
二、 套用文訓練

1、 日記


要求:1.短文應包括漢語和英語提示內容。 2.語句通順,意思連貫。

3.書寫工整,卷面整潔,標點符號正確。 4.字數不少於80個英語單詞。

sunday, may 1st

i got to school very early. our class took a special bus toxisai mount. we got to

the foot of the mount at 8:30.we began climbing the mountsoon. on our way the air was so fresh and the scenery was sobeautiful. everybody was talking and laughing.we reached the top atabout 10:00. the yangtze river appeared in the north, and over

the river there was a great bridge. we felt very relaxed.seeing some birds flying in

the sky, i suddenly remembered a popular poem of tang dynasty." birds are flying

in front of xisai mount ,…". i kept feeling proud of ourcity.

2、 邀請信



dear jane,

i'd like to invite you to join my birthday party. next mondayis my birthday. my parents will hold a party for me at home. itwill begin at half past six. i'm looking forward to seeing yousoon.

sincerely yours,


3、 感謝信

jenny 邀請jane在星期一參加生日晚會。但是jane那天晚上要參加數學考試,沒時間去。請幫jane寫一封信表示感謝,她同時送上一份禮物,以示祝賀。時間是5月20日。


dear jenny,

i'm glad to hear your good news. thank you for inviting me toyour birthday party. but i'm afraid i can't come. because i'll havea math exam on monday evening. here is a gift for you. i hope youwill love it.

happy birthday!

sincerely yours,


4、 書信:



dear david,

i'm glad to hear that you will come to beijing to learnchinese. chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learningit now. it is difficult for you because it is quite different fromenglish. you have to remember as many chinese words as possible. itis also important to do some reading and writing. you can watch tvand listen to the radio to practice your listening. do your best totalk with people in chinese. you can learn chinese not only frombooks but also from people around you. if you have any questions,please ask me. i'm sure you will learn chinese well.

hope to see you soon in beijing.


wang ming

5、 發言稿

假定你班今天下午要開一次以keep our schoolclean為主題的英語班會,請以班長的身份準備一篇70詞左右的發言稿。


good afternoon, everyone!

we're studying in this school. it's our duty to keep it cleanand tidy. it's not polite to spit in public places, such as in thelibrary, in the classroom. we should neither draw pictures on thewalls nor throw any litter onto the ground. i think we must make ita rule to do some cleaning every day. if everyone tries his best todo something useful for our school will be more beautiful.

that's all. thank you!

6、 通知

a. 明天(星期五)全班同學將去參觀科學博物館(the sciencemuseum),由你(班長)通知全體同學。(通知的開頭和結尾已給出)內容如下:

1. 早上8點鐘在校門口集合,步行前往。

2. 下星期一交一份有關參觀的報告。

3. 參觀時要認真聽,仔細看並記下有趣的東西。

4. 不可在博物館內大聲喧譁及拍照。

5. 帶筆和筆記本。

要求:①不要逐句翻譯。 ②字數60~80。

fellow students,

we are going to visit the science museum tomorrow. we willmeet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will gothere on foot. take your pens and notebooks with you. we shouldlisten and watch carefully and write down something interestingwhen you visit the museum. please don't make any noise in themuseum and don't take any pictures. you will have to hand in areport about the visit next monday.

thank you.

b. 請你以校長室的名義擬寫一個書面通知,告訴同學們明天去參加植樹活動。



tomorrow is tree planting day.it is warm .you will have noclasses.we shall plant trees in the park.we will meet at the schoolgate at 8:00 in the morning and go there by bike. we will havelunch

there.please bring some water and food with you.don't belate.

headmaster office


7、 啟事(尋物和招領)



october 17th

on the evening of october 16th, i left my oxford advancedlearner's english-chinese dictionary in the reading-room. it isnew. will the finder please send it to me in class two, seniorgrade one or to our monitor? thank you very much.

gao di

b. 瑪麗撿到戒指一枚,她在宿舍門口貼了一張非常簡單的失物招領。她的電話是235-0285。請寫出這一啟事。

8、 廣告


come to, t-shirts ($5, in all colors), sweaters ($17, orange),shoes ($12, green), cheap

come to peter's clothing store. do you like t-shirts? do youlike them cheap? we have t-shirts in all colors at $5 each. do youneed sweaters and shoes? we have orange sweaters for just $17! andgreen shoes for just $12. and that's not all. can you believe it?come down to peter's and see for yourself!

9、 海報


1. 導演:馮小剛

2. 名星: 劉德華, 劉若英, 葛尤, 李冰冰

3. 地點:學校電影院

4. 時間:XX年11月20日(星期天)下午6:30

5. 組織者:學生會

6. 海報發出時間:XX年11月14日


a world without thieves

chinese film

director: feng xiaogang

stars: liu dehua, liu ruoying, ge you, li bingbing

time: sunday, at 6:30 p.m. november20th

place: at the school cinema

ticket price: $ 6

the students' union

november14th XX

10、 名片


地址:中山路86號 郵編:100037

電話:0595-88488970 手機:13501368855 e-mail:[email protected]

school: _______n0.1 middle school of quanzhou

name: chen xin

profession: music teacher

family address: no.86 zhongshan road, quanzhou

tel: 0595-88488970 13501368855 (mobile)

e-mail: [email protected]

11、 賀卡

教師節到了,全班同學要送一份賀卡和一些鮮花給miss green, 請你替班級填寫這張賀卡。

12、 明信片


thursday, february 4th

dear mom and dad,

we are having fun in beijing. yesterday i visited the greatwall. it is about more than 6500 kilometers long. it is so long andso great. do you know? it is mostly made of big stones. it is madeat the top of the big mountains. here is a picture of it for you.i'm proud of myself because i have become a true man.

i miss you.




mr. and mrs. smith

522 park road

edmonton, alberta

canada t2k 5g6

13、 請假條


(not feel well, a bad cold, stay in bed, can't go to school,two days, get well soon)


dear mr. green,

i'm sorry to tell you that i am not feeling well. because ihave a bad cold. the doctor says i should stay in bed. and i can'tgo to school. i have to have two days' off. i think i will get wellsoon.

li ming

14、 留言條



15、 電子郵件

李明要到加拿大上大學,必須找一間住房。請幫他發一封電子郵件給jenny,叫她幫忙找一間較便宜的房間(大約150美元),因為那裡的房租較貴。李明的信箱是liming @diyifanwen.com,jenny的信箱是[email protected]

from: liming @diyifanwen.com to: [email protected]

subject help rent a room date 30/06 9:04am

dear jenny,

i'm going to study in canada, so i'll have to find a room tolive in. i know housing is very expensive there. please help mefind a room at a lower price (about 150 dollars). please e-mail meif you have any good news. i am looking forward to seeing yousoon.


li ming

