
62.this contract shall remain effective and executable even in the process of arbitration except the part hereof in dispute that is being arbitrated.

第二十三章 文字

chapter twenty-three languages

第六十三條 本契約用中文和_________文寫成,兩種文字具有同等效力。上述兩種文本如有不符,以中文本為準。

63.there are two original contracts made respectively in chinese and_________,both of which

are of the same effect.where any inconsistency occurs in account of the interpretation of these two texts,the chinese text shall be deemed superior.

第二十四章 契約生效及其他

chapter twenty-four validity,miscellaneous

第六十四條 按照本契約規定的各項原則訂立如下的附屬協定檔案,包括:工程協定、技術轉讓協定、銷售協定……均為本契約的組成部分。

64.the supplementary documents made under the principles of this contract,including the project agreement,the technical transfer agreement,the sales agreement…shall be deemed as an

integral part of this contract.

第六十五條 本契約及其附屬檔案,均須經中華人民共和國對外經濟貿易部(或其委託的審批機構)批准,自批准之日起生效。

65.this contract and the supplementary documents hereof are subject to the approval of the foreign trade ministry of the people’s republic of china(or any delegated agency thereof)and will take effect from the date of the approval.

第六十六條 甲、乙雙方傳送通知的方法,如用電報、電傳通知時,凡涉及各方權利、義務的,應隨之以書面信件通知。契約中所列甲、乙雙方的法定地址即為甲、乙雙方收件地址。

66.where any party serves any notice pertaining to the other party’s or both parties’rights or obligations on the other party by telegraph or facsimile,the written original shall be mailed to the other party immediately.the process-service addresses herein of the parties shall be held the postal addresses of the parties.

第六十七條 本契約於_________年_________月_________日由甲、乙雙方的授權代表在中國_________簽字。

67.in witness whereof,the authorized representatives of party a and party b havehereunto set their hands on_________day of_________,20_________.

中國_____________公司代表  _____國_____________公司代表

authorized representative  authorized representative of