
班長  monitor/ class president

副班長  vice-monitor

文體委員  recreation & sports secretary

學習委員  study secretary

生活委員  life secretary

宣傳委員  publicity secretary

生活委員  organization secretary

勤工儉學  work-study program

青年志願者協會  youth volunteers association

政治輔導員  political tutors

晚會主持人  host on the entertainment / evening party

禮儀隊  reception team/ protocol team

三下鄉  volunteer activities for the country people

綜合測評  comprehensive evaluation of students’ performance

預備黨員 probationary party member

入黨積極分子 applicant for party membership

綜合素質優秀學生 excellent student of comprehensive quality

優秀青年志願者 outstanding young volunteer

校園十傑 ten prominent youth on campus / top ten youth on campus

品學兼優的學生 student of good character and scholarship

模擬招聘會 mock interviews

軍訓  military training

藝術團 art troupe