
網路管理員 webmaster

信息系統項目管理師 information systems project management division

網路規劃設計師 network planning designer

多媒體套用設計師 multimedia designer

電力工程證書 certificate in electrical engineering

國際電子商務師 certified international e-commerce specialist (ciecs)

一、二級建造師 grade1/2 constructor

造價工程師 cost engineer

註冊房地產估價師 certified real estate appraiser

質量工程師 quality assurance engineer

城市規劃師 urban planner

公路造價師 highway cost estimator

工程造價師 budgeting specialist

化學檢驗員 chemistry testing laboratory technician

化學技能證書 chemical skills certificate

藥品檢驗員 drug inspector

四、 校運會

第一名  the first prize

第二名  the second prize

第三名  the third prize

惠州學院健美操比賽  competition of body-building exercises

校運會籃球比賽  basketball matches in sports-meeting of huizhou university

校運會男子100米 men’s 100-metre race in the sports-meeting of huizhou university

校運會女子100米  women’s 100-metre race in the sports-meeting of huizhou university

校運會男子200米 men’s 200-metre race in the sports-meeting of huizhou university

校運會女子200米  women’s 200-metre race in the sports-meeting of huizhou university

校運會男子1500米 men’s 1500-metre race in the sports-meeting of huizhou university

校運會女子800米  women’s 800-metre race in the sports-meeting of huizhou university

校運會男女跳高比賽  men/women’s high jump matches