
課外活動 Extracurricular Activities



a. 體育活動 (Physical Activities),例如:

Captain of the university basketball team. 大學籃球隊隊長。

Player of the college volleyball team. 學院排球隊隊員。

Goalkeeper of the university soccer team. 大學足球隊守門員。

Won the first place in men”s one-thousand-meter race at the university student sports of Jiangsu Province in 1987. 1987年在江蘇省大學生體育運動會中獲男子1000米跑第一名。

Won championship in women”s five-hundred-meter swimming race at the college sports meet in 1991. 在1991年的校體育運動會中獲女子500米游泳賽冠軍。

b. 文娛活動(Recreational Activities),例如:

Voilin (piano, etc.) player of the university orchestra. 校樂隊小提琴(鋼琴等)演奏員。

Member of the college choir. 校合唱隊成員。

Member of Bridge Club. 橋牌俱樂部成員。