面板 face plate
 護面罩 face shield
 面料,平面切削 facing
 接觸面 facing surface
 面磨合 facing up
 無線電傳真 facsimile (fax)
 因素,因子 factor
 蒸發因子 factor of evaporation
 安全因子 factor of safety
 艙區劃分因子 factor of subdivision
 工廠船 factory ship
 拖網工船 factory trawler
 破損 failure
 破壞模式 failure mode
 順曲線 fair curve
 整順 fairing
 導索器 fair-leader
 導索車 fair-lead truck
 順線,修正線 fair line
 整順限度 fairness limit
 導水板 fair water piece
 順風 fair wind
 吊索,落差 fall
 舷緣內傾 falling in (or falling home)
 舷緣外傾 falling out (or flaring)
 [水槽]活動底 false bottom
 假回聲,假回波 false echo
 氣缸墊片(金屬) false face
 龍骨護板,偽龍骨,假龍骨 false keel
 破浪艏材(木船) false stem (or cut water)
 風扇測功器 fan brake
 送風阻力 fan resistance
 風扇室 fan room
 表面彎曲 face bend
 螺栓墊圈 facing ring
 功圖因子 factor of diagram (or diagram factor)
 工廠自動化 factory automation (fa)
 華氏溫度計 fahrenheit thermometer
 [船體]曲面緣 fair body line
 順流 fair current
 風扇馬達 fan motor
 海上加油整補傳送站 fas (= fueling-at-sea) delivery station
 板彎艏材 fashion plate stem
 結件 fastener
 快速船 fast steamer
 測量索 fathom line
 疲勞極限 fatigue limit
 疲勞試驗 fatigue test
 故障,缺點 fault
 故障電流 fault current
 無線電傳真 fax (= facsimile)
 接合凸緣 faying flange
 沖孔板接合面 faying surface of punched plate
 流動觸媒裂解 fcc (= fluid catalytic cracking)
 可行性研究 feacibility study
 槽嵌接頭(木材) feather and groove board
 防擦板 feather edge chatine piece
 明輪 feathering paddle wheel
 飛羽化螺槳 feathering propeller
 舷梯活動踏板 feathering step
 反饋,回授 feed back
 回授控制系統 feed back control system
 回授電流 feed back current
 給水止回閥 feed check valve
 給水機 feed engine
 給料器,饋電線 ,灌槽 feeder
 供電盤 feeder panel
 給水過濾器 feed filter
 給水加熱器 feed heater
 給水櫃 feed tank
 給水閥 feed valve
 給水,爐水 feed water
 給水控制 feed water control (fwc)
 爐水過濾器 feed water filter
 給水軟化劑 feed water softener
 毛紙,毛毯,氈 felt
 陰轉子 female rotor
 護舷材,碰墊 fender
 鋼筋水泥船 ferro-cement vessel (or ferro-concrete vessel)
 硫酸亞鐵注入裝置 ferrous sulfate injection unit
 箍,套圈 ferrule
 渡船 ferry
 棧橋 ferry bridge
 四十呎貨櫃當量(貨櫃) feu (= forty feet equivalent unit)
 工廠自動化 fa (= factory automation)
 組合艉材 fabricated stern frame
 平面車床 face lathe
 現場矯正 fair in place
 鼓風機引擎 fan engine
 扇形艉 fantail stern
 華氏溫度計 farenheit thermometer
 疲勞損傷 fatigue damage
 硫酸亞鐵噴射泵 ferrous sulfate injection pump
 吹送距離(波浪) fetch
 纖維強化塑膠 fiber reinforced plastics (frp)
 緣應力 fiber stress
 玻璃纖維毯 fibre glass chopped stand mat
 玻璃纖維肋材 fibre glass frames
 纖維狀破壞面 fibrous fracture surface
 桅栓 fid
 爐艙風道圍壁 fiddley casing
 煙囪口格柵蓋,煙囪口鐵格蓋 fiddley grating
 西班牙驗船協會 fidenavis
