
 人員車輛登入艇 landing craft vehicle & personnel (lcvp)
 降落甲板 landing deck
 搭邊 landing edge
 搭接橫緣 lapped butt
 研光劑 lapping compound
 拉系環,d型環 lashing eye (or d-ring)
 側向負荷 lateral load
 下水駁船 launching barge
 下水典禮 launching ceremony
 下水潤滑劑 launching lubricant (or grease)
 洗衣機 laundry machine
 搓索法,層 lay
 安放,布置,劃線 layout
 下風舵 lee helm
 長度,船長 length
 垂標間距 length between perpen- diculars (lbp)
 錨鏈長度 length of chain cable
 救生圈 life buoy (or ring)
 吊梁 lifting beam
 輕柴油 light diesel oil
 輕載吃水 light draft
 通水小孔 limber
 鹼基氧化鈦系焊條 lime-titania type electrode
 極限,限界,限度 limit
 比例限界 limit of proportionality
 [延繩]卷揚機 line hauler
 最大葉厚線 line of maximum blade thickness
 連桿調整裝置 link adjusting gear
 液化可燃氣 liquefied flammable gas (lfg)
 液化石油氣[載運]船 liquefied petroleum gas (or lpg) carrier
 液冷式引擎 liquid cooling engine
 液體變阻器 liquid rheostat
 負載能量,載重能量 load-carrying capacity
 橫肘材(木船) lodging knee
 靜止角(船穩度) loll
 長焰煤 long flame coal
 縱向肋架 longitudinal framing
 長艉艛 long poop
 羅遠站 loran station
 擴音器,揚聲器 loudspeaker
 低碳鋼 low carbon steel
 低位海水吸入閥 low sea suction valve
 [潤]滑油冷卻器 lubricating oil cooler
 潤滑油污油櫃 lubricating oil dirty tank
 載木乾舷 lumber freeboard
 燈罩 lamp shade
 繩縛,鏈縛 lash
 拉系板 lashing plate
 側向阻力 lateral resistance
 側穩度 lateral stability
 下水阻速裝置 launching retarding device
 泄漏損失 leakage loss
 風壓偏航 leeway
 液化可燃氣 lfg (= liquefied flamma- ble gas)
 救生具 life preserver
 艉部浮揚(下水) lift by the stern
 輕合金船 light alloy ship
 濾光器 light filter
 線性損傷法則 linear damage rule
 線性規劃 linear programming
 線電壓 line voltage
 液[態]貨[物] liquid cargo
 液體燃料 liquid fuel
 擔架 litter
 局部剛性 local rigidity
 放樣台 lofting platform
 放樣工 loft man
 對數應變 logarithmic strain
 縱向強度 longitudinal strength
 縱向振動 longitudinal vibration
 長周期波 long period wave
 可拆式葉片 loose blade
 可卸附屬檔案 loose gear
 下層橋艛 lower bridge
 下桅 lower mast
 舵心材 lower stock rudder main piece
 下帆桁 lower yard
 低熱值 low heat value
 低速[率] low speed
 低溫應力消除 low temperature stress relieving
 潤滑裝置 lubricating gear
 梯形帆 lug sail
 滿載水線 lwl (= load water line)
 縱定傾中心 longitudinal meta- center
 圓材架 lumber iron
 曲折環,迷宮環 labyrinth ring
 燈蓋 lamp cover
 承貨板 land boards
 岸上試車 land trial
 魚鱗[搭接]外板 lapstrake
 拉緊柱 lashing post
 側向壓力 lateral pressure
 下水壓力 launching pressure
 下水工事 launching work
 鉛合金覆皮 lead-alloy-sheathing
 前部氣裙(氣墊船) leading skirt
 易熔塞,保險塞 lead plug
 皮管 leather hose
 透鏡 lens
 液面控制 level control
 平動鏇臂式起重機 levelling luffing crane (llc)
 救生索發射槍,拋繩槍 life line throwing gun
 吊重能量,起重能量 lifting capacity
 升力面理論 lifting surface theory
 光束 light beam
 輕填角焊接 light fillet weld
 燈具,照明器具 lighting fixture
 輕構船 light scantling vessel
 限規 limit gauge
 限制環 limit (or restrained) packing ring
 印表機 line printer
 填板,襯墊,襯套,郵輪,定期船 liner
 拋繩器 line throwing appliance
 線焊接 line welding
 住艙 living quarter
 滿載排水量 load displacement
 裝載手冊 loading manual
 載重[水]線 load line
 載重線勘劃 load line assignment
 載重線標誌 load line mark
 局部強度 local strength
 機車起重機 locomotive crane
 對數律 log law
 松聯結器 loose coupling
 松配合 loose fit
 低合金鋼 low alloy steel
