
money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. a miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. i don't think we should regard money as everything. money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a comfortable life. what we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers. this way, all of us can lead a happier lives.


nowadays,there are too many terrible phenomenons prevelent in the society,such as disloyalty,dishonesty and greed something else.today let's simply talk about dishonest.

dishonesty can be divided into two types at least.to illustrate in the first place,cheating successfully can make you pass the exam,believe me that won't help you at all.you will not get the repect when you step into the society,because you know nothing but cheating.now imagining in the second place,in a way,dishonesty can be regarded as lies.most of malicious lies are written by a selfish heart,only a few of lies are helpful even god will be pretend to close his eyes.

after all, i suggest people learning how to treat people,the word from god says that how you treat people ,who will treat you in the same way.

be ready for what you will do

good  evening,dear friends,

my name is jiajunlei,i`m from computer department,and my major is information management and information sisterm.i`m very honored to stand here sharing my opinion about preparation.

as is known to us all,every student in our university have to give a lesson instead of our english teacher since XX.for this thing,my other fou roommates and i spent two weeks preparing for it.compared with other students,i think we paid more time and attention on it.it proved that works paid off.after class,our teacher spoke highly of us,what`s more,we gained respect from our classmates.

as the old saying goes,success belongs to who makes preparations.it is the same with our life.only if we make preparations before we do one thing,can we do it well.in one word,we ought to make preparations before we do ong thing.as a university student,i think it is of great importance for us to be ready for what we will do.do you agree with me?that`s all,thank you for your listening!


advertisement is invading our live! many left-wing activists would

portray the trend as invasive and unpleasant. but is it really a problem?

certainly it bothers people to watch 10 minutes of advertisement in between

every 20 minutes of actual programs on tv. or to have people from india “

prank calling”, in the middle of a romantic dinner at home, trying to sell

the latest credit card offer. advertisement is the unavoidable by-product

of the massive commercial activity that is going on in our time. but is it

really a problem? advertisement had always been with us. in the old days,

people crave for a little information about where to buy the best meat in

the village and where to find a black smith to repair a plow. during these

times, since the communication channel is so limited, many of the

advertisements are word of the mouth. nowadays advertisement find their way

to us by many channels. through these ads, we become more aware of what is

around us, what our choices are, and how to compare. advertisements are

certainly a important part of the free market economy and it helps to

provide us with more choices of life. in general, advertisements are not

evil, they encourage competition between products, act as a way of

communication between organizations and the market, and more importantly,

improves the quality of life.






hello, everyone, now i'm your guide today.we're going to visit mount.huang, which lies in the east of shanxi. at present i'm introduce you the famous scenic spot in china. we're going to take about 1 hour to reach the place by bus, or by rail. we'll enjoy the beautiful scene there such as gathered clouds, suprising pinasters and strange stones, as well as the sunrise in the dawn. oh well, because of the loveliness, mount.huang attracts a lot of tourists to come.

good journey!

my college life

as a sophomore, i am feeling the time flies. recalling about the past one year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. at this time, i just can’t tell my real idea. the memory is just like so fresh, and all the things happened yesterday!

when first day i came to university, i really feel that the school is very good, but at the first sight of the dormitory, something disappointing come up to me! the condition of the dormitory is really very poor with only one room, no lavatory! i saw something sad in my father’s eyes, maybe that time he thought of the poor condition! so with a big smile on my face, i told my father” it doesn’t matter, dad. in this kind of condition, i will get myself better!” my father felt better. but when he was coming back, seeing his back, i just wanted to cry! i felt in this city i was just isolated, from that time, i said to myself, “ you have no others who can help you here, just depend on yourself”

and then i came to my dormitory 303. i considered that i would spend four years here (in fact i moved to another one year later) and my dorm mates are all there. most of them came from sichuan and they were chatting with a happy voice, but i can’t understand them! again, i felt myself isolated! i hated that kind of feeling, and then i said to hello to them! to my surprise they are very friendly to me and warm-hearted! i no longer felt afraid. and i got along well with them. but at the first night here, i burst out to tears for that i was missing my family. i don’t know why. everyday when i was at home, i was just eager to go to school, to experience the wonderful college life but when coming here, i am just eager to go back! it’s quite strange though, you must know this kind of feeling!

just spending about 2 days here, we were on our way to military train. to us, it’s a fresh train and a kind of experience to know the life between the classmates. but to me, i was nervous but excited. this was my first and precious train life because before going to school i have been staying with my family. so, you know, it’s just this kind of feeling i can’t convey it clearly! the train life is impressive on everybody; we had a lot of activities, for example giving a speech on a stage or singing together or playing basketball. at that time, i felt myself so little among them. all of them have a special talent but not me. i admired them but meanwhile jealousy. why don’t i have this kind of talent? am i stupid? i always said to myself. so that time i was also very ambitious, just eager to catch up with them. except the classmates, the trainer in our team also left a deep impression on me! he was not very handsome and very kind. just because of his kindness results in my laughter when training. he always said to me that i should be serious in the team but i didn’t listen to him. so after a long time, when investigating the training result, i gave them a disappointing answer. the highest trainer sent me to clean the toilet, although, it didn’t means insulting to my dignity, but i was really sad about myself and my heart was hurt. that was a small thing but told me that i need to be serious to one thing. and unhappiness passed, the happy and funny time recalled me that folding the blanket. yeah, it’s really very funny. most of us had never folded the blanket and naturally we can’t accomplish the task well. when the monitor came, we pleased him to help us to fold the blanket. to our expect, we managed to persuade the monitor. after the monitor finished the task for me. i dared not to touch the blanket again and just used the clothes instead of the blanket. of course, i felt very cold in deep night, so to my instinct, i crashed into my classmate’s blanket. and we were scratching the single blanket fiercely, just like a war. (writing here i can’t help laughing out loudly).

choosing friends

everybody has his friends. some people like to choose friends who are different from themselves while others prefer those who are similar to themselves. each of the choices has its advantages.

when people have friends similar to themselves, they and their friends can chat, play, and do things together harmoniously. the result is that they all feel relaxed and can truly enjoy each other's company.

when a guy has friends different from himself, the advantage he has is that he can benefit from the contacts with different people. his friends may be different from him in character, education, occupation, social status, or political and religious beliefs. from those friends, he can learn a lot of things that he has never experienced himself and he can also enjoy being with thera when they know each other well.

comparing the advantages of both cases, i think that it would be better for me to have both kinds of friends ... some who are similar to me and some who are different from me. in this way, i can have the best of both worlds. for instance, when i want to relax or when i am too tired to be careful about my speech and manner, i can stay with those friends who are like me. but, when i feel like it, it is also possible for me to stay with those who are different from me and learn something new.