 場,現場 ,磁場 ,電場 field
 現場組合 field assembly
 磁場調整器 field regulator
 磁場變阻器 field rheostat
 現場拆卸 field stripping
 現場焊接 field welding
 磁場繞組 field winding
 系索座圍欄 fife rail
 裝甲貫穿係數 figure of merit
 纖維,燈絲 filament
 繞絲製胚法(frp) filament winding method
 銼刷 file brush (or card)
 熔填金屬 filler metal
 填角,內圓角,填料 fillet
 填角焊規,內圓角規 fillet gauge
 正面填角焊[shear接] fillet weld in normal
 填料,注入 filling
 填料 filling compound
 填材 filling piece
 注入管 filling pipe
 注入閥 filling-up valve
 油膜冷卻葉 film cooled blade
 油膜冷卻 film cooling
 膜厚計 film thickness gauge
 過濾器 filter
 過濾 filtration
 鰭板,散熱片 fin
 蕆事檔案 final act
 細線 fine line
 瘦型船 fine ship
 細牙螺紋 fine thread
 最後加工,表面處理 finish
 加工裕度 finish allowance
 加工面 finished surface
 加工符號 finish mark
 有限差分法(結構分析) finite difference method
 有限元素法 finite element method (fem)
 鰭管熱交換器 fin tube heat exchanger
 火警警報器 fire alarm
 爐篦,爐條 fire bar
 爐條托架,爐條承 fire bar bearer
 爐篦,爐條 fire bar or grate bar
 消防艇 fire boat
 火箱 fire box
 火壩 fire bridge
 燃燒室 fire combustion chamber
 射擊管制室 fire control room
 焊條預置式焊法 fire cracker welding (or e-h welding)
 防火擋板 fire damper
 火警探測裝置 fire detecting device
 火警探測器 fire detector
 爐門,防火門 fire door
 消防演習 fire drill
 滅火引擎 fire engine
 滅火器 fire extinguisher
 滅火劑 fire extinguishing agent
 滅火設備 fire extinguishing appliance
 滅火泡沫 fire foam
 爐篦 fire grate
 水龍帶 fire hose
 消防員,生火員 fireman
 消防員裝具 fireman's outfit
 防火面罩 fire mask
 壁爐 fire place
 燃點 fire (or firing) point
 火棒 fire pricker
 防火 fire proof
 防火漆 fireproof paint
 滅火泵,消防泵 fire pump
 抗火 fire resisting
 抗火艙壁 fire resisting bulkhead
 抗燃電纜 fire-resisting cable
 耐火 fire retarding
 鍋爐艙 fire room
 通火棒 fire slice (or slice bar, or poker)
 窒火氣體 fire smothering gas
 火管鍋爐 fire tube boiler
 點火順序 firing order
 燃點 firing point
 燃燒壓力 firing pressure
 魚雷發射櫃(潛艇) firing tank
 急救箱 first aid box
 備用大錨 first bower
 頭等艙旅客 first class passenger
 第一中壓缸 first intermediate cylinder
 大副 first mate (or first officer)
 加油長 first oiler
 魚,帆桁,護木,吊 fish
 收錨 fish anchor
 運魚船 fish carrier
 漁業試驗船 fisheries examination boat
 葉面空蝕 face cavitation
 焊接表面 face of weld
 故障保全 fail safe
 風扇殼,風扇罩 fan casing
 扇風作用 fanning action
 艏材緣板上部 fashing plate
 扣接 fastening
 疲勞設計 fatigue design
 疲勞壽命 fatigue life
 管口接合,插承接合 faucet joint
 供電路線 feeder circuit
 給水管 feed pipe
 測隙片 feeler
 母螺紋,內螺紋 female thread
 玻璃纖維強化塑膠 fiberglass (or glassfiber ) reinforced plastics (frp, or grp)
 玻璃纖維 fibre glass
 栓頂桅 fidded top mast
 爐艙艙口 fiddley hatch
