
最佳口才獎  best eloquence award

最佳演員獎  best actor award

最佳劇本獎  best script award

優秀會員  excellent member

最佳辯手  best debater

優秀辯手  excellent debater

六、 協會

法律促進協會  law promotion association

模擬法庭競賽 moot court competition

英語口語協會  oral english institute

交流會     exchange meeting —— make our voice heard

書法協會  calligraphy association

“親近中國文化,了解漢字”  get close to the chinese culture, get to learn chinese characters

x-game協會  x-game association

x-game創新表演大賽  x-game innovation contests

心理健康促進協會  association of advancement of mental health

“心靈之交” meeting soul-mates

崢嶸桌球協會  association of zhengrong table tennis

“我最有才”崢嶸桌球比賽  zhengrong cup table tennis contest

足球協會  football association

“新生杯”足球爭霸賽之各系榮耀大戰freshmen cup football match of all departments—glory war

毽球協會  shuttlecock association

毽球新風采”毽球大比拼 new style shuttlecock competition

籃球協會 basketball association

“三人籃球賽” three-player basketball match

旅遊愛好者協會 travel enthusiasts association

創意風箏節 creative kite festival

演講與口才協會 speech and eloquence association

“環境保護,重在行動”演講比賽   take action to protect environment speech contest

奕林棋協 yi-lin chinese chess association

“奕林棋協棋王爭霸賽”yi-lin chinese chess conpetition

企業與市場調研協會  business and marketing research association

職業經理人挑戰賽   professional managers challenge match

飛翔舞協 flying dance association

假面舞會   masque ball

新春柳話劇社 reborn drama association

“我心飛揚”劇本創作大賽及公演 flying heart script-writing contest

攝影協會 photography association

“生活”攝影展  life photo exhibition

七、 其他

學生會  student union