
industrial property_________ 

other _________

party b:cash _________


industrial property _________


as to the items mentioned above,except cash and fees of usage of land,the values shall be decided by the parties herein in the following ways:

第十二條 合營公司註冊資本由甲、乙方按其出資比例分_________期繳付,每期繳付的數額如下:(註:根據具體情況寫。)


12.the registered capital shall be contributed by party a and party b respectively according to their own investment shares in_________installments,each installment is _________.

where any party fails to subscribe in time to joint venture the provided quota,the breaching party shall compensate(or pay damages to)the non-breaching party(or joint venture)in the following way:

第十三條 甲、乙任何一方如向第三者轉讓其全部或部分出資額,須經另一方同意,並報審批機構批准。

13.any assignment of any part or all of his shares to a third person by any party shall be approved of by the other party and ratified by the departments concerned in execution of the contract.

第六章 合營各方的責任

chapter six responsibiltty

第十四條 甲、乙方應各自負責完成以下各項事宜:

14.party a and party b shall be respectively responsible for the following matters:



party a:

applying to the competent chinese department(s)for the establishment of joint venture,having joint venture registered and getting the business license;