 桅栓孔 fid hole
 銼 file
 填充劑,填料,墊隔片 ,填注器 filler
 熔填條 filler rod
 水泥填角 fillet of cement
 墊木,填材 filling chock
 注入率 filling ratio
 濾光玻璃 filter glass
 最後檢查 final survey (or inspection)
 最後一道焊接 final weld
 瘦度模數 fineness modulus
 終結焊珠,最後一道焊接 finish bead
 完成尺寸 finished size
 完工溫度 finishing temperature
 有限振幅波 finite amplitude waves
 有限翼列(燃氣渦輪機) finite cascade
 消防斧 fireman's axe
 火警巡邏 fire patrol
 耐火試驗 fire proof test
 火耙 fire rake
 消防栓,火警布署站,消防站 fire station
 火鏟 firing shovel
 頭等艙乘客 first saloon passenger
 鋸齒,葉片(燃氣渦輪機) fir-tree blade
 收錨柱,吊架 fish davit
 漁業加工船 fisheries factory ship
 漁業研究船 fisheries research boat
 銀[白]點(焊接) fish eye
 魚[獲]加工船 fish factory ship
 魚[群]探[測]器 fish finder
 魚鉤 fish hook
 漁船 fishing boat
 漁撈長 fishing chief
 漁具 fishing gear
 捕漁燈 fishing light
 捕魚平台 fishing platform
 活魚槽,活魚艙 fish well
 裝配船渠 fitting out basin
 裝品,裝具 fittings
 定光連閃光燈 fixed and group flashing light
 固定壓載 fixed ballast
 固定葉片 fixed blade (or vane)
 固端格架 fixed-ended grillage
 定性氣體 fixed gas
 固定氣體滅火系統 fixed gas fire-extin- guishing system
 固定高脹力泡沫滅火系統 fixed high-expansion foam fire-extinguishing system
 定樁鑽油台 fixed-pile platform
 定樁型鑽探台 fixed-pile structure type drilling rig
 [固]定[螺]距螺槳 fixed pitch propeller (fpp)
 固定壓力噴水 fixed pressure water- spraying fire-extin- guishing system
 固定衝程泵 fixed stroke pump
 固定式鑽油台 fixed type drilling platform
 固定台(下水) fixed way
 旗 flag
 旗箱 flag locker
 火焰調整 flame adjustment
 火焰清除 flame cleaning
 火焰切割 flame cutting
 [火]焰[前進]面 flame front
 火焰硬化 flame hardening
 火焰切削,火焰加工 flame machining
 火焰整平機 flame planer
 難燃性材料 flame retardant material
 火焰安全燈 flame safety lamp
 火焰嵌接 flame scarfing
 燒縮法 flame shrinking
 凸緣,法蘭 flange
 凸緣聯結器,凸緣接頭 flange coupling
 折邊焊接 flanged edge weld
 凸緣接合 flange joint
 折緣機 flange press
 可折性 flanging quality
 可折性材料 flanging quality material
 齒腹 flank
 翼門 flap door
 襟翼舵 flapped rudder
 舌閥 flap valve
 火焰,舷緣外傾 flare
 火焰(救生) flare-up light
 舷緣外傾 flaring
 擴口試驗 flaring test
 閃電對頭焊接,閃電對頭熔接 flash butt welding
 大型船舶閃光燈 flashing light for huge vessel
 裝載危險品船閃光燈 flashing light for vessel carrying dangerous cargo
 閃光信號 flashing (or flash) signal
 扇,風機 fan
 接合面 faying surface
 供給,進刀 ,給水 feed
 給水軟化裝置 feed softener
 鐵離子產生裝置 ferrous ion generating unit
 保真度,逼真度 fidelity
 磁場線圈 field coil
 填角焊接尺寸 fillet weld size
 油膜潤滑 film lubrication
 淡水過濾器 fresh water filter
 燃油過濾器 fuel oil filter
 處理玻璃布 finished glass cloth
 [船體]鰭板穩定器 fin-stabilizer