
初級職務(助理會計)證書 sub-accountant certificate preliminary level

中級職稱  intermediate certificate

管理會計師證書:  certificate in management accounting

註冊會計師證書:  (cpa certificate)certificate of certified public accountant

註冊金融分析師 (cfa)chartered financial analyst

特許公認會計師 (acca)the association of chartered accountants

cad工程師認證證書  cad engineer certification

電工證 electrician certificate

技工證書 technician certificate

教師資格證 teacher certification

心理輔導教師資格證書 psychological counseling teacher certificate

報關員資格證書 clerk for the customs declaration

報關員證書 customs declaration certificate

人力資源從業資格證書 qualification of human resources practitioners

駕駛證 driver’s license

國家司法考試證書 national judicial examination certificate(lawyer's qualification certificate)

律師資格證書 attorney’s certificate

企業法律顧問執業資格證書 enterprise counsel qualification certificate

法律顧問 legal adviser

律師助理證 assistant lawyer certificate

會計從業資格證 certificate of accounting professional

初級會計職稱 junior level accountant

中級會計職稱 medium level accountant

高級職稱 advanced level accountant

註冊會計師 certified public accountant (cpc)

註冊稅務師 certified tax agents(cta )

經濟師 economist

精算師 actuary