
you can this book two weeks.

61. 雨下得越來越大。大雨使得很多人不能外出買東西。

it rained and . it many people going shopping.

62. 我在回家的路上遇到了王老師。

home, i met mr wang.

63. 今天你必須做完作業才能踢足球。

today you football you your homework.

64. 我到處找不到我的鋼秀。


i can’t find my pen .

or , you’ll find it .

65. 昨天早上在街上有個人被殺。

a man in the street yesterday morning.

66. 你怎么才能和你的同學處好?

how can you with your classmates?

67. 樓下的那個人決定和樓上的那個人談談。

the man downstairs to the man downstairs.

68. 他拒絕回答警察的問題。

he the policeman’s question.

69. 似乎沒有人知道發生了什麼。

nobody that had happened.

70. 北京鴨在北京是最受歡迎的食物之一。

beijing duck is one kind of food in beijing.

71. 前半個小時,男孩們好像是太自信太放鬆了。

the first half hour, the boys to be too confident and .

72. 你喜歡看足球還是踢足球?

do you like or football?

73. 當我到達收銀台時,才發現把錢包忘在家裡了。

when i got to the , i i my purse at home.

74. 他那精彩的射門使大家都很興奮。

his made everyone .

75. 他們從沒想到女子隊能戰勝男子隊。

they never a team of girls a team of boys.

76. 你覺得那個數位相機怎么樣?

do you the digital camera?

77. 你給我打電話之前我已吃過晚飯了。

i supper before you me .

78. 你來這兒多久了?

how long you here?

79. 被搶劫的那個受害人是個學生。

the victim is a student.

80. 我叔叔住的城市很遙遠。

the city my uncle is very far away.

81. 他的鞋太髒了,得刷一刷。

his shoes are he must brush them.

82. 這支鋼筆他買了兩年了。

he the pen for two years.

83. 現在我不想出去散步。

i don’t out for a walk now.

84. 你的家鄉也種植棉花嗎?

cotton in your hometown, too?

85. 他決定第二天動身。

he the next day.

86. 迄今為止,我的手錶從沒出過毛病。

, my watch has never .

87. 昨天夜裡她哭個不停。

she last night.

88. 不到一個月,他就把新鞋穿壞了。

he his new shoes in a month.

89. 吉姆來中國已三年了。

jim china for three years.

90. 更糟糕的是,我把課本忘在家裡了。

i left my book at home.

91. 公園裡有各種各樣的花。

there are flowers in the park.

92. 他到處尋找他的腳踏車,但沒有找到。

he his bike everywhere, but didn’t it.

93. 你不能把瑪麗單獨留下。

you can’t mary .

94. 不要整天無所事事。

don’t .

95. 我希望儘快見到你。

i hope to see you .

96. 明天將做出一項重要的決定。

an important decision tomorrow.

97. 你應該在詞典中查這個生詞。

you should the new word the dictionary.

98. 沒有你的幫助,我就不能收到他的來信。

i hear from him your help.

99. 在回家的路上,他碰到一個朋友。

he met a friend .

100. 當我不在時,他不反對照看我的狗。

he doesn’t mind my dog while i’m .