
審計師  auditor

統計師  actuary

物流師職業資格證書 certificate of international logistics specialist

國際物流師 certified international logistics specialist  (cils)

國際電子商務師職業資格認證 certification of international e-commerce specialist

國際電子商務師 certified international e-commerce specialist(ciecs)

市場行銷師 marketing manager

特許市場行銷師 certified marketing manager (cmm)

初級行銷職業證書 introductory certificate in marketing

市場行銷職業證書 certificate in marketing

國際商務談判師 certificated international professional negotiator ( cipn)

投資諮詢師 investment counselor

人力資源管理 human resource management  ( hrm )

中國職業經理人資格認證 certificate of chinese professional manager

中國職業經理人 chinese professional manager  ( cpm )

註冊國際投資分析師 certified international investment analyst( ciia )

註冊金融分析師 chartered financial analyst ( cfa )

註冊金融策劃師 certified financial planner(cfp)

認證金融理財師 associate financial planner (afp)

金融風險管理師 financial risk manager (frm)

證券從業資格證書 certificate of securities

國際貿易單證員證書 certificate of international commercial documents

報關員資格證書 certificate of customs specialist

報檢員資格證書 certificate of inspection

公務員考試 civil servants exam

計算機技術與軟體專業技術(水平)資格考試 computer technology and software expertise (level) qualification examination

網路工程師 network engineer

軟體設計師 software architect

資料庫分析師 database analyst