
第二十四條 合營公司的產品使用商標為_________。

24.the trade mark used for the products of joint venture is _________.


chapter nine board of directors

第二十五條 合營公司註冊登記之日,為合營公司董事會成立之日。

25.the date of the registry of joint venture is deemed the date of the establishment of the board of directors of joint venture.

第二十六條 董事會由_________名董事組成,其中甲方委派_________名,乙方委派_________名。董事長和副董事長由甲乙兩方協商確立或由董事會選舉產生(甲乙雙方一方擔任董事長的,由他方擔任副董事長)。董事、董事長和副董事長任期四年,經委派方繼續委派可以連任。

26.board of directors is made of _________ directors,of which _________ are appointed by party a and _____ are appointed by party b.chairman of the board is chosen by agreement of the parties or by election of the board of directors(if chairman of the board is chosen from party a while vice chairman shall be chosen from party b).the chairman,vice chairman and directors are appointed for four years and will be eligible for re-appointment where the appointing party chooses.

第二十七條 董事會是合營公司的最高權力機構,決定合營公司的一切重大事宜,對於重大問題(註:按中外合資經營企業實施條例第三十六條列舉主要內容),應一致通過,方可作出決定。對其他事宜,可採取多數通過或簡單多數通過決定(註:在具體契約中要明確規定)。

27.board of directors is the supreme authority of joint venture which is responsible for all important issues.as for such important issues as…,no decision shall be made unless a unanimous agreement is reached while other matters will be resolved through majority vote or simple majority vote.

第二十八條 董事長是合營公司法定代表。董事長因故不能履行其職責時,可臨時授權副董事長或其他董事為代表。

28.chairman of board of directors is the legal representative of joint venture.where he/she can not perform his/her duties for some whatever reason,he/she may,for a short time, authorize vice-chairman or any other director to act on behalf of himself/herself.

第二十九條 董事會會議每年至少召開一次,由董事長召集並主持會議。經三分之一以上的董事提議,董事長可召開董事會臨時會議。會議記錄應歸檔保存。

29.the general meeting of board of directors shall be held at least once per year and shall be called for and presided over by the chairman of the board of directors.an extraordinary general meeting may be held upon the proposal of no less than one third of the directors.minutes of the board meeting shall be placed on file.