 低負載壓縮機 low-duty gas compressor
 低速引擎 low-speed engine
 低[電]壓 low tension
 潤滑器 lubricator
 最低水位 lwl (= lowest water level)
 橫肘材 ( 木船 ) lodging knee
 實驗室試驗 laboratory test
 積層板 laminate plate
 燈[具]庫 lamp locker
 登入,落地,搭邊 landing
 機械登入艇 landing craft machanize (lcm)
 大型輔助浮塢 large auxilary floating dry dock (lafdb)
 大型有蓋駁船 large covered lighter
 拉系鉤 lashing hook
 側縮,橫縮 lateral contraction
 車屑 lathe dust
 下水站(救生艇) launching station
 下水扳機 launching trigger (or pawl, or trigger dog)
 引入 lead-in
 先開(滑閥),進入,引導超前 leading
 鉛絲,保險絲,導線 lead wire
 水線長 length on waterline
 低高潮 lhw (= lower high water)
 升[力]-阻[力]比 lift-drag ratio
 燈浮標 light buoy
 輕連續焊接 light continuous welding
 輕油引擎 light oil engine
 燈號 light signal
 褐煤 lignite (or brown coal)
 寢具儲藏室(櫃) linen locker
 填板,襯墊 lining piece
 鏈環,連桿 link
 唇(安全閥),鑽刃,刀口 lip
 液化天燃氣[載運]船 liquefied natural gas (or lng) carrier
 液化丙烷 liquefied propane gas (lpg)
 液態散裝貨 liquid bulk
 擔架穩定索 lizard lines
 活[動]載重,活[動]負荷 live load
 局部應力 local stress
 對數平均溫差 logarithmic mean temperature difference
 計程儀索 log line
 縱梁 longitudinal beam
 縱[向]肋 longitudinal frame (or longitudinal)
 縱接縫 longitudinal seam
 縱向板列 longitudinal strake
 環狀分段氣罩 loop segment skirt
 可卸∑ loose hardware
 損失,損耗 loss
 下限 lower limit
 中桅下帆 lower topsail
 低壓渦輪機 low pressure turbine
 低壓電池系統 low voltage battery system
 滑油[集油]池 lubricating oil sump
 大滑車組 luff tackle
 梯形帆船 lugger
 梯路 ladder way
 襯套材料 lagging material
 層板 laminate panel
 燈指示器 lamp indicator
 縱接縫 land edge (or longitudi- nal) seam
 海底泊碇器(鑽油台) landing base
 開口環 lap link
 快乾漆 laquor
 子母船,浮貨櫃船 lash (= lighter abroad ship)
 水下側面 lateral plane
 下水計算 launching calculation
 焊腳(填角焊) leg
 長腿老虎鉗 leg vice
 自供空氣系統救生艇 life boat with a self- contained air support system
 救生浮具 life floats
 輕貨輪 light cargo ship (akd)
 子母船,浮貨櫃船 lighter aboard ship (lash )
 輕載水線 light load water line (or light water line, or light load line,)
 極限流線 limiting streamline
 開口環 lap link
 低低潮 llw (= lower low water)
 負荷膜片 loading diaphram
 負荷連桿組 loading linkage
 載重線檢驗 load line survey
 鎖緊柄 locking bar
 計程儀,紀錄,圓木 log
 對數比例尺 logarithmic scale
 縱肋[結構]船 longitudinal framed ship
 縱定傾中心 longitudinal metacentre (or metacenter)
 長噸(磅) long ton
 低頻疲勞 low cycle fatigue
 [潤]滑油過濾器 lubricating oil filter
 圓材架 lumber iron
 流明(燭光單位) lumen
 輕水式反應器 lwr (= light water reactor)
 曲折填封,迷宮迫緊 labyrinth packing
 澆斗取樣分析(煉鋼) ladle analysis
 燈芯剪 lamp trimmer's scissors
 板條 lath
 格子桁 lattice girder
 下水曲線圖 launching curves
 鉛,測深錘,導程,領先 )引線 lead
 導鏈 leading chain
 鉛管凸緣 lead pipe flange
 鉛包護皮 lead sheath
 漏汽室(渦輪機) leak chamber
 下風 lee side (or leeward side )
 可動式車輛甲板 liftable (or movable) car deck
 舉重裝置,升降裝置 lifting gear
 減輕孔 lightening hole
 輕構船 light scantling ship
 空船排水量 light ship displacement
 輕焊接 light welding
 極限設計 limit design
 推力線 line of thrust
 線圖 lines
 連桿軸襯 link brass
 液體壓載 liquid ballast
 液膠 liquid glue
 載重線圈 load line disc
 燈具庫 lamp locker
 木材散裝貨兼用船 log/bulk carrier
 木材運輸船 log carrier
 縱材 longitudinal
 縱[向]彎曲 longitudinal bending
