
泳衣大賽  swimming suit design competition

手提包設計大賽  handbag design competition

服裝創意設計大賽   creative garment design competition

生命科學系(department of life science):

實驗技能操作大賽  experiment skill and operation contest


the biochemical experiments contest for college student in guangdong

建築與土木工程系(department of architecture & civil engineering):

建築文化節 architectural culture festival

建築設計競賽 architectural design competition

鋼筆畫比賽 ink drawing contest

節徽設計大賽 festival logo design contest

“五佳”歌手活動 “best five” singer activities

友誼籃球賽 friendship cup basketball match

工程測量比賽 engineering survey competition

班際足球賽 inter-class football match

省大學生科技競賽 science and technology contest for province college students

十佳學生活動組織 top ten student activities organization

十大學生修身楷模 ten model students of self-cultivation

學生科研創新獎 student award for research and innovation

棋王大賽 chess competition

電子社飛思杯電腦建築效果圖設計大賽  e-society feisi cup architectural renderings computer design contest

化學工程系(department of chemical engineering & technology):

“飛狐杯”八系辯論賽  flying fox cup 8 departments invitational debate competition

女子籃球賽  women's basketball  match

廣東省高校化學化工實驗技能大賽 chemistry and chemical experiment skills competition for colleges in guangdong

旅遊管理系(tourism and management department):

導遊技能大賽  tourist skills contest

導遊路線設計大賽  tourist route design competition

黨團知識競賽  knowledge contests about the cpc and the cylc

禮儀風采大賽  manner and etiquette contest

體育系(department of sports):

體育文化節  physical culture festival