 縱桁 longitudinal girder
 環流掃氣 loop scavenging
 可卸葉片 loose propeller (or detachable) blade
 ⑼洳肯略 lower turn of bilge
 低壓櫃 low pressure tank
 低溫腐蝕 low temperature corrosion
 低溫焊接 low temperature welding
 動臂起重機 luffing crane
 行李間 luggage (or baggage) room
 系索 lacing wire
 步兵登入艇 landing craft infantry (lci)
 坦克登入艇 landing craft tank (lct)
 側[向]彎[曲] lateral bending
 下水收回裝置 launch and recovery system
 下水托架 launching poppet
 配置設計,布置設計 layout design
 隔離病院,艉庫 lazaret (or lazaretto)
 鉛管 lead pipe
 鉛包纜 lead sheathed cable
 漏出 leak off
 桿,槓桿 lever
 起重磁鐵 lifting magnet
 輕載船況 light condition
 駁船,平底船 lighter
 線性破壞力學 linear fracture mechanics
 線速度 linear velocity
 內襯,襯料,加襯,填板 lining
 油氈 linoleum
 液體羅經 liquid compass
 液化石油氣 liquified petroleum gas (lpg)
 載重線證書 load line certificate
 局部控制 local control
 止舵針 locking pintle
 棱塊係數 longitudinal prismatic coefficient (or pris- matic coefficient)
 縱向渦 longitudinal vortex
 松套凸緣 loose flange
 羅遠,遠航儀 loran
 羅遠接收機 loran receiver
 低級燃油 lower grade fuel oil
 低壓冷卻器 low pressure cooler
 [潤]滑油泵 lubricating oil (or lubricating) pump
 短角材 lug angle (or piece)
 [裝]載木[材]載重線 lumber loadline
 燈塔補給船 lighthouse tender
 輕載 light weight (lw)
 側內厚板(木船),⒉客獍辶 limber strake
 限制航線 limited service
 液體 liquid
 負荷伸長[線]圖 load elongation diagram
 滿載水線 load water line (lwl)
 邏輯分析 logical analysis
 長橋艛 long bridge
 縱[向]艙壁 longitudinal bulkhead
 縱向結構線 longitudinal structure line
 延繩釣漁船 long liner
 碼頭工人 long shoreman
 長期預測 long term prediction
 滑動偏心輪 loose eccentric
 低[貨]艙 lower hold
 低壓 low pressure
 低溫鋼 low temperature steel
 低水位警報器 low water level alarm
 潤滑 lubrication
 發光塗料 luminous paint
 亞麻子油 linseed oil
 長艉艛 long poop
 皮迫緊 leather packing
 [潤]滑油 lubrication oil
 發光塗料 luminous paint
 鉛管 lead pipe
 水平管 levelling pipe
 搭[接]鉚[接] lap riveting
 輕油 light oil
 液體變阻器 liquid rheostat
 下水壓力 launching pressure
 [潤]滑油泵 lubricating pump
 低壓 low pressure
 止舵針 locking pintle
 限制圈 limit (or restrained) packing ring
 揚升泵 lift pump
 三角帆 lug sail
 救生筏 life raft
 梯欄桿 ladder rail
 縱縫結合 longitudinal seam joint
 縱肋[結構]船 longitudinal framed ship
 對數比例尺 logarithmic scale
 燈塔船,輕載 light ship
 救生圈 life ring (or buoy)
 自由輪 liberty ship
 低碳鋼 low carbon steel
 子母船,浮貨櫃船 lighter aboard ship (lash)
 低壓蒸汽 low pressure steam
 縱向強度 longitudinal strength
 木材船 lumber ship
 局部應力 local stress
 滑油集油池 lubricating oil sump
 大滑車組 luff tackle
 燈塔補給船 lighthouse tender
 滑油櫃 lubricating oil tank
 低溫應力消除 low temperature stress relieving
 局部應變 local strain
 側內厚板(木船),⒉客獍辶 limber strake
 實驗室試驗 laboratory test
 長噸(磅) long ton
 極限開關 limit switch
 槓桿安全閥 lever safety valve
 停航船 laid-up vessel
 低壓櫃 low pressure tank
 側向推力 lateral thrust
 低壓渦輪機 low pressure turbine
 低水位閥 low water valve
 引線 lead wire
 下甲板間[空間] lower tween deck
 線焊接 line welding
 燈船 light vessel
 長腿老虎鉗 leg vice
 下水重量 launching weight
 下水台 launching ways
 線速度 linear velocity
 英國勞氏驗船協會 lr (= lloyd's register of shipping)
 國際載重線會議 llc (= international load lines convention)
 下桅桁 lower yard